Here's how to empathise with your manager to get what you want
Here are some messages Cost to Company has received over the past months.
“I believe working with GenZ is the toughest thing I do at work. They look at their jobs as a means to the next job. This has dramatically reduced their qualitative output, even if their quantitative output is enough. “
“Workplace hierarchy is its absurd with GenZs”.
“There is an increasing gap between values of older generation and new generation of knowledge workers”.
“There is a huge mismatch in expectations that millennials have in the workplace.”
From this vantage point, It sounds like generations are tussling it out on the floors of workplaces, each resentful and angry at the other.
We decided to dig deeper. And we found that the real story hear is not about GenZ’s and millenials, but that many managers, are struggling to manage a generation shaped by a pandemic. Anyone working with the newest, freshest interants to the workforce, is tasked with getting work out of those who were young and most impressionable thought some of the most traumatic moments in our collective history.
In this episode of Cost to Company we talk to managers who are coping with these changes. We find out what would make their lives easier, what they’re looking for in their colleagues. If at the end of this episode, you can empathise better with your manager, and have learned how to work with them to get what you need, then we will consider this episode a success.