Hit 'Em Right in the Wallet- Financial Abuse
Up to 99% of domestic violence victims add financial abuse to the sickening list of verbal, physical, and emotional abuse inflicted upon them by their partner. Control of family finances, refusal to share information on the status of those finances, and even hiding/downplaying money, retirement savings, pensions, and life insurance are all too common.
Financial abuse is not restricted to these relationships, however.
The parent that obtains credit in a child's name.
The child berates and manipulates their parents for money.
The caretaker steals credit cards, personal checks, and even cash from your loved one in their care.
The romance scammer that steals life savings.
The employer that uses your dependency on paychecks to drive fear and toxicity.
Financial abuse is more commonplace than you may be comfortable with- and far more deadly. Manipulation, distrust, and outright robbery can cause deep emotional trauma- without a safety net, victims of financial abuse are at a high risk for mental and physical crises.
4 Warning Signs of Financial Abuse in Relationships- Forbes
Learn More About Financial Abuse- NNEDV
Elder Financial Abuse- Compass
Financial Child Abuse- Dawnson Place Advocacy
Adult Children Financially Abusing Parents- Medium
Talk to Attorney Now- Program to reach attorneys to navigate financial abuse (not an affiliate link! Get access to family attorneys!)
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Escatena- Unleash uncommon results with Escatena! Mention this podcast for a free consultation!
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