Hit Or Miss? The Gun Cranks Share Their Picks For Best & Worst New Products | Episode 230
When Brent's away, the Gun Cranks will play. Join American Handgunner Editor Tom McHale, American COP Editor Erick Gelhaus and "America's Grandpa" Roy Huntington as they share some of their favorite (and not-so-favorite) new products.
• Lipsey's S&W Ultimate Carry J-Frame, https://lipseys.com/crm/ultimatecarry
• Garmin Xero C1 Chronograph, https://www.garmin.com/en-US/p/771164
• Staccato 9mm Range Ammo, https://staccato2011.com/products/staccato-9mm-range-ammo
• Staccato 9mm Match Ammo, https://staccato2011.com/products/staccato-9mm-match-ammo
• Trijicon RCR Reflex Sight, https://www.trijicon.com/products/subcategory/trijicon-rcr-reflex-sight
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