How Ancient Civilizations Raised Children | Dr. Meredith Small
Meredith Small is an award-winning anthropologist, best-selling author and anthropology Professor Emerita of Anthropology at Cornell University. Her current area of interest is in the intersection of biology and culture, and how that has influenced parenting.
Meredith is in the tent today to tell us how people of past civilization approached parenthood and the factors that have influenced the raising of children in both past and present times.
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00:00 Welcome Meredith Small
05:40 No Parenting Manual
13:29 Why Are Baby’s Helpless + Gestation Period
23:23 Prematurities Influence On Parental Interaction
28:25 Co-Sleeping
42:00 Baby Awareness
47:26 Sleep Training + Cry It Out
56:19 Importance of Research
1:02:12 Can Babies See Ghosts
1:04:40 Baby Wearing + Head Shape
1:16:45 When Should Babies Move To Bedroom?
1:22:17 Breast Feeding
1:34:19 Different Types Of Breast Milk
1:42:00 Weaning Children + Benefits Of Nutrients
1:50:53 Declining Birthrate
2:03:13 Should Children Ride Airplanes?
2:05:39 Microplastics Effect On Breastmilk
2:07:48 Resources For Help
2:12:09 Benefits Of Mixed Aged Groups
2:19:25 Do Primates Cry?
2:26:26 How To Prevent Over Dependence
2:33:02 Helicopter + Snowplow Children