DiscoverRed Light ExposéHow Prostitution “Safety Systems” Fail Women
How Prostitution “Safety Systems” Fail Women

How Prostitution “Safety Systems” Fail Women

Update: 2024-07-02


Our hosts Andrea Heinz and Elly Arrow go into the nitty-gritty of established methods to make prostitution safer (panic buttons, cameras, "client lists", appeasement strategies, etc), how they routinely fail and at times even pose their own risks. Part 2 to last week’s episode.


German sex buyers faking their information during Covid-19

CEASE Canada

German sex buyer successfully sues woman for not giving him an orgasm

Safety advice for women in prostitution in Germany, in Italy, in New Zealand

Child sexual exploitation survivor Cyntoia Brown granted clemency after 15 years in prison for killing abuser in self-defense

Women get higher sentences for homicide of their partners despite many cases of self-defense, example of Helen Naslund

Elly Arrow reacting to sauna club brothel “Paradise” TV report

700 shell companies, most of them brothels, laundering money in Canada

Study on femicide in the German prostitution industry

Elly Arrow’s additional analysis of German prostitution femicides

Melissa Farley’s paper “Bad for the Body, Bad for the Heart”

Prostitution homicide rates in the U.S., in the U.K.

Linda MacDonald & Jean Sarson works on Non-State Torture

Elly Arrow’s YouTube video on Legal Torture in Prostitution

German prostitution survivor organization “Netzwerk Ella” founded by scholar, PhD student, writer & survivor activist Huschke Mau

The Equality Model approach to prostitution that we support

Comparing Germany & New Zealand's prostitution policy

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All the information provided through Red Light Exposé is published in good faith and solely for general information and educational purposes. It is not in any way intended to serve as a substitute for professional advice. The views represented in this episode do not necessarily represent the views of other Red Light Exposé hosts or the group as a whole. Red Light Exposé makes no representations or warranties of any kind or in any form, whether express or implied, about the completeness, timeliness, reliability, availability, validity, suitability, and accuracy, or guarantee that there will be no losses, errors, and omissions with respect to the information, or content contained in any episode.









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How Prostitution “Safety Systems” Fail Women

How Prostitution “Safety Systems” Fail Women

Red Light Exposé