How to Dream Up a Solution
This final episode of the first season is dedicated to the most simple and efficient way to work with dreams. It's called "dream incubation," and dates back thousands of years -- having been used in ancient sleep sanctuaries and dream temples.
It's incredible how many ideas and breakthroughs have been inspired by dreams. Hear about some of histories biggies, as well as how dream incubation helped Leah to get a big job promotion.
Thomas Edison said, "Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious."
Listen now to learn how to send a request off to your dreams tonight.
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Leah Bolen helps people improve their sleep and connect with the power of dreams, to enhance their waking lives. Within her private practice and as the Sleep & Dream Specialist for Miraval Resort & Spa, Leah provides workshops, lectures, and private consultations. She's a certified dreamwork practitioner, and an active member of The International Association for the Study of Dreams. Leah's work has been seen in, Women's World Magazine, The Suitest Magazine, and