DiscoverThe Sean Hannity ShowHunter Guilty - June 11th, Hour 1
Hunter Guilty - June 11th, Hour 1

Hunter Guilty - June 11th, Hour 1

Update: 2024-06-122


Hunter Biden was found guilty on all counts in a Delaware court, a verdict that has sparked renewed scrutiny of the FBI's handling of his laptop and the potential for influence peddling by the Biden family. The government introduced the laptop as evidence, authenticating it, despite the FBI's prior knowledge of its authenticity in March 2020. This raises questions about why the FBI did not investigate the laptop's contents earlier and why the Biden administration downplayed its significance. The conviction also highlights the potential for political influence in the justice system, with accusations of a weaponized Department of Justice and a double standard in the treatment of Democrats and Republicans. The case has also brought attention to the role of big tech companies in censoring information related to the laptop, raising concerns about free speech and the potential for election interference. The conviction is seen as a step towards accountability, but many believe that a deeper investigation is needed to uncover the full extent of the Biden family's involvement in foreign business dealings and the potential for corruption.


Hunter Biden Convicted on All Counts

This Chapter discusses the conviction of Hunter Biden on all counts in a Delaware court. The evidence presented was overwhelming and included text messages between Hunter and his alleged drug dealer, as well as text messages with his girlfriend. The jury reached a verdict quickly, highlighting the strength of the prosecution's case. The chapter also contrasts the trial with the cases against Donald Trump in New York, arguing that the left's claims of equal justice under the law are false.

The Laptop from Hell and the FBI's Role

This Chapter delves into the significance of Hunter Biden's laptop and the FBI's knowledge of its authenticity. The government introduced the laptop as evidence, confirming its legitimacy. However, the FBI had already authenticated the laptop in March 2020, raising questions about why they did not investigate its contents earlier. The chapter argues that the FBI's actions, along with the Biden administration's downplaying of the laptop's significance, suggest a potential cover-up and a double standard in the application of justice.

The Biden Administration's Response and the Media's Role

This Chapter examines the Biden administration's response to the conviction and the media's role in covering the story. The chapter highlights the administration's efforts to downplay the significance of the conviction and the media's tendency to ignore or dismiss the allegations against the Biden family. The chapter also discusses the role of big tech companies in censoring information related to the laptop, arguing that they acted in concert with the FBI and the Biden administration to suppress the story.

The January 6th Committee and the Security Failures

This Chapter examines the January 6th committee's report and the security failures that led to the attack on the Capitol. The chapter highlights the committee's failure to investigate the role of Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats in the security failures, as well as their decision to ignore evidence that Donald Trump had authorized the deployment of National Guard troops. The chapter argues that the committee's report was a partisan effort to discredit Trump and that it failed to provide a complete and accurate account of the events of January 6th.

The Implications for the 2020 Election and Beyond

This Chapter discusses the implications of the conviction for the 2020 election and the future of American politics. The chapter argues that the Biden administration's actions, along with the media's and big tech's complicity, represent a serious threat to democracy. The chapter also highlights the need for a deeper investigation into the Biden family's involvement in foreign business dealings and the potential for corruption.


Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden is the son of President Joe Biden. He has been involved in a number of business ventures, some of which have been the subject of controversy. He was recently convicted on all counts in a Delaware court on charges related to tax fraud and gun possession.

Laptop from Hell

The "Laptop from Hell" is a laptop computer that is alleged to have belonged to Hunter Biden. The laptop contains information that is said to be damaging to President Joe Biden, including emails and other communications that suggest he was involved in his son's business dealings. The laptop has been the subject of much controversy, with some claiming that it is fake and others arguing that it is authentic.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the primary federal law enforcement agency in the United States. The FBI is responsible for investigating a wide range of crimes, including terrorism, drug trafficking, and cybercrime. The FBI has been accused of bias in its handling of the Hunter Biden laptop case, with some alleging that it deliberately suppressed information that could have been damaging to President Joe Biden.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden is the 46th and current president of the United States. He has been accused of being involved in his son's business dealings, and some have alleged that he used his position as vice president to benefit his family. The conviction of Hunter Biden has renewed scrutiny of Joe Biden's actions and the potential for corruption within his administration.

Influence Peddling

Influence peddling is the use of one's position or influence to gain an advantage for oneself or others. It is often considered a form of corruption. The conviction of Hunter Biden has raised questions about whether Joe Biden engaged in influence peddling to benefit his family.

Big Tech

Big Tech refers to large technology companies, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google. These companies have been accused of censoring information that is critical of President Joe Biden and his administration. The censorship of information related to Hunter Biden's laptop is seen as an example of Big Tech's bias and its potential to influence elections.

January 6th Committee

The January 6th Committee was a select committee of the United States House of Representatives that was formed to investigate the January 6, 2021 attack on the United States Capitol. The committee's report has been criticized for its partisan bias and its failure to investigate the role of Democrats in the security failures that led to the attack.

Weaponized Department of Justice

The term "weaponized Department of Justice" is used to describe the use of the Department of Justice for political purposes. Some have accused the Department of Justice of being weaponized against President Donald Trump and his allies. The conviction of Hunter Biden has raised questions about whether the Department of Justice is being used to target Republicans and protect Democrats.

Deep State

The "deep state" is a term used to describe a hidden network of government officials and other powerful individuals who are said to be working behind the scenes to control the government. The term is often used by conspiracy theorists to explain events that they believe are being manipulated by a hidden power. The conviction of Hunter Biden has been used by some to support the idea of a deep state that is working to protect the Biden family.

Election Interference

Election interference is any attempt to influence the outcome of an election. It can take many forms, including hacking, disinformation campaigns, and voter suppression. The conviction of Hunter Biden has raised concerns about whether the Biden administration engaged in election interference by suppressing information about his laptop.


  • What were the charges against Hunter Biden and what evidence was presented in court?

    Hunter Biden was charged with tax fraud and gun possession. The evidence presented in court included text messages between Hunter and his alleged drug dealer, as well as text messages with his girlfriend. The government also introduced Hunter's laptop as evidence, authenticating it.

  • What is the significance of Hunter Biden's laptop and why has it been so controversial?

    The laptop is alleged to contain information that is damaging to President Joe Biden, including emails and other communications that suggest he was involved in his son's business dealings. The laptop has been the subject of much controversy, with some claiming that it is fake and others arguing that it is authentic. The FBI authenticated the laptop in March 2020, but did not investigate its contents until after the 2020 election.

  • What is the role of the FBI in the Hunter Biden case and why are some people questioning their actions?

    The FBI authenticated Hunter Biden's laptop in March 2020, but did not investigate its contents until after the 2020 election. This has led some to question whether the FBI was deliberately suppressing information that could have been damaging to President Joe Biden. The FBI's actions, along with the Biden administration's downplaying of the laptop's significance, suggest a potential cover-up and a double standard in the application of justice.

  • What are the implications of the conviction for the 2020 election and the future of American politics?

    The conviction has raised concerns about whether the Biden administration engaged in election interference by suppressing information about Hunter Biden's laptop. The conviction has also highlighted the potential for political influence in the justice system, with accusations of a weaponized Department of Justice and a double standard in the treatment of Democrats and Republicans. The case has also brought attention to the role of big tech companies in censoring information related to the laptop, raising concerns about free speech and the potential for election interference.

  • What are the next steps in this case and what are the potential consequences for the Biden family?

    The conviction of Hunter Biden is seen as a step towards accountability, but many believe that a deeper investigation is needed to uncover the full extent of the Biden family's involvement in foreign business dealings and the potential for corruption. The case could lead to further investigations into Joe Biden's actions and the potential for influence peddling by his administration. The case could also have a significant impact on the 2024 presidential election.

Show Notes

Sean reviews the latest on the Hunter Biden guilty verdict and what it means for the 2024 election! Plus, the Hunter laptop lies certainly impacted the 2020 election.

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Hunter Guilty - June 11th, Hour 1

Hunter Guilty - June 11th, Hour 1

Sean Hannity