I Believe in Santa | Xmas Dhamma Talk | Generosity | Dana | Ajahn Dhammasiha
At Christmas time at Dhammagiri, Ajahn Dhammasiha asserts that he is a stong believer in Santa Claus. Not in the literal sense, but he believes in Santa as a symbol of generosity.
Santa's job is to give gifts to all children in the world, and he's working very hard to get that all done in one day at Christmas. That's certainly a lot of good karma for him due to his generosity.
Not surprising then, that we never see Santa angry or grumpy. Even if his beard is frozen at -20C, or the reindeer are playing up, and his rucksack of gifts is very heavy, he's always got a beautiful smile on his face.
We can all 'believe' in Santa in the sense that we believe in the power of making good karma ('puñña') through giving and kindness, and in the result of good karma: Happiness!
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