DiscoverAsk Doctor DawnInside the Cellular Atlas: From Microbiomes to Holobionts - A Revolutionary View of Life's Complex Interconnections and Disease Patterns
Inside the Cellular Atlas: From Microbiomes to Holobionts - A Revolutionary View of Life's Complex Interconnections and Disease Patterns

Inside the Cellular Atlas: From Microbiomes to Holobionts - A Revolutionary View of Life's Complex Interconnections and Disease Patterns

Update: 2024-11-23


Broadcast from KSQD, Santa Cruz on 11-21-2-24:

  • Dr. Dawn introduces the groundbreaking Cellular Atlas project published in Nature journal, explaining how new technology allows unprecedented analysis of cellular interactions and developmental patterns.

  • She explores the concept of holobionts - viewing symbiotic organisms as composite life forms with their microbiomes as co-equal contributors - challenging traditional views of individual organisms.

  • The show delves into examples of holobiont relationships in nature, from bark beetles carrying fungal spores to the complex bacterial communities in human bodies and plant root systems.

  • Dr. Dawn discusses how the holobiont perspective is revolutionizing our understanding of diseases, from cancer microbiomes to colony collapse disorder in bees.

  • She examines practical applications of holobiont research in agriculture, including drought-resistant crops and methods to reduce methane emissions from cattle.

  • The show explores the gut-brain axis and how microbiome interactions influence various diseases including depression, anxiety, and metabolic disorders.

  • She then discusses research identifying that various cancers co-exist in the body with distinct fungal and bacterial microbiomes of their own

  • Dr. Dawn concludes with a discussion of declining iodine levels in the American population, examining dietary changes and potential health implications.
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Inside the Cellular Atlas: From Microbiomes to Holobionts - A Revolutionary View of Life's Complex Interconnections and Disease Patterns

Inside the Cellular Atlas: From Microbiomes to Holobionts - A Revolutionary View of Life's Complex Interconnections and Disease Patterns

Dr. Dawn Motyka -

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