Insider tips on podcasting and business for health coaches with Hailey Rowe | Ep 45
Most health coaches didn’t enter the field to be marketers, but in a competitive industry, mastering these skills is essential, and today’s guest is a master at helping health coaches excelle in these areas!
Hailey Rowe is the host behind Health Coach Nation, a podcast for health coaches to help them grow and scale their businesses. She’s also a Marketing, Sales Strategist & Linkedin Lead Generation Service Provider and helps health coaches, grow their sales, get more time back, and conquer social media overwhelm.
From this episode, you’ll learn:
[07:50 ] - Why she advocates that a program or framework is vital for health coaches who want to charge more, instead of offering an hourly rate.
[11:50 ] - How she comes up with engaging episode ideas by centering each episode around one of her four pillars of episode topics.
[19:32 ] - Her four steps (connecting, engaging, sharing a pre-offer, and selling) to create a lucrative social media strategy that she uses for her business and with clients.
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