Is Instagram Worth it Anymore?
There is an elephant in the room we need to discuss: Instagram! Is it worth staying on this platform anymore? Can you actually see biz results from it? Or should you give up and head over to TikTok?
I answer all these questions and more in this episode where you'll hear my "hot take" on Instagram right now and how the echo chamber of haters can often drown out the reality. Tune in to learn how CAN still get results from IG (with an audience that's smaller than you think) plus, I give you 6 of my best strategic tips you can implement right away that will help you see that Instagram, can - in fact - still be "worth it" with the right approach.
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Wanna learn 3 types of Instagram posts that will get REAL engagement in 2023?
My new video training is now live! Sign-up for free here:
You'll learn how to QUICKLY create content that *actually* lands with your audience and drives real biz results!
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See full show notes: