Jess' births to Kyson and Arlee
For our 100th episode we chat to my daughter Jess about her two births.
Please note this episode comes with a trigger warning as we discuss baby loss.
In 2021 at her 20 week scan it was discovered their baby boy had a rare condition called HLHS where the left side of the heart didn't form.
We chat about this experience, her positive birth (with induction at 39 weeks) and how the next 17 days of Kyson's life unfolded. While this is a tough topic, we discuss the circle of life and death matter of factly with the belief that it all played out as it was meant to be.
From there we move into Jess' second pregnancy, the fears and concerns and the the arrival of Arlee, a smooth waterbirth.
You'll hear about our different memories of the same events, our different perspectives and my thoughts of how it was to be a birth support person in those two different birth situations.