Jon Skye Tarot - Bonus! the Deck Diaries
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Jon skye tarot
This is the twin to this week's episode where JST and I discuss all things decks:
tarot, oracle, indie, mass market, how we connect, what decks you should use...
There are lots of decks that we reference that you will surely want to get your hands on. Some of the decks and creators mentioned in this episode:
- the Intuitive Oracle
- Tarot of the Mystical Moments by Catrin Welz-Stein
- Tarot of the Sidhe by Emily Carding
- Tarot of Persephone's Garden by Kara Small
- The Mother Mary Oracle by Alana Fairchild
- The Great Goddess Oracle by Lucy Cavendish
- Deviant Moon Tarot Patrick Valenza
- Numerology Oracle by Rosemary Templeton
- Good Fortune Tarot by Barbara Moore
- Herb Crafters Tarot by Letitia Guthrie
- Crystals Oracle by Jade Sky
- Influence of the Angels by Jody Boginski Barbessi
- Tarot of Aphrodite
- Tarot de Marseille Waite
- Radiant Wise tarot
- Inner child tarot
- Medicine cards
- Tarot of Oneness
What decks are you loving?? let me know!
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