Joy (ft. Ken Shigematsu) | Advent E3
How can we live with more joy? Ken Shigematsu explores how the good news of Jesus' birth is cause for celebration and happiness. He challenges us to draw near to the source of joy, God himself, and savor his blessings to allow his joy to saturate our hearts and minds.
Key Scripture Passages: Luke 1v46-49, Luke 2v10-11, Luke 2v19, 1 Corinthians 2v9
This podcast and its episodes are paid for by The Circle, our community of monthly givers. Special thanks for this episode goes to: Tone from Stavanger, Norway; Katie from Lexington, Kentucky; Bobby from Stafford, Virginia; Logan from Raleigh, North Carolina; and Tyler from Smyrna, Tennessee. Thank you all so much!
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