DiscoverThe Megyn Kelly ShowKamala Fundraises During Catastrophic Hurricane, and Caitlin Clark Derangement Syndrome, with Victor Davis Hanson and Crain & Co | Ep. 901
Kamala Fundraises During Catastrophic Hurricane, and Caitlin Clark Derangement Syndrome, with Victor Davis Hanson and Crain & Co | Ep. 901

Kamala Fundraises During Catastrophic Hurricane, and Caitlin Clark Derangement Syndrome, with Victor Davis Hanson and Crain & Co | Ep. 901

Update: 2024-09-306


The podcast episode opens with a discussion of the devastating impact of Hurricane Helene on the East Coast, particularly the Southeast. The hosts criticize the lack of widespread media coverage of the hurricane's devastation, suggesting a political bias in favor of the current administration. They then discuss the responses of President Biden, former President Trump, and Vice President Kamala Harris, highlighting criticisms of Harris's limited public statements, her focus on fundraising, and her lack of empathy for the victims of the disaster. The episode delves into the "Great Replacement Theory," a conspiracy theory that claims that elites are deliberately replacing the native population with immigrants to gain political power. The hosts argue that this theory is used to justify the Biden administration's open border policies and discuss the impact of illegal immigration on American communities. They also criticize the "Martha's Vineyard Attitude," which describes the hypocrisy of political elites who claim to care about immigrants but are unwilling to accept them into their own communities. The episode then shifts to a discussion of Kamala Harris's lack of substance and her reliance on empty rhetoric. The hosts criticize her incoherence, her intellectual laziness, and her avoidance of scrutiny. They also discuss the media's complicity in enabling her and their willingness to cover up her weaknesses. The episode concludes with a discussion of Doug Emhoff, Kamala Harris's husband, and the media's attempt to redefine masculinity. The hosts criticize Emhoff's past infidelity and his silence on the issue of abortion, suggesting that he is not a suitable role model for the country. They also argue that the media's redefinition of masculinity undermines traditional values and promotes a more effeminate or submissive ideal.


Hurricane Helene Devastation and Media Silence

The show opens with Megan Kelly discussing the devastating impact of Hurricane Helene on the East Coast, particularly the Southeast. She highlights the widespread damage, loss of life, and ongoing recovery efforts. Kelly questions the lack of widespread media coverage of the hurricane's devastation, contrasting it with the coverage of other events. She discusses the potential political implications of the disaster, especially with the upcoming presidential election.

Presidential Responses to the Disaster

President Biden's response to the hurricane is discussed, including his activation of FEMA and the National Guard, as well as his planned visit to the affected areas. Kelly criticizes Biden's initial response, suggesting he was slow to act. Former President Trump's visit to Georgia to assess the damage is mentioned, along with his criticism of Biden's response. Vice President Kamala Harris's response is also discussed, highlighting her limited public statements and focus on fundraising.

The Severity of the Disaster and Media Silence

The show delves into the extent of the damage caused by Hurricane Helene, including the destruction of homes, roads, and infrastructure. Kelly and Victor Davis Hansen discuss the media's apparent lack of interest in covering the disaster, comparing it to the coverage of Katrina. Hansen argues that the media's silence on the hurricane is politically motivated, suggesting a bias towards the current administration. He draws parallels to the media's coverage of the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment and the Katrina disaster.

Harris's Hesitation and the Importance of Presidential Presence

Hansen speculates on Harris's reluctance to visit the disaster zone, suggesting a fear of negative media attention. He emphasizes the importance of presidential presence during such crises, as it demonstrates empathy and competence. Kelly criticizes Harris's attendance at a fundraiser in Los Angeles while the hurricane devastation was ongoing. She argues that Harris's actions demonstrate a lack of empathy and disconnect from the public.

The Federal Response and the Need for Immediate Action

Kelly and Hansen discuss the importance of a swift and comprehensive federal response to the disaster. They argue that the media's focus on ratings will force them to cover the suffering, but that a delayed response will appear artificial and counterproductive. Kelly and Hansen discuss the political implications of the federal response to the hurricane, particularly with the upcoming election. They argue that a lack of immediate and decisive action could damage the administration's image.

Trump's Criticism of Biden and Harris

Trump's criticism of Biden and Harris's responses to the hurricane is discussed. He accuses Biden of being \"sleeping on the beach\" and Harris of prioritizing fundraising over the disaster. Kelly emphasizes the importance of FEMA's role in disaster relief and the need for a unified response from all levels of government. She criticizes Harris's actions, suggesting that her focus on fundraising while people are suffering is insensitive.

Harris's Incompetence and Lack of Experience

Hansen argues that Harris's lack of experience and understanding of real-world issues makes her unfit for the presidency. He suggests that she is unable to empathize with the suffering of ordinary people and lacks the ability to make sound decisions in a crisis. Hansen suggests that Harris's absence from the disaster zone is a calculated political move, driven by a fear of negative media attention. He argues that her appearance would be counterproductive, as it would appear forced and insincere.

The Need for Presidential Oversight and Accountability

Hansen emphasizes the need for presidential oversight and accountability in disaster relief efforts. He argues that the absence of presidential presence creates a sense of laxity and undermines the effectiveness of the recovery process. Kelly highlights Harris's hypocrisy on immigration and border security, pointing to her previous statements against the border wall and her accusations of border patrol agents. She argues that Harris's actions are inconsistent with her rhetoric and that she cannot be trusted to enforce the border.

The Political Strategy Behind Open Borders

Hansen discusses the political strategy behind the Biden administration's open border policies, suggesting that it is a deliberate attempt to create a permanent Democratic majority by increasing the number of potential voters. He argues that the administration is willing to sacrifice the well-being of American citizens for political gain. Hansen discusses the impact of open borders on American communities, particularly in California. He describes the influx of immigrants, the strain on resources, and the lack of attention from the media and political elites.

The Democratic Party's Lack of Confidence in Its Agenda

Hansen argues that the Democratic Party's lack of confidence in its own agenda is evident in their avoidance of discussing their policies and their reliance on identity politics. He suggests that they are afraid of public scrutiny and are willing to resort to deception to win elections. Hansen discusses the \"Great Replacement Theory\" and its origins in Democratic Party strategy. He argues that the theory is not a fringe idea, but a core belief of the Democratic Party, which seeks to replace the existing population with a more politically compliant one.

The Criminal Background of Illegal Immigrants

Hansen discusses the alarming number of illegal immigrants with criminal backgrounds in the United States, citing data from ICE. He criticizes the Biden administration's failure to address this issue and the role of sanctuary cities in releasing criminals back into the community. Hansen describes the impact of illegal immigration on local communities in California, particularly in rural areas. He highlights the increase in traffic accidents, the strain on healthcare resources, and the lack of attention from the political elites.

The Disconnect Between Elites and Ordinary Americans

Hansen discusses the disconnect between the political elites and ordinary Americans, particularly on the issue of immigration. He argues that the elites are insulated from the consequences of their policies and are unwilling to acknowledge the problems they create. Hansen describes the \"Martha's Vineyard attitude\" of the political elites, who claim to care about immigrants but are unwilling to accept them into their own communities. He argues that this hypocrisy is a major source of anger and resentment among ordinary Americans.

General McChrystal's Endorsement of Harris and the Importance of Policy

Kelly discusses General McChrystal's endorsement of Kamala Harris and his claim that policy is irrelevant in presidential elections. She challenges this view, arguing that policy matters deeply to voters and that McChrystal's endorsement is likely motivated by self-interest. Hansen argues that McChrystal's endorsement of Harris is likely influenced by financial considerations. He suggests that retired military officers are often rewarded with lucrative positions in the corporate world if they support the progressive agenda.

The Politicization of the Military and the Suppression of Dissent

Hansen discusses the politicization of the military and the suppression of dissent within its ranks. He cites examples of retired generals who have publicly criticized President Trump, suggesting that they are motivated by political bias and a desire to protect their own careers. Hansen criticizes McChrystal's hypocrisy, pointing to his sudden change of heart regarding Robert E. Lee and his willingness to conform to the progressive agenda. He argues that this trend is eroding the values and integrity of the military.

The Woke Agenda and the Decline of the Military

Hansen discusses the impact of the \"woke\" agenda on the military, suggesting that it is undermining morale, readiness, and effectiveness. He argues that the military should focus on its core mission of national defense rather than promoting social justice causes. Hansen accuses McChrystal of \"gaslighting\" the public by claiming that policy is irrelevant and that character is the only factor that matters in presidential elections. He argues that McChrystal is deliberately avoiding discussing the disastrous consequences of the Biden administration's policies.

Harris's Disingenuousness and the Importance of Policy

Hansen criticizes Harris's disingenuousness regarding her background and her policies. He argues that she is deliberately misleading the public about her true beliefs and that her policies are harmful to the country. Hansen discusses the influence of money in politics and the suppression of conservative voices. He argues that the corporate world is dominated by progressives who are unwilling to support conservatives, particularly those who challenge their agenda.

The Media's Role in Suppressing Conservative Voices

Hansen discusses the media's role in suppressing conservative voices and promoting the progressive agenda. He argues that the media is heavily influenced by money and that it is willing to distort the truth to advance its own interests. Kelly criticizes McChrystal's partisan hackery and his claim that policy is irrelevant. She argues that McChrystal is deliberately ignoring the harmful consequences of the Biden administration's policies and that he is motivated by self-interest.

Kamala Harris's Word Salad and Incoherence

Kelly discusses Kamala Harris's tendency to use \"word salad\" and her inability to articulate coherent thoughts. She argues that Harris's lack of substance is a major concern for voters. Kelly analyzes Harris's recent interviews, highlighting her use of empty rhetoric and her inability to provide concrete answers to questions about her policies. She argues that Harris is more concerned with sounding good than with actually addressing the issues.

Harris's Intellectual Laziness and Lack of Preparation

Hansen discusses Harris's intellectual laziness and her lack of preparation for interviews and public appearances. He argues that she is unwilling to put in the effort to understand the issues and that she relies on empty rhetoric to get by. Hansen discusses Harris's avoidance of scrutiny and the media's complicity in enabling her. He argues that the media is unwilling to hold Harris accountable for her lack of substance and that they are more interested in promoting her than in holding her to a high standard.

Harris's Incoherence and Lack of Thoughtfulness

Kelly provides an example of Harris's incoherence and lack of thoughtfulness, citing her response to a question about red tape in housing development. She argues that Harris is unable to articulate her own policies and that she relies on vague and meaningless phrases. Kelly and Hansen discuss Harris's lack of intelligence and her unwillingness to prepare for public appearances. They contrast her with previous presidents, who were known for their meticulous preparation and understanding of policy.

Harris's Lack of Substance and Her Reliance on Identity Politics

Hansen argues that Harris's lack of substance is a major problem for her campaign. He suggests that she relies on identity politics and empty rhetoric to appeal to voters, rather than on a strong record of accomplishment or a clear vision for the future. Hansen discusses Harris's incompetence and the media's efforts to cover it up. He argues that the media is unwilling to expose Harris's weaknesses and that they are more interested in promoting her than in holding her accountable.

Harris's Fake Profundity and Her Reliance on Identity Politics

Kelly criticizes Harris's use of fake profundity and her reliance on identity politics. She argues that Harris's rhetoric is empty and that she is more concerned with appearing progressive than with actually addressing the issues. Hansen discusses Harris's ability to maintain her act of appearing competent and progressive, despite her lack of substance. He argues that the media's lack of scrutiny is enabling her to get away with it.

Harris's Lack of Substance and the Importance of Policy

Hansen describes Harris as an \"empty zombie\" who lacks substance and is more concerned with appearances than with actual policy. He argues that the public is being misled by her empty rhetoric and that they need to demand more from their leaders. Hansen argues that Harris's claims about her policies and her experience are fraudulent. He urges the public to be skeptical of her rhetoric and to demand evidence of her competence.

The Media's Promotion of Doug Emhoff and the Importance of Scrutiny

Hansen discusses the media's promotion of Doug Emhoff, Kamala Harris's husband, and their willingness to ignore his past scandals. He argues that the media is complicit in covering up the truth about the Biden-Harris administration. Kelly discusses the media's attempt to redefine masculinity and their promotion of Doug Emhoff as a model of modern manhood. She argues that this redefinition is harmful to traditional values and that it undermines the importance of strength, courage, and responsibility.

Emhoff's Hypocrisy and the Importance of Character

Hansen criticizes Emhoff's hypocrisy, pointing to his past infidelity and his silence on the issue of abortion. He argues that Emhoff's actions are inconsistent with his public persona and that he is not a suitable role model for the country. Kelly and Hansen discuss the media's condescending view of masculinity and their promotion of a new definition of manhood that is based on weakness and submission. They argue that this redefinition is harmful to traditional values and that it undermines the importance of strength, courage, and responsibility.

The Media's Shame of Traditional Masculinity and the Importance of Strength

Hansen discusses the media's shame of traditional masculinity and their promotion of a new definition of manhood that is based on weakness and submission. He argues that this redefinition is harmful to traditional values and that it undermines the importance of strength, courage, and responsibility. Hansen discusses the disconnect between the political elites and working-class Americans, particularly on the issue of masculinity. He argues that the elites are out of touch with the values and experiences of ordinary Americans and that they are imposing their own views on the country.

The Vice Presidential Debate and the Importance of Scrutiny

Kelly discusses the upcoming vice presidential debate and the importance of holding the candidates accountable for their policies and their actions. She argues that the media should not be afraid to ask tough questions and to challenge the candidates' claims. Kelly discusses Tim Kaine's nervousness ahead of the vice presidential debate and the importance of preparation for such events. She argues that Kaine's anxiety is a sign of his lack of confidence in his own abilities and that he is not ready to take on the role of vice president.

The Media's Attempt to Lower Expectations for Kaine

Hansen discusses the media's attempt to lower expectations for Tim Kaine ahead of the vice presidential debate. He argues that the media is trying to set the stage for Kaine to appear competent even if he performs poorly. Kelly discusses the importance of presidential debates and the need for the media to hold the candidates accountable for their policies and their actions. She argues that the media should not be afraid to ask tough questions and to challenge the candidates' claims.

The Vice Presidential Debate and the Importance of Character

Kelly discusses the upcoming vice presidential debate and the importance of character in evaluating the candidates. She argues that voters should pay attention to the candidates' demeanor, their responses to questions, and their overall approach to the debate. Hansen discusses the media's bias in favor of the Democratic Party and the importance of fairness in covering the vice presidential debate. He argues that the media should strive to present a balanced and objective account of the event.

The Media's Use of \"Gotchas\" and the Importance of Substance

Kelly discusses the media's use of \"gotchas\" in presidential debates and the importance of focusing on substance over style. She argues that the media should not be afraid to ask tough questions but that they should also be fair and objective in their reporting. Hansen discusses the media's attempt to control the narrative ahead of the vice presidential debate by planting stories and shaping public opinion. He argues that the media is more interested in promoting its own agenda than in providing accurate and unbiased information.

Tim Kaine's Avoidance of Scrutiny and the Importance of Transparency

Hansen discusses Tim Kaine's avoidance of scrutiny and the importance of transparency in political campaigns. He argues that Kaine's reluctance to engage with the media is a sign of his lack of confidence in his own message and that he is afraid of being held accountable for his actions. The discussion focuses on the upcoming vice presidential debate and how JD Vance's participation could significantly impact the event. Vance's skills as a lawyer, military experience, and natural eloquence are highlighted, suggesting he could be a formidable debater.

\"Saturday Night Live\" Cold Open and Political Satire

The conversation shifts to a review of the \"Saturday Night Live\" cold open, which featured impressions of Kamala Harris, Trump, and Joe Biden. The segment discusses the effectiveness of the impressions and the overall humor of the sketch. The discussion returns to JD Vance and his role in the Trump campaign. The segment explores the criticism Vance has faced and the perception of him as a \"wife guy.\" The conversation also touches on the seriousness of the current political climate.

The WNBA Controversy: Caitlin Clark and Dejane Carrington

The focus shifts to the WNBA, specifically the controversy surrounding Caitlin Clark and Dejane Carrington. The segment discusses an alleged intentional eye scratch by Carrington during a game and the subsequent denial and backlash against a reporter who questioned the incident. The discussion delves into the analysis of the WNBA controversy, with the panelists expressing their opinions on the incident and the league's response. They highlight the intentional nature of the alleged eye scratch and criticize the WNBA's attempt to silence the reporter.

The WNBA's Alleged Political Agenda

The conversation explores the potential political agenda of the WNBA, suggesting that the league may be prioritizing political ideology over athletic merit. The panelists discuss the league's treatment of Caitlin Clark and the potential consequences of their actions. The discussion focuses on the WNBA's double standard in its treatment of Caitlin Clark. The segment highlights the league's hypocrisy in promoting diversity while simultaneously marginalizing a white, successful player.

The Importance of Merit in Sports

The conversation concludes with a discussion on the importance of merit in sports. The panelists argue that athletes should be judged based on their performance and contributions to the game, not on their race, sexual orientation, or political beliefs.


Hurricane Helene

A powerful hurricane that struck the East Coast of the United States in late September 2023, causing widespread devastation and loss of life.


The economic policies of the Biden administration, characterized by increased government spending, regulation, and taxation.

Great Replacement Theory

A conspiracy theory that claims that elites are deliberately replacing the native population with immigrants to gain political power.

Sanctuary Cities

Cities or jurisdictions that have policies in place to limit cooperation with federal immigration enforcement, often refusing to detain or deport undocumented immigrants.

Martha's Vineyard Attitude

A term used to describe the hypocrisy of political elites who claim to care about immigrants but are unwilling to accept them into their own communities.

Word Salad

A term used to describe incoherent or nonsensical speech, often characterized by the use of vague and meaningless phrases.

Fake Profundity

The act of pretending to be deep or insightful, often by using vague and meaningless language.


A form of psychological manipulation in which a person seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a victim's mind, making them question their own sanity.

Redefinition of Masculinity

The attempt to redefine traditional notions of masculinity, often by promoting a more effeminate or submissive ideal.


  • What is the main focus of the podcast episode?

    The podcast episode focuses on the devastating impact of Hurricane Helene on the East Coast, the political implications of the disaster, and the responses of President Biden, former President Trump, and Vice President Kamala Harris.

  • How does the podcast episode criticize the media's coverage of the hurricane?

    The podcast episode criticizes the media's lack of widespread coverage of the hurricane's devastation, suggesting a political bias in favor of the current administration.

  • What are the main criticisms of Kamala Harris's response to the hurricane?

    The podcast episode criticizes Harris's limited public statements, her focus on fundraising, and her lack of empathy for the victims of the disaster.

  • What is the \"Great Replacement Theory\" and how does it relate to the podcast episode?

    The \"Great Replacement Theory\" is a conspiracy theory that claims that elites are deliberately replacing the native population with immigrants to gain political power. The podcast episode discusses how this theory is used to justify the Biden administration's open border policies.

  • What is the \"Martha's Vineyard Attitude\" and how does it relate to the podcast episode?

    The \"Martha's Vineyard Attitude\" describes the hypocrisy of political elites who claim to care about immigrants but are unwilling to accept them into their own communities. The podcast episode discusses how this attitude contributes to the anger and resentment felt by many Americans.

  • What are the main criticisms of Doug Emhoff, Kamala Harris's husband?

    The podcast episode criticizes Emhoff's past infidelity and his silence on the issue of abortion, suggesting that he is not a suitable role model for the country.

  • How does the podcast episode discuss the redefinition of masculinity?

    The podcast episode criticizes the media's attempt to redefine masculinity, arguing that it undermines traditional values and promotes a more effeminate or submissive ideal.

  • What is the main point of the podcast episode regarding the upcoming vice presidential debate?

    The podcast episode emphasizes the importance of holding the candidates accountable for their policies and their actions, and it criticizes the media's bias in favor of the Democratic Party.

  • What are the key factors that could make JD Vance a significant presence in the upcoming vice presidential debate?

    JD Vance's legal background, military experience, and natural eloquence are seen as assets that could make him a formidable debater. His ability to articulate his views effectively could significantly impact the debate's outcome.

Show Notes

Megyn Kelly begins the show by discussing the catastrophic devastation of Hurricane Helene all throughout the Southeast United States, the horrific damage and flooding in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and more, the muted response from the Biden-Harris administration, Kamala Harris attending a fancy fundraiser in LA Sunday night instead of getting to work, and more. Then Victor Davis Hanson, author of "The Case For Trump," joins to talk about the potential political fallout over the lack of federal response to the hurricane, Kamala Harris's recent photo op at the Southern border, her hypocrisy about the border wall, the truth about the criminals who have entered the country through illegal immigration, the bizarre rhetoric and communication style of Kamala Harris, if Harris is intellectually lazy for not preparing for this moment, her strange way of constantly saying "right?" while talking, MSNBC's Jen Psaki saying Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff is "reshaping masculinity" during her interview with him, Emhoff's history with his first wife, and more. Then the hosts of The Daily Wire's Crain & Company join to discuss the controversy surrounding WNBA players injuring rising star Caitlin Clark, the backlash faced by a woke reporter who dared to ask a question to a player about her hard foul on Clark, the attempt to make race and sexuality a part of the story, and more.


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Kamala Fundraises During Catastrophic Hurricane, and Caitlin Clark Derangement Syndrome, with Victor Davis Hanson and Crain & Co | Ep. 901

Kamala Fundraises During Catastrophic Hurricane, and Caitlin Clark Derangement Syndrome, with Victor Davis Hanson and Crain & Co | Ep. 901
