Karen Ranzi - Women's Wisdom and Super Healthy Children
(Starts at 3:19 minutes)
Our guest Karen Ranzi is mother to two children raised raw vegan, Award-Winning Author, Internationally Acclaimed Speaker and Vegan and Raw Food Coach. Karen Ranzi is the author of Creating Healthy Children: Through Attachment Parenting and Raw Foods in 2010 and Raw Vegan Recipe Fun for Families: 115 Easy Recipes and Health Tips for Energetic Living in 2014 and Heal and Prevent Autism: Natural Solutions That Work in 2021.
Besides being a health and nutrition coach, Karen also is a coach for families with children on the autism spectrum. Her third book, Heal and Prevent Autism: Natural Solutions That Work, focuses on health and nutrition for autism. In this episode we talk about this, and what drove her from the mainstream SAD diet to choosing a lifestyle that not only changed her health but also that of her children and many others she continues to inspire.
Karen's YouTube Channel Feel Fabulous With Food
As promised: Dr. Karen Reid's TEDX Talk: Unblind My Mind: What are we eating?
Music credit: Rising Appalachia - Medicine