DiscoverComedy Bang Bang: The PodcastKumail Nanjiani, Taran Killam
Kumail Nanjiani, Taran Killam

Kumail Nanjiani, Taran Killam

Update: 2024-09-09


This episode of the podcast features a captivating conversation with a doll maker who is also a Satan worshiper. The doll maker, known as "Long Legs," shares his obsession with birthdays, particularly April 14th, and claims to be a birthday-based serial killer. He also reveals his inspiration for his stand-up comedy, which stems from the dark humor of the podcast itself. Long Legs discusses his admiration for Camels, a comedian known for his viral Twitter videos, and recounts his encounter with him at the premiere of "Brother Nature." He also proposes a theory about a fictional character named "Spoiled Sport," a serial killer who targets sporting people and leaves them to spoil. The conversation delves into Long Legs' unique Christmas traditions, his love for German Christmas markets, and his fascination with science and crop circles. He also shares his opinion on the Drake and Kendrick Lamar feud, his frustration with the portrayal of his likeness in a movie, and his passion for video games, particularly "Topspin 2K 25." The episode concludes with a lively round of "Would You Rather?" where the hosts are presented with humorous scenarios and forced to make difficult choices.


Introduction and Catchphrase

The episode begins with a brief musical intro and a discussion about the show's catchphrase. The hosts are looking for new submissions and acknowledge a previous submission from Chicken Wings Supreme.

Welcome Johnny and the Doll Maker

The hosts welcome comedian Johnny back to the show and introduce the doll maker, who is also a Satan worshiper. The doll maker is nervous and excited to be on the show.

Johnny's Love for Scott's Studio and the Doll Maker's Birthday Obsession

Johnny expresses his fondness for Scott's podcast studio, claiming to feel most like himself there. The hosts discuss the studio's amenities, including a TV, and Johnny's preference for curved TVs. The doll maker reveals his obsession with birthdays, particularly April 14th. He claims to be a birthday-based serial killer, much to the amusement of the hosts.

The Doll Maker's Inspiration and Brother Nature

The doll maker admits to being a fan of the podcast and listening to it while doing his \"garbage.\" The hosts question his inspiration and the doll maker clarifies that he finds the podcast's humor to be a reflection of the \"beautiful punishment\" he plans to inflict on deserving souls. The doll maker expresses his admiration for Camels, a comedian known for his viral Twitter videos. The hosts discuss the movie \"Brother Nature\" starring Taren Killam and Bobby Moynihan, and the doll maker's desire to watch it.

The Doll Maker's Encounter with Camels and Spoiled Sport Theory

The doll maker recounts his encounter with Camels at the premiere of \"Brother Nature,\" where he shook his hand and expressed his admiration. The hosts discuss the possibility of Camels being a \"banned person\" and the doll maker's connection to the \"dark one.\" The doll maker proposes a theory about a fictional character named \"Spoiled Sport,\" a serial killer who targets sporting people and leaves them to spoil. The hosts find the idea amusing and discuss the potential for it to be used in a writer's room.

Duncan Crab Tree's Earnings, the Strike, and Long Legs' Movie

The hosts discuss the recent news of Duncan Crab Tree's earnings and the impact of the strike on the film industry. The doll maker claims to have been involved in mischief and anticipation of the \"big day.\" The doll maker reveals that the movie \"Long Legs\" is based on his life and that Nick Cage lived with him for a year and a half to study him. The hosts discuss the movie's portrayal of the doll maker and his resemblance to Michael Jackson.

The Doll Maker's Donut Shop Experience and Comfort in His Skin

The hosts discuss the doll maker's donut shop experience, which is similar to that of JD Vance in his book \"Hillbilly Elegy.\" The doll maker insists that he has no trouble ordering donuts and knows exactly what he wants. The hosts discuss the doll maker's comfort in his own skin compared to Nick Cage's discomfort. The doll maker explains the origin of his name \"Long Legs\" and its connection to the cinematography framing in his movie.

The Doll Maker's Villainous Ideas and Tour

The doll maker reveals his plans to use the phrase \"Spoiled Sport\" in his Spider-Man work and discusses his ideas for villains. The hosts question the doll maker's villainous inspiration and discuss the potential for \"Spoiled Sport\" to be a Marvel character. The doll maker discusses his upcoming \"Doing This Again\" tour, which includes 12-13 cities this year and another 12-13 next year. He reveals that he hasn't toured in 10 years and is excited to play Minneapolis for the first time.

The Doll Maker's Stand-Up Material and M. Night Shyamalan Obsession

The hosts ask the doll maker about his stand-up material and he reveals that it's mostly random and strike-based humor. He discusses his use of synonyms for \"strike\" and his exploration of the topic from every angle. The doll maker's mind wanders to the topic of signs and aliens, which leads to a discussion about M. Night Shyamalan's movies. The hosts discuss the weakness of the aliens in \"Signs\" and the water-based weakness of the protagonist in \"Unbreakable.\"

The Doll Maker's Union Membership, Guitar Center Encounter, and Tour Plans

The doll maker reveals his membership in the Dollmakers Union, Local 175. The hosts discuss the doll maker's interactions with other dollmakers, including the Cabbage Patch maker, and the limited topics of conversation they share. The doll maker recounts a story about witnessing a husky attack a Chihuahua at a Guitar Center. The hosts discuss the doll maker's fascination with the incident and his lack of concern for the dog's well-being. The hosts discuss the doll maker's tour and his plans for the future. The doll maker reveals that he doesn't plan to film or release a special from the tour and wants everyone to forget about it.

Commercial Break, Only Murders in the Building, and Collaboration Ideas

The hosts announce a commercial break and invite the doll maker to stick around for a discussion about \"Only Murders in the Building.\" The hosts discuss the doll maker's tour dates and the possibility of collaborating on a show together. They brainstorm ideas for a joint performance, including a split-audience format where they each perform half the show.

Long Legs and the Eyes of March

The conversation delves into the origins of Long Legs' nickname, referencing a character from \"Bob's Burgers\" and Shakespeare's \"Julius Caesar.\" Long Legs reveals their passion for Shakespeare and their unique way of celebrating Christmas.

Long Legs' Love for Satan, German Christmas Markets, and Break Rooms

Long Legs clarifies their love for Satan and their preference for German Christmas markets over traditional Christmas celebrations. They express their desire for \"break rooms\" where people can break things, particularly baby Jesus in a manger.

Science, Crop Circles, and Unbreakable

The conversation shifts to science, crop circles, and the movie \"Unbreakable.\" Long Legs' fascination with science and their unique perspective on various topics are highlighted.

The Village and Old-Timey Talk

The discussion focuses on the movie \"The Village\" and the characters' use of old-timey language. Long Legs finds the inconsistency in their speech revealing and criticizes the film's corny dialogue.

Cobra Kai and the Sixth Sense

Long Legs proposes a \"Cobra Kai\" spin-off featuring Haley Joel Osment as the grown-up Sixth Sense guy, still seeing dead people. They believe this concept is highly sellable and humorous.

Sticks, Signs, and Ted Lasso

The conversation circles back to the meaning of \"sticks\" and the TV series \"Signs.\" Long Legs reveals their fondness for Ted Lasso and their aversion to signs.

Drake, Kendrick Lamar, and the Doll Feud

Long Legs shares their opinion on the Drake and Kendrick Lamar feud, expressing a soft spot for Drake and their appreciation for good dance music. They propose making a Drake doll and tucking rap lyrics inside for a potential future beef.

Long Legs' Cybertruck and Movie Disappointments

Long Legs expresses their frustration with the portrayal of their likeness in a movie, particularly the use of a beat-up station wagon instead of their cybertruck. They discuss the cybertruck's features and its potential as the only car Long Legs could fit in.

Long Legs' Tour and Stand-Up Routine

Long Legs discusses their upcoming tour, \"Doing This Again,\" and their preference for weekend shows. They express their desire for a 4 p.m. show on Saturdays, allowing them to have a nice dinner after.

Long Legs' Doll-Making Routine and Video Games

Long Legs reveals their doll-making routine, which involves rummaging through neighbors' leftovers and cooking a delicious stew. They share their passion for video games, particularly \"Topspin 2K 25.\"

Long Legs' Busy Schedule and the Cybertruck Drive

Long Legs acknowledges their busy schedule, juggling doll-making, farmers markets, and stand-up comedy. They discuss the possibility of driving their cybertruck to Phoenix for their tour, despite its potential for breaking down.

Long Legs' Impressions and Muppets Unplugged

Long Legs' talent for impressions is highlighted, with a reference to Kermit and Piggy from \"Muppets Unplugged.\" They explain their ability to do impressions comes from their free time spent carving dolls and playing video games.

Long Legs' Doll-Making Process and Topspin

Long Legs defends their doll-making process, explaining that it takes time due to the intricate details and the need to protect their hands. They discuss the game \"Topspin\" and its connection to tennis.

Long Legs' Cybertruck Skin and Breakdowns

Long Legs describes their cybertruck's skin, which features wooden dolls they carved themselves. They reveal the truck's frequent breakdowns, occurring every four to five days.

Long Legs' Self-Parking Cybertruck and Family Time

Long Legs discusses their cybertruck's self-parking feature and their preference for spending time with family over their hobbies. They reveal their current residence in LA and their previous move to Oregon for a development project.

Skypey, Zoom, and the Beverly Hills Cop Movie

Long Legs reminisces about the pre-pandemic era when Zoom wasn't popular and Skypey was the dominant video conferencing platform. They discuss the new \"Beverly Hills Cop\" movie and their disappointment with the lack of Eddie Murphy's signature \"lap\" scene.

Long Legs' Memory and Movie Impressions

Long Legs admits to having a poor memory, unable to recall details from movies they've seen recently. They discuss their talent for impressions, particularly their portrayal of Gambit from the X-Men comics as the Firefly from \"Princess and the Frog.\"

Long Legs' X-Men Impressions and True Facts

Long Legs reveals their fondness for the \"X-Men\" animated series and their ability to do impressions of various characters. They discuss the importance of \"true facts\" and their tendency to use the phrase in a humorous way.

Would You Rather?

The podcast introduces its popular segment, \"Would You Rather?\" where listeners submit scenarios for the hosts to choose between. The rules of the game are explained, including the open floor for questions and the voting process.

Would You Rather: Blue Man Group or Corona Notifications?

The first \"Would You Rather?\" scenario is presented: \"Would you rather be the least appreciated member of the Blue Man group or get a notification every time a corona gets its lime?\" The hosts discuss the scenario and open the floor for questions.

Voting for Corona Notifications

The floor for questions is closed, and the hosts vote on the \"Would You Rather?\" scenario. Kumail chooses to receive notifications every time a corona gets its lime, while Long Legs agrees with his reasoning.

Would You Rather: Beard Fingers or Face on Thigh?

The bonus round of \"Would You Rather?\" is introduced, with a scenario submitted by \"Leg Beard.\" The hosts discuss the scenario, which involves choosing between having fingers that grow along your jaw like a beard or a small face on your thigh.

Voting for Beard Fingers

The floor for questions is closed, and the hosts vote on the bonus \"Would You Rather?\" scenario. Kumail chooses to have beard fingers, while Long Legs agrees with his reasoning and highlights the potential for meeting ZZ Top.

The Long Leg Challenge

The episode begins with a playful competition between two contestants, \"Long Legs\" and \"Beard.\" They are judged on various physical attributes, with points awarded for features like long legs, a small face, and a beard. The winner is determined by the highest point total.

Show Wrap-Up and Plugs

The hosts announce the end of the show and transition into plugging their upcoming projects and tours. They mention their \"Doing This Again\" tour, their respective OnlyFans accounts, and the new season of \"Only Murders in the Building.\"

\"Only Murders in the Building\" and Steve Martin

The hosts discuss the upcoming episode of \"Only Murders in the Building\" and the experience of working with Steve Martin and Martin Short. They share their admiration for the comedic duo and their on-set dynamic.

Long Legs' YouTube Potential

The hosts suggest that \"Long Legs\" should create a YouTube channel showcasing his physical comedy skills. They discuss the potential for viral content and the unique humor he brings to the table.

\"High Potential\" Show Pitch

The hosts pitch a fictional show called \"High Potential\" starring Caitlin Olson. The show follows a brilliant but underestimated woman who uses her intellect to solve crimes for the LAPD. They discuss the show's premise and potential cast members.

Character Critique and Show Plugs

The hosts critique the character of the ex-husband in the fictional show \"High Potential,\" questioning his suitability for Caitlin Olson. They then transition into plugging their upcoming Comedy Bang Bang tour dates, providing specific dates and locations.

Tour Logistics and

The hosts discuss the logistics of their upcoming tour, including the need for attendees to bring their own umbrellas. They also promote their website,, where fans can find tour dates and listen to past episodes.

Closing Remarks and Outro

The hosts wrap up the show with a final plug for their website and thank their guests. They also tease a surprise for \"Long Legs\" and end the episode with a farewell.


Doll Maker

A person who creates dolls, often using a variety of materials and techniques.

Satan Worshiper

A person who practices Satanism, a religion that often involves the worship of Satan.

Birthday-Based Serial Killer

A fictional character who murders people on their birthdays.

Stand-Up Comedy

A form of comedic performance in which a comedian performs in front of a live audience, typically using humor, anecdotes, and observational jokes.

Only Murders in the Building

A popular comedy-mystery TV series that follows three strangers who share a love for true crime and become involved in a real-life murder mystery in their apartment building.

Doing This Again Tour

A stand-up comedy tour by comedian Johnny, marking his return to the stage after a 10-year hiatus. The tour features new material and a focus on strike-based humor.


  • What is the doll maker's obsession with birthdays?

    The doll maker claims to be a birthday-based serial killer, specifically targeting people on April 14th. He finds birthdays to be a significant and powerful event, and his obsession with them manifests in his dark humor and fascination with death.

  • What is the doll maker's inspiration for his stand-up comedy?

    The doll maker finds inspiration in the dark humor of the podcast, which he sees as a reflection of the \"beautiful punishment\" he plans to inflict on deserving souls. He uses his stand-up to explore his dark and twisted sense of humor, often drawing on his obsession with birthdays and death.

  • What is the doll maker's connection to the \"dark one\"?

    The doll maker is a Satan worshiper, which suggests a connection to the \"dark one,\" a term often used to refer to Satan. This connection adds a layer of mystery and intrigue to the doll maker's character, and hints at his potential for darkness and evil.

  • What is the doll maker's theory about \"Spoiled Sport\"?

    The doll maker proposes a theory about a fictional character named \"Spoiled Sport,\" a serial killer who targets sporting people and leaves them to spoil. This theory reflects the doll maker's dark humor and fascination with death, and his ability to create imaginative and disturbing scenarios.

  • What is the significance of the doll maker's name \"Long Legs\"?

    \"Long Legs\" is a moniker given to the doll maker, a reference to the cinematography framing in his movie. The name is a playful and ironic take on the doll maker's eccentric personality, and highlights his self-awareness and ability to find humor in his own quirks.

  • What is the origin of Long Legs' nickname?

    Long Legs' nickname likely stems from their height or a reference to a character from \"Bob's Burgers.\" The conversation also references Shakespeare's \"Julius Caesar,\" suggesting a possible connection to the play's themes of ambition and power.

  • How does Long Legs celebrate Christmas?

    Long Legs has unconventional Christmas traditions, involving a doll and a dark piece of the devil's soul. They prefer German Christmas markets over traditional celebrations, highlighting their love for German culture and their rebellious nature.

  • What is Long Legs' doll-making process like?

    Long Legs crafts unique dolls and sells them at farmers markets. They take pride in their work, spending three months to create a single doll. Their process involves rummaging through neighbors' leftovers and cooking a delicious stew before playing video games.

  • What is Long Legs' opinion on the Drake and Kendrick Lamar feud?

    Long Legs has a soft spot for Drake and appreciates good dance music. They believe Kendrick Lamar won the feud but find Drake entertaining. They propose making a Drake doll with hidden rap lyrics for a potential future beef.

  • What is Long Legs' favorite video game?

    Long Legs enjoys playing \"Topspin 2K 25,\" a tennis-themed video game. They are currently at level 14 in their career mode and are working towards unlocking more points and participating in grand slam tournaments.

  • What is Long Legs' experience with the \"Would You Rather?\" segment?

    Long Legs enjoys participating in the \"Would You Rather?\" segment, finding it humorous and interactive. They have a knack for coming up with creative answers and engaging in witty banter with the other hosts.

  • What is Long Legs' opinion on the \"Beard Fingers\" scenario in the bonus round of \"Would You Rather?\"

    Long Legs finds the \"Beard Fingers\" scenario amusing and is drawn to the idea of having fingers that grow along their jaw like a beard. They are particularly excited about the potential for meeting ZZ Top and the fact that the scenario comes with a brain that likes it.

  • What is the main competition in the beginning of the episode?

    The main competition is between \"Long Legs\" and \"Beard,\" who are judged on various physical attributes like long legs, a small face, and a beard.

  • What are some of the projects that the hosts plug during the show?

    The hosts plug their \"Doing This Again\" tour, their respective OnlyFans accounts, and the new season of \"Only Murders in the Building.\"

  • What is the premise of the fictional show \"High Potential\"?

    \"High Potential\" follows a brilliant but underestimated woman who uses her intellect to solve crimes for the LAPD.

  • What is the significance of the website is the website for the Comedy Bang Bang podcast, where fans can find tour dates, listen to past episodes, and subscribe to the show.

Show Notes

Actor/comedian Kumail Nanjiani joins Scott to talk about the new season of Only Murders in the Building, his new stand-up tour Doing This Again, and the full names of his TV and film characters. Then, doll maker Longlegs drops by to talk about the recent movie based on his life, how he celebrates Christmas, and his new cybertruck. Plus, Kumail and Longlegs compete in an exciting game of Would You Rather!

Get tickets for the Comedy Bang! Bang! Into Your Mouth Tour 2024 over at

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Kumail Nanjiani, Taran Killam

Kumail Nanjiani, Taran Killam
