DiscoverConversations with Big RichLavender Brothers, Toby Lavender on Episode 246
Lavender Brothers, Toby Lavender on Episode 246

Lavender Brothers, Toby Lavender on Episode 246

Update: 2024-12-19


No matter your age, follow your passion. That’s what Toby Lavender has been doing for life. Automotive to hunting, Toby excels at all of it, and he’s not done yet. Be sure to listen on your favorite podcast app.

8:15 – I always preach to everybody that real formal education in the automotive repair industry is critical these days 

18:17 – We flew in just so green to life and travel and didn’t know what the heck to expect and made the best of it             

24:01 – I remember the first time we did a Million dollars in one year in sales, my accountant said, yeah, but it cost you $999,000 to do it!

29:48 – My first 10+ years in off-road was in desert racing, I learned you better have a lot of money or you better be able to build your own junk.

35:51 – I didn’t set out to do any of this, but I loved it and we just went with it and grew; Lavender Brothers grew into this 99% four-wheel-drive off-road shop 

48:40 – One of my big life passions is hunting and everything related to that

54:19 – the paradigm shift was when I realized my employees were relying on me to provide the opportunity that they were showing up for

Special thanks to 4low Magazine and Maxxis Tires for support and sponsorship of this podcast.

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Lavender Brothers, Toby Lavender on Episode 246

Lavender Brothers, Toby Lavender on Episode 246

Guest Toby Lavender