Let's Build Your New World
What sets your soul on fire? What do you really, really want? Let's find it... together.
"The Return of Rimbaud" continues the opening story from S4E4: First Blood, Best Blood.
Emerson Dameron's Medicated Minutes is LA's number-one avant-garde personal development program. New episodes premiere on KCHUNG Los Angeles on the first Wednesday of the month.
The writer, producer, host, and witty and wounded romantic hero is Emerson Dameron, who is wholly responsible for its content.
Levity saves lives.
Got something to say to me? Slide into the DMs.
Available now! https://emersondameron.bandcamp.com/album/crimson-transgressions-a-bite-sized-erotic-thriller-by-emerson-dameron
Sponsored in part by Magic Mind.
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