Life’s Symbols : 1st Estate Conversation
Dealing with unseen secret societies can be one trejectory linking issue attached to daily life struggles, especially mental illnesses. Most will never connect the dot's, becuase of their positions or jobs they hold, while others just dont want to understand the human trichotomy & the trejectory of evil & their opposite 1st estates! This topic is a brief intro & one we cover inside our online classroom Think of an iceberg! so goes the "zig systems" hidden in plain sight, what I go deep into in our workshops unveiling the evil agenders hidden in systems of this world. Be it caged, cloaked, frozen, embreyos & more. Hell has a laboratory & when you visit it you will find a matrix of humanities fluids & body parts, cloned for the next phase of evils hybridisation programs. This topic holds many answers to questions around mental illness & each illnesses trejectory.