Lion's Gate Portal Sleep Meditation #888 (read description)
There's a lot of subliminals in this that even I don't know what they are as I made them for myself and forgot what was in them but I've been carefully guided through the making of literally every aspect of this (from the crickets to the subliinals to the channeled messages) so if this resonates, trust and know this is for you. If it doesn't, please click away. Love you either way. Happy Lion's Gate Portal!
I recommend this 16 minute positive brainwashing album I'm secretly releasing right now for the lion's gate portal:
I also recommend this sleep meditation:
And this message from the Arcturians which was subliminally looped approximately 1x per every few minutes of this recording:
And I also recommend this "Oneness activation" (I was asked to called it a twinflame activiation but then after listening to it it was like "I've always been 'activated' and this is just magnetizing in deeper oneness" idk that's just me) if you know you're magnetizing a specific person(s) to practice a deeper oneness with:
Love you,
#lionsgateportal #lionsgate888