Listening to Our Intuition to Overcome Our Trauma Can Make All The Difference
I spoke with Robert Goodland on May 15, 2023. It was a great to learn more about the path to Robert's current role as a coach and supporter of mental health for many who are dealing with trauma and how intuition played and plays a role in that.
Early in life, it was clear to Robert that he was created to serve. As a correctional officer, he assisted inmates nearing release to find employment in the community. He organized inmate work crews to help with volunteer organization projects such as neighborhood cleanups. He went on to become a volunteer firefighter and paramedic in two communities before making firefighting his full-time career.
After so many years, all the pieces suddenly fell into place. All his personal trauma and the trauma he was exposed to in his career prepared him for this new purpose. One small step at a time, God had prepared him to support others as they claim their right to healing and wholeness.
He needed to be taught that in life, you have choices. He was unaware that choices existed. He was blindly traveling down a path, believing that he had no control over the outcome.
Little by little, Robert began to understand that these horrible things were not done to him but for him. He found hope and started to look at his life differently. The right people appeared at the right time. He realized he could use life's lessons to help others consumed by their fires. He could carry buckets of water to them.
Robert is Coach and Founder of The Heart of A Horse,