DiscoverReal Organic PodcastMarcelo Gleiser: Escaping Extinction - There's No Place Like Earth
Marcelo Gleiser: Escaping Extinction - There's No Place Like Earth

Marcelo Gleiser: Escaping Extinction - There's No Place Like Earth

Update: 2024-10-03


#191: Professor of Physics and Astronomy Marcelo Gleiser explains why Earth, like all planets in our solar system and most likely beyond, is so unique in its climate and environmental make up. The ability for agriculture, humanity, and all other parts of nature to exist and thrive is tied directly to Earth's irreplaceable uniqueness, making our will to take action for its survival paramount.

Marcelo Gleiser is a Brazilian theoretical physicist and professor of physics and astronomy at Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH. He writes a weekly science column for the Brazilian Folha de S.Paulo newspaper and a science and culture blog which was hosted by National Public Radio from 2011 to 2018, and is now hosted by BigThink under the name "Science, Culture, and Meaning." Gleiser is the 2019 recipient of the Templeton Prize.

To watch a video version of this podcast please visit:

The Real Organic Podcast is hosted by Dave Chapman and Linley Dixon, engineered by Brandon StCyr, and edited and produced by Jenny Prince.

The Real Organic Project is a farmer-led movement working towards certifying 1,000 farms across the United States this year. Our add-on food label distinguishes soil-grown fruits and vegetables from hydroponically-raised produce, and pasture-raised meat, milk, and eggs from products harvested from animals in horrific confinement (CAFOs - confined animal feeding operations).

To find a Real Organic farm near you, please visit:

We believe that the organic standards, with their focus on soil health, biodiversity, and animal welfare were written as they should be, but that the current lack of enforcement of those standards is jeopardizing the ability for small farms who adhere to the law to stay in business. The lack of enforcement is also jeopardizing the overall health of the customers who support the organic movement; customers who are not getting what they pay for at market but still paying a premium price. And the lack of enforcement is jeopardizing the very cycles (water, air, nutrients) that Earth relies upon to provide us all with a place to live, by pushing extractive, chemical agriculture to the forefront.

If you like what you hear and are feeling inspired, we would love for you to join our movement by becoming one of our 1,000  Real Fans!

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Are you an organic farmer looking to communicate the premium quality of your milk, meat, fruits, veggies, or CSA shares to shoppers? 

Through our no-cost, add-on certification to USDA certified-organic, Real Organic Project aims to bring organic back to its high-integrity roots, prioritizing healthy soil, humane treatment of animals, labor protections and a more regionally based agriculture for community well-being. The application deadline is coming up on Tuesday, April









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Marcelo Gleiser: Escaping Extinction - There's No Place Like Earth

Marcelo Gleiser: Escaping Extinction - There's No Place Like Earth

Real Organic Project