DiscoverMark Levin PodcastMark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/28/24
Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/28/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/28/24

Update: 2024-08-314


This episode of Mark Levin's radio show focuses on the 2024 presidential election, with a particular emphasis on criticizing Kamala Harris and defending Donald Trump. Levin begins by discussing the tight presidential race based on recent polls and his recent interview with President Trump. He then analyzes a New York Times opinion piece by Rich Lowry, who argues that Kamala Harris's character is a significant issue in the election, criticizing her lack of concern for various issues, including the border crisis, inflation, and the middle class. Levin further criticizes Harris's hypocrisy and inconsistency on various issues, including her stance on incarceration, school safety, and immigration. He uses her past statements and actions to demonstrate her lack of commitment to her own policies. He also condemns her attacks on ICE and her opposition to immigration restrictions, highlighting her inconsistent views on immigration and her support for policies that would increase illegal immigration. Levin also criticizes Harris's opposition to oil drilling and fracking, arguing that it is a foolish and harmful policy. He emphasizes the importance of energy independence and criticizes her lack of understanding of energy production. He further questions her stance on fracking, highlighting her changing position and lack of clarity on her energy policy. Levin defends Donald Trump against accusations of self-interest, highlighting his lack of salary and contrasting him with other politicians who have become wealthy during their time in office. He argues that Trump's wealth comes from hard work and that he supports blue-collar workers. The speaker also criticizes the Democrats' environmental policies, arguing that they are not about protecting the environment but about destroying American industry and capitalism. They claim that these policies are part of a Marxist agenda to stifle growth and prosperity.


Introduction, Gold Investments, and Presidential Election Update

Mark Levin introduces the episode and promotes Advantage Gold, a company specializing in gold investments. He emphasizes the importance of diversifying one's financial portfolio with gold for future security. He then discusses the tight presidential race based on recent polls and mentions his recent two-hour interview with President Trump, highlighting their chemistry and the wide-ranging topics covered, including the aftermath of Trump's shooting and the current political climate.

Kamala Harris's Character and Lack of Care

Levin analyzes a New York Times opinion piece by Rich Lowry, who argues that Kamala Harris's character is a significant issue in the election. Lowry criticizes Harris's lack of concern for various issues, including the border crisis, inflation, and the middle class.

Jack Smith's Indictment of Donald Trump and its Timing

Levin discusses the recent indictment of Donald Trump by Jack Smith, highlighting the timing of the indictment just before the first primary. He questions the legitimacy of the indictment and argues that it is politically motivated.

Kamala Harris's Hypocrisy and Inconsistency

Levin exposes Kamala Harris's hypocrisy and inconsistency on various issues, including her stance on incarceration, school safety, and immigration. He uses her past statements and actions to demonstrate her lack of commitment to her own policies.

Kamala Harris's Attack on ICE and Immigration Policies

Levin criticizes Kamala Harris's attacks on ICE and her opposition to immigration restrictions. He highlights her inconsistent views on immigration and her support for policies that would increase illegal immigration.

Kamala Harris's Opposition to Oil Drilling and Fracking

Levin condemns Kamala Harris's opposition to oil drilling and fracking, arguing that it is a foolish and harmful policy. He emphasizes the importance of energy independence and criticizes her lack of understanding of energy production.

Government Actions and Energy Policy

The speaker criticizes the government's actions, particularly the use of the strategic oil reserve and the promotion of electric vehicles. They argue that these actions are harmful to the economy and the environment. They also question Kamala Harris's stance on fracking, highlighting her changing position and lack of clarity on her energy policy. They criticize her vague statements and her focus on attacking Donald Trump instead of providing concrete solutions.

Project 2025 and the Bipartisan Energy Bill

The speaker discusses Project 2025, a policy agenda that Kamala Harris has been promoting. They question the details of the plan and criticize the lack of transparency surrounding it. They also discuss the bipartisan energy bill and the speaker's efforts to expose its flaws.

Public Perception of Donald Trump and Voting Decisions

The speaker discusses the public's perception of Donald Trump and how it influences their voting decisions. They argue that the public doesn't believe Trump's words and that his opponents use this to their advantage.

Donald Trump's Wealth and the Democrat Party

The speaker defends Donald Trump against accusations of self-interest, highlighting his lack of salary and contrasting him with other politicians who have become wealthy during their time in office. They argue that Trump's wealth comes from hard work and that he supports blue-collar workers.

JD Vance's Campaign and the Death of 13 Americans

The speaker praises JD Vance's campaign and criticizes Kamala Harris for her inaction regarding the deaths of 13 Americans in Afghanistan. They argue that Harris's refusal to investigate the incident is disgraceful and that she is unfit for office.

Electric Trucks and Inflation

The speaker argues that forcing truckers to buy electric trucks will worsen the inflation crisis. They highlight the impracticality of electric trucks, the strain on the electrical grid, and the potential for shortages.

The Democrats' War on Growth

The speaker criticizes the Democrats' environmental policies, arguing that they are not about protecting the environment but about destroying American industry and capitalism. They claim that these policies are part of a Marxist agenda to stifle growth and prosperity.

Anarchy in the Automobile Industry

The speaker discusses the chaos in the automobile industry caused by government mandates for electric vehicles. They argue that the transition to electric vehicles is not feasible and that it is causing confusion, inefficiencies, and subsidies.



A strategy for managing risk by investing in a variety of assets, such as stocks, bonds, and gold, to reduce the impact of any single asset's performance on the overall portfolio.

Catch and Release

A policy used by immigration authorities to release apprehended migrants into the United States pending a hearing, often leading to a backlog of cases and increased illegal immigration.

Ultra Vires

A legal term referring to an act that is beyond the legal power or authority of a person or entity, such as a prosecutor acting outside their jurisdiction.

School Choice

A policy that allows parents to choose the school their children attend, often through vouchers or tax credits, giving them more options than traditional public schools.


A technique used to extract natural gas and oil from shale rock by injecting a mixture of water, sand, and chemicals at high pressure, which can have environmental impacts.

Project 2025

A policy agenda promoted by Kamala Harris, details of which are unclear and have been criticized for lack of transparency.

Electric Vehicles

Vehicles powered by electricity, the speaker argues that forcing truckers to use them will worsen inflation and strain the electrical grid.

D Growth Movement

A movement that advocates for reducing economic growth, the speaker claims it is a Marxist agenda to destroy American industry and capitalism.

American Marxism

A term used by the speaker to describe the perceived Marxist influence in American politics, particularly in environmental policies.


  • What are the key arguments made by Rich Lowry about Kamala Harris's character?

    Rich Lowry argues that Kamala Harris's character is a significant issue in the election, highlighting her lack of concern for various issues, including the border crisis, inflation, and the middle class. He criticizes her for not caring about the consequences of her policies.

  • What are the five reasons Mark Levin gives for opposing the so-called bipartisan immigration bill?

    Levin argues that the bill would codify catch and release, automatically grant work permits to illegal aliens, provide taxpayer-funded lawyers for illegal aliens, allow 5,000 illegal aliens per day, and send billions of dollars to sanctuary cities and pro-illegal alien NGOs.

  • How does Mark Levin criticize Kamala Harris's stance on school safety?

    Levin criticizes Harris's call to remove police officers from schools and demilitarize schools, arguing that it is a dangerous and irresponsible policy. He believes that police presence in schools is necessary to protect children.

  • What is Mark Levin's argument against Jack Smith's indictment of Donald Trump?

    Levin argues that Jack Smith's appointment as special counsel is unconstitutional and that the indictment is politically motivated. He believes that the indictment is an attempt to damage Trump's campaign.

  • What are some of the key examples Mark Levin uses to demonstrate Kamala Harris's hypocrisy and inconsistency?

    Levin highlights Harris's changing positions on issues like incarceration, school safety, and immigration. He points out her past statements and actions that contradict her current positions.

  • What are the speaker's main criticisms of Kamala Harris's policies?

    The speaker criticizes Harris's lack of clarity on her energy policy, her inaction regarding the deaths of 13 Americans in Afghanistan, and her promotion of electric vehicles, which they believe will worsen inflation and strain the electrical grid.

  • What is the speaker's view on the Democrats' environmental policies?

    The speaker believes that the Democrats' environmental policies are not about protecting the environment but about destroying American industry and capitalism. They claim that these policies are part of a Marxist agenda to stifle growth and prosperity.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on Donald Trump's wealth?

    The speaker defends Trump against accusations of self-interest, highlighting his lack of salary and contrasting him with other politicians who have become wealthy during their time in office. They argue that Trump's wealth comes from hard work and that he supports blue-collar workers.

Show Notes

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Donald Trump can win the election on character because Kamala Harris’ biggest problem is her character. She flip-flops, lies, and hides from the American people, but mostly because she is a chameleon for election purposes. She does not care if people go hungry or cannot pay their bills and is immune to the crime and destruction as a result of the open border. Harris has true beliefs that are more radical than Bernie Sanders, but she does not want Americans to know about them, making her the most dishonest candidate for president ever. Harris will enshrine the Democrat border bill on day 1, which will reinstate catch and release, mandate work permits and taxpayer-funded lawyers for illegal aliens, and allow 5,000 illegal aliens to come every day. Also, Israel has had enough of being attacked by Iran through Hamas and Hezbollah and is firing back at their missile sites instead of just sitting around. Israel has the capacity to do enormous damage to these countries and does not have to restrict itself to urban warfare like it is with Hamas. Later, the reintroduction of January 6th charges by Jack Smith against Donald Trump at this stage of the election is just another disgusting, disgraceful effort to smear Trump. The Biden Department of Justice will not stop their lawfare against Trump and are still using Smith to do their bidding.

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Comments (22)

Claudia Smith

We've been to bunkers and shelters. Lost everything many times. Hurricanes.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

Texans pay for our Roads..

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

Love Perry Mason. I know you do. Agape.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

Share. Tell it on the highest mountains.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

Eat vegetable potluck soup. My recipe.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

Keep your wheels greased.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

FrontPage News. We Win.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

you will get nothing...okay. so what.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

Daniel 2 Ten Nations. Ten Kings.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

We've been through this before. Reality. We are Tough Love. Agape.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

No coincidences come from God.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

Three Dog Night.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

My Story. pray for us.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

The radio does not take my call. My Anne Oakley accent. Southern drawl. It's okay. We have many beautiful women here. Protect yourselves. Never go anywhere by yourselves after dark.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

Yes. I'm tight. I save twist ties.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

Broken as a church mouse. laugh. Psalms 1-2. two step waltz across Texas.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

Come as you are. Jesus is LORD. My mother taught me this when I was a child.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

John 14-17. Our Lord does for us what we cannot do for ourselves. without their filthy lucre.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

Imagine The LORD may come any moment. We still work. Miracles. Promises today. We are polite and peaceful. Nothing like they portray of us. We Love you America. Hope. Hebrews 1-3 and 11-13. We entertain angels. True.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

we know they live in my neighborhood. Pray for us. People turn their lights off at night. high crime here also. I believe that. Full of fear But GOD. I'm not afraid to die.

Aug 29th








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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/28/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/28/24

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