DiscoverMark Levin PodcastMark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/30/24
Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/30/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/30/24

Update: 2024-08-312


Mark Levin, a conservative radio host, presents a critical analysis of the Democrat Party's political ideology and the actions of Vice President Kamala Harris. He argues that the Democrat Party prioritizes group identity politics over individual liberty, leading to a focus on group rights and a disregard for the principles of a colorblind society. He believes this approach ultimately leads to authoritarianism and a suppression of individual freedoms. Levin criticizes Harris for supporting policies like open borders, defunding the police, and packing the Supreme Court, arguing that these policies would erode the foundations of American democracy and undermine individual liberty. He also criticizes her lack of character, citing her inaction on issues like inflation, crime, and the border crisis as evidence of her indifference to the American people. Levin further criticizes the media's obsession with the January 6th events, arguing that it's a distraction from more significant issues. He contrasts the media's focus on January 6th with the Clinton administration's pardoning of FALN terrorists, highlighting the hypocrisy and selective outrage of the media. Throughout the podcast, Levin emphasizes the importance of informed patriotism and encourages listeners to counter the counter-revolution against American values. He stresses the need to spread information and engage in conversations about the issues at stake in the upcoming election. Levin also discusses the indictment of Donald Trump by Special Counsel Jack Smith, arguing it is politically motivated and timed to damage Trump's presidential campaign. He proposes a legal strategy to challenge Smith's appointment as Special Counsel, arguing it is unconstitutional and should be overturned. The podcast concludes with a call to action, urging listeners to support Israel and its people in the face of ongoing violence and threats.


Introduction and Advertisement

Mark Levin introduces himself and then promotes Advantage Gold, a company that specializes in gold investments. He emphasizes the importance of diversifying one's financial portfolio with gold for financial security.

Labor Day Edition and Technical Difficulties

Mark Levin welcomes listeners to a special Labor Day edition of his show. He acknowledges a technical issue that almost prevented the show from airing and expresses gratitude to the engineers who resolved the problem.

The Democrat Party's Focus on Group Identity

Mark Levin discusses his observations about the Democrat Party's focus on group identity politics, contrasting it with his own belief in individual liberty and a colorblind society. He questions why the Democrat Party prioritizes groupism over individualism and how this approach affects their understanding of freedom.

Individualism vs. Authoritarianism

Mark Levin draws a parallel between the Democrat Party's focus on group identity and authoritarianism, contrasting it with the principles of individual liberty and free market capitalism. He argues that the Democrat Party's approach ultimately leads to a concentration of power and a suppression of individual rights.

Kamala Harris and the Perversion of Liberty

Mark Levin criticizes Kamala Harris's political ideology, labeling her a Marxist who seeks to dismantle individual liberty and free market capitalism. He highlights her support for policies like open borders, defunding the police, and packing the Supreme Court, arguing that these actions would erode the foundations of American democracy.

The Importance of Informed Patriotism

Mark Levin emphasizes the importance of informed patriotism and encourages listeners to counter the counter-revolution against American values. He stresses the need to spread information and engage in conversations about the issues at stake in the upcoming election.

Interview with President Trump

Mark Levin announces an upcoming interview with President Trump on Life, Liberty, and Levin. He highlights the wide-ranging nature of the interview, covering topics like the January 6th events, the border crisis, and the current political climate.

The Importance of Character in Politics

Mark Levin discusses Rich Lowry's New York Times article, which argues that Kamala Harris's character is a significant issue in the upcoming election. He agrees with Lowry's assessment, highlighting Harris's tendency to lie, flip-flop, and avoid taking concrete positions on important issues.

The Bipartisan Immigration Act: A Deception

Mark Levin exposes the so-called Bipartisan Immigration Act as a deceptive piece of legislation that would have enshrined catch-and-release policies, granted work permits to illegal aliens, and provided taxpayer-funded lawyers for illegal immigrants. He argues that the bill would have exacerbated the border crisis and undermined American sovereignty.

Kamala Harris's Lack of Character

Mark Levin criticizes Kamala Harris's lack of character, arguing that she doesn't care about the consequences of her policies on the American people. He cites her inaction on issues like inflation, crime, and the border crisis as evidence of her indifference.

A Call to Action

Mark Levin urges listeners to fight for the preservation of American values and not give up without a fight. He encourages them to spread the word about the dangers of Kamala Harris's ideology and the importance of the upcoming election.

The January 6th Obsession

Mark Levin criticizes the media's obsession with the January 6th events, arguing that it's a distraction from more significant issues. He contrasts the media's focus on January 6th with the Clinton administration's pardoning of FALN terrorists, highlighting the hypocrisy and selective outrage of the media.

The FALN Terrorists and Presidential Clemency

Mark Levin recounts the history of the FALN, a Puerto Rican terrorist group responsible for numerous bombings and acts of violence. He criticizes Bill Clinton's decision to grant clemency to FALN members, arguing that it was a betrayal of victims and a concession to terrorism.

The Power of Informed Patriotism

Mark Levin emphasizes the importance of informed patriotism and encourages listeners to counter the counter-revolution against American values. He stresses the need to spread information and engage in conversations about the issues at stake in the upcoming election.

The Democrats' Election Fraud Tactics

This segment discusses alleged election fraud tactics employed by Democrats, including registering illegal aliens, using government offices to register Democrats, and manipulating ballot access to benefit their candidates.

Kamala Harris: A Lack of Care for the American People

This segment criticizes Vice President Kamala Harris, alleging she doesn't care about the American people, their struggles, or their well-being. It highlights her inaction on issues like border security, inflation, and women's rights.

Kamala Harris's Radical Policies

This segment focuses on Kamala Harris's political ideology, labeling it as radical. It criticizes her policies on healthcare, electric vehicles, and Social Security, arguing they would harm the American people.

Kamala Harris's Lack of Accomplishments

This segment emphasizes Kamala Harris's lack of tangible achievements during her time as Vice President. It argues that she has done nothing to improve the lives of Americans and instead relies on lies and deception.

The Importance of Speaking Out Against Kamala Harris

This segment encourages listeners to speak out against Kamala Harris and her policies, emphasizing the importance of spreading the truth and countering the media's narrative.

Jack Smith's Indictment of Donald Trump: A Political Move

This segment discusses the indictment of Donald Trump by Special Counsel Jack Smith, arguing it is politically motivated and timed to damage Trump's presidential campaign.

Challenging Jack Smith's Appointment

This segment proposes a legal strategy to challenge Jack Smith's appointment as Special Counsel, arguing it is unconstitutional and should be overturned.

The Indictment's Timing and Purpose

This segment criticizes the timing of the indictment, arguing it was filed to damage Donald Trump's campaign just before early voting begins. It also alleges the indictment is a politically motivated attempt to use lawfare against Trump.

A Call to Action: Support Israel

This segment concludes with a call to action, urging listeners to support Israel and its people in the face of ongoing violence and threats.


Group Identity Politics

A political strategy that emphasizes the collective interests and experiences of specific groups, often based on race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation. It can lead to divisions within society and prioritize group rights over individual rights.

Individual Liberty

The freedom of individuals to make their own choices and pursue their own goals without undue interference from the government or other external forces. It is a fundamental principle of American democracy and is enshrined in the Constitution.

Colorblind Society

A society where individuals are treated equally regardless of their race or ethnicity. It emphasizes the importance of judging people based on their character and merit rather than their physical appearance.


A form of government characterized by strong central power and limited individual freedoms. It often involves suppression of dissent, control of the media, and a disregard for the rule of law.

Free Market Capitalism

An economic system based on private ownership of the means of production, free competition, and limited government intervention. It emphasizes individual initiative, innovation, and the pursuit of profit.


A political and economic ideology that advocates for a classless society where the means of production are owned and controlled by the workers. It criticizes capitalism as a system that exploits workers and promotes inequality.

Informed Patriotism

A form of patriotism that is based on a deep understanding of American history, values, and principles. It encourages citizens to be actively involved in civic discourse and to defend the country's ideals.

Election Fraud

Illegal or unethical practices aimed at influencing the outcome of an election, such as voter suppression, ballot tampering, or manipulating voter registration.


The use of legal processes, often in a strategic and aggressive manner, to achieve political or military objectives.

Radical Ideology

A set of beliefs and principles that are considered extreme or unconventional, often advocating for significant societal change.


  • What is Mark Levin's main criticism of the Democrat Party's approach to politics?

    Mark Levin argues that the Democrat Party prioritizes group identity politics over individual liberty, leading to a focus on group rights and a disregard for the principles of a colorblind society. He believes this approach ultimately leads to authoritarianism and a suppression of individual freedoms.

  • How does Mark Levin contrast the Democrat Party's ideology with his own beliefs?

    Mark Levin believes in individual liberty, free market capitalism, and a colorblind society. He contrasts these principles with the Democrat Party's focus on group identity, which he sees as a path towards authoritarianism and a concentration of power.

  • What are some of the specific policies that Mark Levin criticizes Kamala Harris for supporting?

    Mark Levin criticizes Kamala Harris for supporting policies like open borders, defunding the police, and packing the Supreme Court. He argues that these policies would erode the foundations of American democracy and undermine individual liberty.

  • What is Mark Levin's main argument against the Bipartisan Immigration Act?

    Mark Levin argues that the Bipartisan Immigration Act was a deceptive piece of legislation that would have enshrined catch-and-release policies, granted work permits to illegal aliens, and provided taxpayer-funded lawyers for illegal immigrants. He believes the bill would have exacerbated the border crisis and undermined American sovereignty.

  • How does Mark Levin criticize Kamala Harris's character?

    Mark Levin argues that Kamala Harris lacks character and doesn't care about the consequences of her policies on the American people. He cites her inaction on issues like inflation, crime, and the border crisis as evidence of her indifference.

  • What is Mark Levin's main point about the media's focus on January 6th?

    Mark Levin criticizes the media's obsession with the January 6th events, arguing that it's a distraction from more significant issues. He contrasts the media's focus on January 6th with the Clinton administration's pardoning of FALN terrorists, highlighting the hypocrisy and selective outrage of the media.

  • What is Mark Levin's main argument against Bill Clinton's decision to grant clemency to FALN members?

    Mark Levin argues that Bill Clinton's decision to grant clemency to FALN members was a betrayal of victims and a concession to terrorism. He believes that the FALN was a dangerous terrorist group that deserved to be held accountable for their crimes.

  • What is Mark Levin's call to action for his listeners?

    Mark Levin urges his listeners to fight for the preservation of American values and not give up without a fight. He encourages them to spread the word about the dangers of Kamala Harris's ideology and the importance of the upcoming election.

  • What is the speaker's argument against Jack Smith's indictment of Donald Trump?

    The speaker argues that the indictment is politically motivated and timed to damage Trump's presidential campaign. He also claims that Smith's appointment as Special Counsel is unconstitutional.

  • What is the speaker's call to action at the end of the segment?

    The speaker urges listeners to support Israel and its people in the face of ongoing violence and threats.

Show Notes

On Friday’s Special Labor Day Edition of the Mark Levin Show, our government exists to protect the civil society and the social contract, not to obtain more power and control the citizenry. The Democrat party has constructed a political environment based on putting people into groups and group identity and do not care about individual liberty or the Constitution. The Declaration of Independence has to be shredded for Democrats to achieve what they want, which is where Kamala Harris comes in. She will destroy this country, traditional notion of liberty, and free market capitalism while centralizing more and more power with the federal government. Later, Donald Trump can win the election on character because Kamala Harris’ biggest problem is her character. She flip-flops, lies, and hides from the American people, but mostly because she is a chameleon for election purposes. She does not care if people go hungry or cannot pay their bills and is immune to the crime and destruction as a result of the open border. Harris has true beliefs that are more radical than Bernie Sanders, but she does not want Americans to know about them, making her the most dishonest candidate for president ever. Harris will enshrine the Democrat border bill on day 1, which will reinstate catch and release, mandate work permits and taxpayer-funded lawyers for illegal aliens, and allow 5,000 illegal aliens to come every day.

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Jason Sink

x 4xm3

Aug 31st








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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/30/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/30/24

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