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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/12/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/12/24

Update: 2024-09-134


This podcast episode features Mark Levin, a conservative radio host, discussing the upcoming election and the political landscape. He criticizes Kamala Harris's policies, particularly her stance on open borders, voter fraud, and the economy, arguing that her presidency would have devastating consequences for the country. Levin also expresses concern about Republicans who have endorsed Harris, believing they are betraying the party and the country. He further criticizes the Democrat Party's agenda, which he believes aims to fundamentally alter the country through totalitarian measures. Levin contrasts Harris's policies with those of Donald Trump, whom he considers a true conservative. He highlights Trump's commitment to free market capitalism, tax cuts, deregulation, and a strong military. Levin also emphasizes the importance of fighting for freedom and normalcy, urging voters to be selfish and consider what is in the best interests of their families. He believes that the country needs to return to a state of stability and sanity, and that the Democrat Party's policies have created chaos and division. The episode also features segments with Mike Love and Ben Ferguson, who discuss Trump's new tax plan, Harris's stance on sex work, and the impact of inflation. Ferguson criticizes Harris's response to inflation and her evasive answers regarding border security. The episode concludes with a discussion of Fanny Willis's decision to defy a subpoena and Senator Richard Blumenthal's announcement of a shocking report on the Secret Service's failures during the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.


Introduction, Advertisement, and Election Concerns

Mark Levin introduces himself and promotes Advantage Gold, a company that specializes in gold investments. He then criticizes the media's focus on debates and polls, arguing that the election should be about the candidates' stances on issues and their leadership qualities. He expresses disappointment that Kamala Harris has not revealed her true positions on key issues.

Republican Reprobates and Liz Cheney's False Claims

Levin expresses concern about Republicans who have endorsed Kamala Harris, arguing that they are betraying the party and the country. He criticizes their lack of concern for issues like border security, fentanyl trafficking, and the potential consequences of a Harris presidency. He then refutes Liz Cheney's claim that Ronald Reagan would not have supported Donald Trump's policies, highlighting Reagan's conservative policies that align with Trump's agenda.

The Hypocrisy of Never-Trumpers and the Collusion to Destroy Trump

Levin exposes the hypocrisy of "Never-Trumpers" who claim to oppose Trump because he deviates from Reaganism. He argues that these individuals are actually establishment Republicans or liberals who have supported Biden and Harris. He then describes the concerted effort by the media, Democrats, and establishment Republicans to destroy Donald Trump, highlighting their use of impeachment, personal smears, and legal tactics to undermine his presidency.

Tariffs, Free Market Capitalism, and Trump's Conservatism

Levin discusses his views on tariffs, acknowledging their complexity and historical use by conservative presidents. He emphasizes his belief in free trade with free countries but opposes it with communist and fascist regimes. He reaffirms his commitment to free market capitalism but acknowledges the need for strategic intervention in certain situations, such as imposing tariffs on countries that engage in unfair trade practices. He then argues that Donald Trump is far more conservative than previous Republican presidents, including George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Richard Nixon, Romney, McCain, Bob Dole, and Dwight Eisenhower.

The Media's Obsession with Debates and Polls and the Dire Consequences of a Harris Presidency

Levin expresses frustration with the media's focus on debates and polls, arguing that they distract from the real issues at stake in the election. He believes that the polls are meaningless and that the election should be about substance and leadership. He then warns about the devastating consequences of a Kamala Harris presidency, including the erosion of free speech, the destruction of the economy, and the rise of anti-Semitism. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the long-term implications of her policies.

The Democrat Party's Totalitarian Agenda and Distraction Tactics

Levin describes the Democrat Party's totalitarian agenda, which he believes aims to fundamentally alter the country through open borders, voter fraud, and the expansion of government power. He warns that this agenda will lead to the erosion of individual liberties and the suppression of dissent. He then accuses the Democrat Party of using distraction tactics, such as focusing on debates and polls, to divert attention from their harmful policies. He warns that if the media succeeds in manipulating the public, the country will lose its liberty and its way of life.

The Dangers of a Wealth Tax and the Importance of Radio Free America

Levin warns about the dangers of a wealth tax, arguing that it will not only target the wealthy but also the middle class. He believes that such a tax will lead to the confiscation of assets and the erosion of economic freedom. He then emphasizes the importance of his radio show as a platform for truth and freedom, arguing that it is crucial to counter the Democrat Party's propaganda and protect the country from its destructive agenda.

The Hoax of Kamala Harris and the Oligarchs' Control

Levin expresses disbelief that so many people in America are falling for the "hoax" of Kamala Harris. He criticizes her radical policies and her lack of experience, arguing that she is unfit to be president. He then questions the source of the massive amount of money raised by the Democrat Party, suggesting that it comes from oligarchs who seek to control Harris and advance their own agenda. He argues that these oligarchs are not interested in liberty or free markets but only in power.

The Fight Against Voter Fraud and Advertisement for Pure Talk

Levin discusses the ongoing fight in Congress to require voters to prove their citizenship before casting a ballot. He argues that this measure is necessary to prevent voter fraud and protect the integrity of elections. This segment is followed by an advertisement for Pure Talk, a wireless carrier that offers affordable plans and great coverage.

The Importance of Selfishness in the Election and Voting for Normalcy

Levin encourages voters to be selfish in this election, urging them to consider what is in the best interests of their families. He believes that voters should choose the candidate who will create an environment where they can achieve their goals and improve their lives. He then emphasizes the importance of voting for normalcy, arguing that the country needs to return to a state of stability and sanity. He believes that the Democrat Party's policies have created chaos and division, and that a change is needed.

Kamala Harris's Empty Promises and the Importance of Fighting for Freedom

Levin criticizes Kamala Harris's focus on the future, arguing that she avoids discussing her past failures and her radical policies. He believes that her promises are empty and that she is not a credible leader. He then discusses the importance of fighting for freedom, even in the face of challenges like the burning of the American flag. He believes that the Constitution can be amended to address such issues and that the American people should stand up for their values.

The Democrat Party's Agenda of Theft and the Price of Marxism

Levin contrasts the Democrat Party's agenda with that of conservatives. He argues that the Democrats seek to take from the people, while conservatives believe in individual responsibility and earned wealth. He then warns about the price of Marxism, citing Marx's own words about the need for a degree of despotism to achieve his goals. He believes that the Democrat Party's embrace of Marxism will lead to the erosion of freedom and the rise of a totalitarian state.

The Democrat Party's Monopoly on Power and the Importance of Truth

Levin uses California as an example of the Democrat Party's strategy to consolidate power. He argues that they have used illegal immigration and voter manipulation to create a one-party state, where Republicans have no chance of winning. He then acknowledges that some people may criticize him for being too negative, but he insists on telling the truth, even if it is uncomfortable. He believes that the country is facing a serious crisis and that people need to be aware of the dangers.

Advertisement for Pure Talk and Israel's Remarkable Leadership

This segment is an advertisement for Pure Talk, a wireless carrier that offers affordable plans and great coverage. It is followed by a segment where Levin praises Benjamin Netanyahu's leadership of Israel, highlighting his brilliance and his commitment to the country's security. He criticizes the radicals and leftists who seek to undermine Netanyahu and Israel's strength.

Kamala Harris's Anti-Israel Stance and the Silence of the Jew-Haters

Levin condemns Kamala Harris's anti-Israel stance, arguing that she is the most Israel-hating candidate to ever run for president. He highlights her support for an arms embargo on Israel and her plans to reevaluate America's relationship with the country. He then questions the silence of prominent Democrat politicians and activists who have a history of anti-Semitism, noting their failure to criticize Harris's anti-Israel stance. He believes that their silence is a sign of their true intentions.

Advertisement for Pure Talk and Mark Levin's Legal Expertise

This segment is an advertisement for Pure Talk, a wireless carrier that offers affordable plans and great coverage. It is followed by a segment where Mark Levin promotes his legal expertise and encourages listeners to call him for free legal advice. He also promotes his upcoming show, "Life, Liberty, and Levin," which will feature guests Victor Davis Hansen and Steve Moore.

Merrick Garland's Destruction of the Department of Justice and the Hypocrisy of the Democrat Party

Levin criticizes Merrick Garland's performance as Attorney General, arguing that he has done more to destroy the Department of Justice than any other Attorney General in history. He accuses Garland of using the department to target political opponents, suppress dissent, and advance a radical agenda. He then criticizes the Democrat Party's hypocrisy, arguing that they apply different rules to their friends and foes. He accuses them of using the law selectively to target their opponents while protecting their own.

Advertisement for Pure Talk, Mark Levin's Recovery, and Merrick Garland's Legacy of Lies

This segment is an advertisement for Pure Talk, a wireless carrier that offers affordable plans and great coverage. It is followed by a segment where Mark Levin updates listeners on his recovery from an injury and his upcoming surgery. He expresses his determination to return to his show as soon as possible, emphasizing the importance of his work in fighting for freedom. He then criticizes Merrick Garland's attempt to rewrite history and portray himself as a defender of justice. He argues that Garland's actions as Attorney General have been characterized by political bias, abuse of power, and a disregard for the rule of law.

Introduction of Mike Love and Donald Trump's Tax Plan

Mike Love introduces himself and takes over the show after Mark Levin's departure. He expresses gratitude to Mark for his dedication to the country and his audience, and he highlights Mark's commitment to providing important information despite his injury. He then discusses Donald Trump's new tax plan, which includes eliminating taxes on overtime pay. He argues that this plan will incentivize people to work harder, boost the economy, and provide relief to hardworking Americans.

Trump's New Tax Plan: No Tax on Tips, Overtime, or Social Security

Donald Trump outlines his new tax plan, focusing on eliminating taxes on tips, overtime, and Social Security benefits. He contrasts his approach with Kamala Harris's, arguing that she seeks to keep people dependent on government aid while he aims to empower them to succeed on their own.

Kamala Harris's Stance on Sex Work and the Democratic Party's Shifting Values

Ben Ferguson criticizes Kamala Harris's stance on decriminalizing sex work, arguing that it ignores the potential for exploitation and contradicts her claims of protecting women. He also highlights the Democratic Party's hypocrisy in endorsing Dick Cheney after previously condemning him.

The Impact of Inflation and the Democratic Party's Response

Ferguson discusses the significant impact of inflation on everyday goods and services, highlighting the rising costs of groceries, gas, and other necessities. He criticizes Kamala Harris's response to inflation, arguing that her focus on port issues and tax increases is inadequate and demonstrates a lack of understanding of the economy.

Kamala Harris's Evasive Response to Border Security and Fanny Willis Defies Subpoena

Ferguson criticizes Kamala Harris's evasive response to questions about border security, arguing that her focus on long-term investment and partnerships is a sign that she has no concrete plan to address the crisis. He then discusses Fanny Willis's decision to defy a subpoena and skip a Senate hearing regarding her investigation into Donald Trump. He also highlights Senator Richard Blumenthal's announcement of a shocking report on the Secret Service's failures during the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.



The practice of spreading investments across different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and gold, to reduce risk and enhance potential returns.

Gold Investment

Investing in gold as a hedge against inflation, economic uncertainty, and political instability. Gold is considered a safe haven asset, meaning its value tends to rise during times of market turmoil.

Wealth Tax

A tax levied on the total value of an individual's assets, including property, investments, and savings. Wealth taxes are often controversial, as they can discourage investment and economic growth.


A form of government that seeks to control all aspects of society, including politics, economics, culture, and personal life. Totalitarian regimes often suppress dissent, restrict individual liberties, and use propaganda to maintain control.

Open Borders

A policy that allows people to cross national borders without restrictions or controls. Open borders advocates argue that it promotes economic growth, cultural exchange, and human rights. Critics argue that it leads to increased crime, terrorism, and economic instability.

Voter Fraud

Illegal or unethical practices that aim to influence the outcome of an election, such as voter impersonation, ballot harvesting, and vote buying. Voter fraud is a serious concern, as it undermines the integrity of democratic processes.


A form of government in which power is concentrated in the hands of a small, wealthy elite. Oligarchs often use their wealth and influence to control political institutions and advance their own interests.


A political and economic ideology that advocates for a classless society, where the means of production are owned and controlled by the state. Marxism is often associated with socialism, communism, and revolutionary movements.


  • What are the key issues that Mark Levin believes should be at the forefront of the election?

    Mark Levin believes that the election should focus on the candidates' stances on issues such as the economy, inflation, border security, crime, education, and foreign policy. He argues that these issues directly impact the lives of everyday Americans and should be prioritized over debates and polls.

  • Why is Mark Levin concerned about Republicans who have endorsed Kamala Harris?

    Mark Levin believes that Republicans who have endorsed Kamala Harris are betraying the party and the country. He argues that they are ignoring the serious consequences of her policies, such as open borders, increased crime, and the erosion of freedom.

  • What are the dangers of a wealth tax, according to Mark Levin?

    Mark Levin believes that a wealth tax would not only target the wealthy but also the middle class. He argues that it would lead to the confiscation of assets, discourage investment, and erode economic freedom.

  • What is Mark Levin's view on the Democrat Party's agenda?

    Mark Levin believes that the Democrat Party is pursuing a totalitarian agenda that aims to fundamentally alter the country. He argues that their policies will lead to the erosion of individual liberties, the suppression of dissent, and the expansion of government power.

  • What is Mark Levin's assessment of Kamala Harris's leadership qualities?

    Mark Levin believes that Kamala Harris is unfit to be president. He criticizes her radical policies, her lack of experience, and her tendency to avoid discussing her past failures. He argues that she is not a credible leader and that her promises are empty.

  • What is Mark Levin's view on the role of the media in the election?

    Mark Levin believes that the media is deliberately distracting from the real issues at stake in the election by focusing on debates and polls. He argues that these distractions are designed to manipulate the public and advance the Democrat Party's agenda.

  • What is Mark Levin's message to voters in this election?

    Mark Levin encourages voters to be selfish in this election, urging them to consider what is in the best interests of their families. He believes that voters should choose the candidate who will create an environment where they can achieve their goals and improve their lives. He also emphasizes the importance of fighting for freedom and normalcy in the face of the Democrat Party's destructive agenda.

  • What are the key points of Donald Trump's new tax plan?

    Trump's plan focuses on eliminating taxes on tips, overtime, and Social Security benefits, aiming to empower Americans to succeed on their own rather than relying on government aid.

  • How does Ben Ferguson criticize Kamala Harris's stance on decriminalizing sex work?

    Ferguson argues that Harris's stance ignores the potential for exploitation and contradicts her claims of protecting women. He also points out the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party in endorsing Dick Cheney after previously condemning him.

  • What is Ferguson's critique of Kamala Harris's response to inflation?

    Ferguson argues that Harris's focus on port issues and tax increases is inadequate and demonstrates a lack of understanding of the economy. He believes her solutions will only worsen the situation.

  • What is Ferguson's main point about Kamala Harris's response to border security?

    Ferguson believes Harris's evasive response, focusing on long-term investment and partnerships, indicates a lack of a concrete plan to address the border crisis.

  • What are the two main developments discussed in the final segment of the transcript?

    The first is Fanny Willis's decision to defy a subpoena and skip a Senate hearing regarding her investigation into Donald Trump. The second is Senator Richard Blumenthal's announcement of a shocking report on the Secret Service's failures during the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

Show Notes

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the new debate in the media is whether there should be a second debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. All Trump talks about in his rallies and the debates are the issues, but all Kamala does is avoid talking about the issues whether it's to the media or the American voters who still do not know what she stands for. Ronald Reagan was hated by the same people who hate Trump today, including the Bushes, Cheneys, RINO Republicans, and the media. It is time for us to be selfish and vote for the person who will return our country and the world to normalcy, and that person is Donald Trump. Also, Israel is in a very difficult position in the Middle East surrounded by terrorist groups and countries that want to destroy them, and they are all aided by the Biden/Harris administration. Harris is the biggest hater of Israel to ever run for president because she is an Islamist. Later, WREC radio host Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark. Trump has a new economic plan that is an addition to his plans to not tax tips or social security, and that is to not tax overtime. Harris wants you to be poorer so you need to rely on the government for everything to survive. Trump is the biggest threat to the Democrat party because under his presidency we had the lowest unemployment for a number of groups who are usually overwhelming supporters of the Democrat party.

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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/12/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/12/24

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