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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/2/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/2/24

Update: 2024-09-034


Mark Levin, a conservative radio host, delivers a scathing critique of Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party, accusing them of promoting a Marxist Islamist agenda, manipulating information, and suppressing opposing viewpoints. He argues that Harris lacks experience and accomplishments, and that her policies are harmful to women, minorities, and Israel. Levin contrasts Harris's alleged lack of transparency with Donald Trump's accessibility and willingness to engage with the public. He praises Trump's record on jobs, criminal justice reform, and support for Israel, while criticizing the Democrats for their opposition to school choice and their attempts to smear Trump. Levin also criticizes the media for their alleged propaganda and their support for Harris, arguing that they are not reporting the news but rather pushing a political agenda. He emphasizes the importance of education, school choice, and transparency in democracy, and warns of the dangers of the Democrat Party's alleged dictatorial campaign tactics.


Introduction and Advertisement

Mark Levin introduces the episode and promotes Advantage Gold, a company specializing in gold investments for financial diversification.

The Democrat Party's Dictatorship

Levin criticizes the Democrat Party, the media, and Kamala Harris for their alleged manipulation of information and control over the narrative. He argues that they are using propaganda and censorship to advance their agenda and suppress opposing viewpoints.

Economic Uncertainty and Gold Investment

Levin discusses the current economic climate, highlighting concerns about inflation, recession, and the stock market. He promotes Advantage Gold as a safe haven for wealth preservation during uncertain times.

Kamala Harris's Record on Women's Rights

Levin questions Kamala Harris's commitment to women's rights, citing her support for abortion on demand and her choice of a running mate who opposes parental rights in gender identity decisions. He argues that her policies are harmful to women and girls.

Economic Crisis and Gold Investment (Advertisement)

Levin reiterates his concerns about the economy and promotes Advantage Gold as a solution for protecting wealth during economic uncertainty.

Kamala Harris's Lack of Accomplishments

Levin criticizes Kamala Harris's lack of experience and accomplishments, suggesting that she is hiding from the public due to her perceived incompetence. He compares her campaign to a dictatorship, with a controlled media and a lack of transparency.

Kamala Harris's Hatred for Women

Levin argues that Kamala Harris's policies are harmful to women and that she does not truly believe in women's rights. He contrasts her with his own mother and grandmother, who he believes embody true female strength and independence.

Kamala Harris's Destruction of Women's Athletics

Levin criticizes Kamala Harris and Joe Biden for their support of transgender athletes competing in women's sports, arguing that it is a violation of women's rights and a destruction of women's athletics.

Kamala Harris's Hypocrisy on Women's Rights

Levin criticizes Kamala Harris's hypocrisy on women's rights, arguing that she supports abortion on demand but opposes parental rights in education and gender identity decisions. He suggests that her focus is on power rather than genuine support for women.

Economic Uncertainty and Gold Investment (Advertisement)

Levin reiterates his concerns about the economy and promotes Advantage Gold as a solution for protecting wealth during economic uncertainty.

Kamala Harris's Record on the Black Community

Levin questions Kamala Harris's record on the Black community, suggesting that she has done little to help Black Americans. He also discusses the upcoming election as a reckoning for American Jews, who he believes are facing a choice between supporting a candidate who is friendly to Israel or one who is not.

The Importance of Education and School Choice

Levin discusses the importance of education for all individuals, particularly those from poor and minority communities. He argues that school choice is essential for improving education and empowering individuals.

Kamala Harris's Record on the Black Community and Anti-Semitism

Levin reiterates his criticism of Kamala Harris's record on the Black community, arguing that she has done nothing of consequence for Black Americans. He contrasts her with Donald Trump, who he claims has done more for minorities than any other president. He also accuses Kamala Harris of trafficking in anti-Semitism, citing her support for Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, who he believes are anti-Semitic. He also criticizes her choice of running mate, Tim Walz, who he claims supports Omar.

Kamala Harris's Support for Radical Islamists and Ties to Hamas

Levin criticizes Kamala Harris's support for radical Islamists, arguing that she is playing footsie with groups that seek to destroy the United States and Israel. He expresses concern about her silence on the current conflict in the Middle East. He also discusses Kamala Harris's ties to Hamas, a terrorist organization, through her support for organizations like CARE. He questions whether American Jews will support a candidate who is so closely aligned with Hamas.

The Reckoning for American Jews and the Life and Death Stakes of the Election

Levin argues that American Jews face a reckoning in the upcoming election, as they must choose between supporting a candidate who is friendly to Israel or one who is not. He criticizes Kamala Harris's record on Israel and her support for anti-Israel policies. He emphasizes the life and death stakes of the upcoming election, arguing that the policies of Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party pose a threat to the safety and security of the United States and Israel.

The Media's Propaganda and Kamala Harris's Incompetence

Levin criticizes the media for their alleged propaganda and their support for Kamala Harris. He argues that they are not reporting the news but rather pushing a political agenda. He also questions Harris's ability to protect the United States, citing her lack of action on border security and her support for radical groups.

Donald Trump's Importance and the Marxist Islamist Threat

Levin argues that Donald Trump is a historic figure who is needed in this time of crisis. He criticizes the Democrat Party for their alleged Marxist Islamist agenda and their attempts to destroy Trump's reputation.

The Media's Propaganda and the Democrat Convention

Levin criticizes the media for their alleged propaganda and their coverage of the Democrat National Convention. He argues that they are using the convention to promote a false narrative about Kamala Harris and her policies.

The Importance of Earning the Presidency and Transparency in Democracy

Levin argues that Kamala Harris is disrespecting the American people by hiding from them and refusing to engage in a vigorous campaign. He criticizes her for relying on the media and billionaire oligarchs to promote her agenda. He criticizes Kamala Harris for her lack of transparency and her refusal to reveal her true policies. He argues that this is a violation of democratic principles and that the American people deserve to know what she stands for before they vote.

Donald Trump's Availability and the Democrat's Attacks

Levin contrasts Donald Trump's accessibility and willingness to engage with the media with Kamala Harris's avoidance of the public. He criticizes the Democrats for their attempts to smear Trump and argues that he has done more for minorities than any other president.

The Obamas' Record on Black Americans and Donald Trump's Record on Jobs and Criminal Justice Reform

Levin questions Barack and Michelle Obama's record on Black Americans, arguing that they have done little to help working-class and poor Black Americans. He contrasts their record with Donald Trump's, who he claims has done more for minorities than any other president. He praises Donald Trump's record on jobs and criminal justice reform, arguing that he has done more for minorities than any other president. He criticizes the Democrats for their opposition to school choice and their attempts to smear Trump.

Josh Shapiro's Silence on Anti-Semitism and Donald Trump's Record on Israel and Anti-Semitism

Levin criticizes Josh Shapiro, the Democrat governor of Pennsylvania, for his silence on anti-Semitism within the Democrat Party. He argues that Shapiro should have condemned the party's failure to unequivocally denounce anti-Semitism. He praises Donald Trump's record on Israel and anti-Semitism, arguing that he has been the greatest supporter of Israel of any president. He contrasts Trump's record with Kamala Harris's, who he claims is hiding from the public and relying on the media to promote her agenda.

The Democrat Party's Dictatorial Campaign and Deceptive Strategy

Levin criticizes the Democrat Party for their dictatorial campaign tactics, arguing that they are trying to install Kamala Harris as president without the American people knowing her true views. He criticizes the media for their role in concealing Harris's policies and for their lack of accountability. He criticizes the Democrat Party for their deceptive strategy of hiding Kamala Harris's true views from the public. He argues that they are relying on early voting and propaganda to win the election without transparency.

The Democrat Party's Contempt for the American People and the Democrat Convention's Bread and Circuses

Levin criticizes the Democrat Party for their contempt for the American people, arguing that they believe voters are stupid and will be swayed by empty promises of joy and hope. He argues that the party is out of touch with the concerns of ordinary Americans. He criticizes the Democrat National Convention as a vapid and pointless operation, comparing it to the Roman practice of bread and circuses. He argues that the party is trying to distract voters with celebrity appearances instead of focusing on substance.


School Choice

A system that allows parents to choose where their children attend school, including public, private, or charter schools, often with government funding. It aims to improve education quality and empower parents.


Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a particular political cause or point of view. It often involves distortion, exaggeration, or suppression of facts.

Marxist Islamists

A term used by some conservatives to describe a perceived alliance between Marxist and Islamist ideologies, often characterized by anti-capitalism, anti-Western sentiment, and a desire for social and political change.


A Palestinian Islamist militant group that controls the Gaza Strip. It is considered a terrorist organization by many countries, including the United States and Israel. Hamas's goals include the destruction of Israel and the establishment of an Islamic state in its place.

DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)

A set of principles and practices aimed at promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in organizations and institutions. It often involves efforts to address systemic inequalities and create a more inclusive environment for all.


A small group of powerful and wealthy individuals who control a significant portion of a country's economy and political system. They often use their influence to advance their own interests and maintain their power.

Bread and Circuses

A phrase used to describe a strategy of distracting the public with entertainment and superficial pleasures while ignoring important social and political issues. It is often associated with the Roman Empire, where the ruling class used public spectacles to appease the masses.


  • What are Mark Levin's main criticisms of Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party?

    Levin criticizes Harris for her lack of experience, her alleged anti-Semitism, her support for radical Islamists, and her refusal to engage in a transparent campaign. He also criticizes the Democrat Party for their alleged Marxist Islamist agenda, their use of propaganda, and their attempts to control the media narrative.

  • What does Mark Levin believe is the importance of school choice?

    Levin believes that school choice is essential for improving education quality, particularly for students from poor and minority communities. He argues that it empowers parents and gives them a greater say in their children's education.

  • How does Mark Levin view the role of the media in the upcoming election?

    Levin believes that the media is not reporting the news but rather pushing a political agenda. He criticizes them for their alleged propaganda and their support for Kamala Harris. He argues that they are concealing Harris's true views and misleading the public.

  • What does Mark Levin believe is at stake in the upcoming election?

    Levin believes that the upcoming election is a life and death matter, as the policies of Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party pose a threat to the safety and security of the United States and Israel. He argues that the election is a choice between supporting a candidate who is friendly to Israel or one who is not.

  • How does Mark Levin contrast Donald Trump's campaign with Kamala Harris's?

    Levin contrasts Trump's accessibility and willingness to engage with the public with Harris's avoidance of the public. He criticizes Harris for relying on the media and billionaire oligarchs to promote her agenda and for refusing to reveal her true policies. He argues that Trump is running on his record and engaging with the public, while Harris is hiding from them.

Show Notes

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, we bring you the best of Mark Levin this Labor Day. The media, the Democrat party, and the ruling class that runs this country will do anything to hold on to power. The American republic requires a truly free and honest media. The American media covered up for Woodrow Wilson when he had a stroke, and his wife ran the country. The American media covered up FDR's near-death condition when he ran for an unprecedented 4th term. The American media lied about President Biden's dementia; and now, the American media are lying, smearing, and concealing on behalf of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. The media have turned JD Vance into Kamala Harris and Kamala Harris into JD Vance. Harris is running the campaign of a dictator - a pretend nomination and a pretend convention. Harris hates women, she’s not for women’s rights. Harris and Biden have done more to destroy women’s sports than any duo in American history. She chose a running mate, Tim Walz, who signed the most extreme gender transition law in America. Later, what has Harris done for the Black community? Harris opposes school choice as every major Democrat does. Every American should be given a choice of where to send their children to school. Also, this election is a reckoning for the American Jew. Will American Jews abandon Israeli Jews and vote for a party that is openly the voice of Hamas and Iran? Will they abandon the Jewish people for their party? Later, Harris is hiding from the voters behind a corrupt media and campaign surrogates and expects to be handed the Presidency without having to campaign for it. Harris has been nominated in the most un-Democratic process in American history that is spitting in the face of the civil rights movement, women’s rights, and representative government. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is facing the media, answering tough questions, and campaigning all across the country to groups of voters that don’t always vote Republican because he has a successful record to campaign on. We don’t need to be talked down to by people like Bernie Sanders and Oprah Winfrey, who have made a fortune from Capitalism but call it evil, or lied to by the Democrat media covering for Kamala.

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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/2/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/2/24

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