DiscoverMark Levin PodcastMark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/6/24
Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/6/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/6/24

Update: 2024-09-071


This podcast episode, hosted by Ben Ferguson, focuses on the controversial endorsement of Kamala Harris for president by former Vice President Dick Cheney. Ferguson argues that Cheney's statement is a betrayal of those who worked with him and is driven by personal resentment over his daughter's political defeat. He criticizes Cheney's hypocrisy, highlighting Harris's past statements and actions that contradict Cheney's claims of her being a champion of democracy. The episode also delves into the current economic climate, emphasizing the importance of diversifying wealth and promoting Advantage Gold as a reliable gold investment company. Ferguson discusses the fentanyl crisis and the Biden administration's role in it, arguing that their open border policies have allowed the cartels to flourish and have led to a surge in fentanyl deaths. He also criticizes the Democratic Party's increasing dominance by communists, socialists, and Marxists, who he believes are using immigration as a tool to gain power. Ferguson further explores the alarming situation in rural Colorado where gangs are taking over apartment complexes, threatening residents and property managers, and operating with impunity. He highlights the role of sanctuary cities and Kamala Harris's policies in creating an environment where these gangs can thrive. He also criticizes the media for their biased coverage of the Georgia school shooting and the Trump assassination attempt, arguing that they are deliberately downplaying the Trump assassination attempt while exaggerating the school shooting to push their political agenda. Throughout the episode, Ferguson emphasizes the importance of putting country over personal feelings in politics and calls for better leadership. He criticizes the political elites for their erratic behavior and their declining influence, suggesting that their endorsements are no longer as valuable as they once were. He also expresses concern about the lack of coverage of the Trump assassination attempt and the media's bias in favor of the left.


Introduction and Advertisement

Mark Levin introduces the show and promotes Advantage Gold, a company specializing in gold investments, emphasizing its reliability and five-star service.

Cheney's Endorsement and Political Betrayal

Ben Ferguson discusses Dick Cheney's endorsement of Kamala Harris, criticizing it as a betrayal of those who worked with him and a sign of his hurt feelings over his daughter's political defeat. He highlights the hypocrisy of Cheney's statement, considering Harris's past statements and actions.

Economic Concerns and Advantage Gold

Ferguson discusses the current economic climate, highlighting concerns about a potential recession and the rising unemployment rate. He emphasizes the importance of diversifying wealth and promotes Advantage Gold as a reliable gold investment company.

Economic Crisis and Advantage Gold

Mark Levin returns to the show and reiterates the urgency of protecting wealth during the current economic crisis. He promotes Advantage Gold as a reliable gold investment company, emphasizing its ability to help people navigate economic uncertainty.

Cheney's Statement and the National Fraternal Order of Police

Ferguson discusses the hypocrisy of Cheney's statement, highlighting the fact that the National Fraternal Order of Police, a major police organization, has endorsed Donald Trump. He argues that Cheney's statement is driven by personal resentment and a desire to maintain political power.

Kamala Harris's Views on Free Speech and Democracy

Ferguson plays audio clips of Kamala Harris and Tim Waltz, both of whom have expressed views that seem to undermine free speech and democratic principles. He argues that these views are a threat to democracy and highlight the dangers of the current political climate.

Kamala Harris's Calls to Silence Trump on Social Media

Ferguson discusses Kamala Harris's past calls to silence Donald Trump on social media, arguing that these actions are a clear threat to free speech and democratic principles. He highlights the hypocrisy of Dick Cheney's endorsement of Harris, considering her past statements and actions.

Cheney's Betrayal and the Importance of Country Over Personal Feelings

Ferguson reiterates his belief that Cheney's statement is a betrayal of those who worked with him and a sign of his hurt feelings over his daughter's political defeat. He contrasts Cheney's actions with those of Ted Cruz, who put country over personal feelings after a contentious primary campaign.

The Winner and the Loser in Politics

Ferguson emphasizes the importance of putting country over personal feelings in politics, even after contentious campaigns. He criticizes Cheney for allowing his personal resentment to dictate his political actions.

The Need for Better Leadership

Ferguson calls for better leadership in politics, urging politicians to put country over personal feelings and stop embarrassing themselves with actions driven by resentment and a desire for power.

Economic Concerns and Advantage Gold

Ferguson reiterates the importance of protecting wealth during the current economic crisis and promotes Advantage Gold as a reliable gold investment company.

Cheney's Statement and Political Elitism

Ferguson continues to criticize Cheney's statement, arguing that it's driven by a desire to maintain political power and a resentment of those who have disrupted the traditional political order. He highlights the hypocrisy of Cheney's statement, considering Harris's past statements and actions.

The Democratic Party and the Rise of Communism

Ferguson argues that the Democratic Party is increasingly dominated by communists, socialists, and Marxists who are using immigration as a tool to gain power. He highlights the hypocrisy of Democratic leaders who have changed their stance on immigration over time.

The Decline of Political Elites

Ferguson argues that the political elites are losing their power and influence, which is why they are acting so erratic. He suggests that their endorsements are no longer as valuable as they once were and that they are becoming increasingly irrelevant.

The Biden Crime Family and the Threat to Democracy

Ferguson criticizes the Biden family's corruption and its impact on democracy. He argues that the Biden family's actions are a greater threat to democracy than anything Donald Trump has done.

Hunter Biden's Guilty Plea and the Democratic Machine

Ferguson discusses Hunter Biden's guilty plea to nine felony charges and the Democratic machine's efforts to protect him. He argues that the Democratic machine has engaged in censorship and disinformation to protect the Biden family.

The Biden Administration and the Fentanyl Crisis

Ferguson discusses the fentanyl crisis and the Biden administration's role in it. He argues that the Biden administration's open border policies have allowed the cartels to flourish and have led to a surge in fentanyl deaths.

Chuck Schumer's Hypocrisy on Immigration

Ferguson plays audio clips of Chuck Schumer speaking about immigration, highlighting his changing stance over time. He argues that Schumer's current support for amnesty for undocumented immigrants is driven by a desire to gain political power and that it is a threat to the country.

The Democratic Party and the Rise of Communism

Ferguson argues that the Democratic Party is increasingly dominated by communists, socialists, and Marxists who are using immigration as a tool to gain power. He highlights the hypocrisy of Democratic leaders who have changed their stance on immigration over time.

The Democratic Party's Power Grab

Ferguson argues that the Democratic Party's changing stance on immigration is driven by a desire to gain ultimate power over the people. He suggests that they are importing communists and socialists to create a voting bloc that will support their agenda.

Gangs Taking Over Apartments in Colorado

Ben Ferguson discusses the alarming situation in rural Colorado where gangs are taking over apartment complexes, threatening residents and property managers, and operating with impunity. He highlights the role of sanctuary cities and Kamala Harris's policies in creating an environment where these gangs can thrive.

Gangs Taking Over Neighborhoods

Ben Ferguson continues to discuss the gang takeover of neighborhoods, citing examples in New York City and Aurora, Colorado. He argues that the influx of illegal immigrants has created a situation where gangs can operate with impunity in sanctuary cities.

Media Lies About School Shooting and Trump Assassination Attempt

Ben Ferguson criticizes the media for their biased coverage of the Georgia school shooting and the Trump assassination attempt. He argues that the media is deliberately downplaying the Trump assassination attempt while exaggerating the school shooting to push their political agenda.

Reagan Returns to Office

Ben Ferguson discusses the new movie \"Reagan Returns to Office\" and its relevance to the current political climate. He argues that the movie highlights the importance of fighting for freedom and democracy against the forces of communism and socialism.

Associated Press Lies About JD Vance

Ben Ferguson continues to criticize the media, specifically the Associated Press, for their dishonest reporting on JD Vance's comments about school shootings. He argues that the AP is deliberately twisting Vance's words to portray him as insensitive and uncaring.

The Border Crisis and the Rise of Crime

Ben Ferguson discusses the border crisis and its impact on crime rates in the United States. He argues that the influx of illegal immigrants, many of whom are criminals, is contributing to a rise in crime in cities across the country.

The Trump Assassination Attempt and Media Bias

Ben Ferguson returns to the topic of the Trump assassination attempt and the media's lack of coverage. He argues that the media is deliberately ignoring the story because they are afraid it will help Trump politically.

Wrapping Up

Ben Ferguson wraps up the show by thanking his listeners and reflecting on the topics discussed. He expresses concern about the lack of coverage of the Trump assassination attempt and the media's bias in favor of the left.


Fentanyl Crisis

A public health emergency in the United States characterized by a surge in deaths related to fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid. The crisis is linked to the influx of fentanyl from Mexico and the Biden administration's open border policies.

Political Elitism

A belief that a select group of individuals, often those with wealth, power, or social status, are superior to others and should hold a disproportionate amount of influence in society. This concept is often used to criticize those who believe they are entitled to power and privilege.


A political and economic ideology that advocates for a classless society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state. Communism is often associated with authoritarianism, state control of the economy, and the suppression of individual liberties.


A political and economic ideology that advocates for social ownership and democratic control of the means of production. Socialism aims to create a more equitable society by redistributing wealth and power.


A social, political, and economic theory developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Marxism analyzes the development of capitalism and its inherent contradictions, arguing that it will inevitably be overthrown by a socialist revolution.

Open Border Policies

Policies that aim to reduce restrictions on immigration and allow people to cross borders more freely. Open border policies are often controversial, with supporters arguing that they promote economic growth and human rights, while opponents argue that they lead to security risks and strain on social services.


The deliberate spread of false or misleading information, often with the intent to deceive or manipulate. Disinformation can be spread through various channels, including social media, traditional media, and word of mouth.


The suppression of speech, public communication, or other information that may be considered objectionable. Censorship can be carried out by governments, private organizations, or individuals.

Sanctuary City

A city or municipality that has adopted policies limiting cooperation with federal immigration enforcement. These policies aim to protect undocumented immigrants from deportation.


  • What is Ben Ferguson's main criticism of Dick Cheney's statement endorsing Kamala Harris?

    Ferguson believes Cheney's statement is a betrayal of those who worked with him and is driven by personal resentment over his daughter's political defeat. He argues that Cheney is putting his own feelings ahead of the good of the country.

  • How does Ben Ferguson connect the rise of social media to the current political climate?

    Ferguson argues that social media has disrupted the traditional political order, allowing individuals to bypass the establishment and gain power without having to play the game. He suggests that Cheney's statement is a reaction to this disruption and a desire to maintain the status quo.

  • What is Ben Ferguson's view on the Democratic Party's current direction?

    Ferguson believes the Democratic Party is increasingly dominated by communists, socialists, and Marxists who are using immigration as a tool to gain power. He argues that their open border policies are a threat to the country and that they are importing voters who will support their agenda.

  • What is Ben Ferguson's main concern about the fentanyl crisis?

    Ferguson believes the Biden administration's open border policies have allowed the cartels to flourish and have led to a surge in fentanyl deaths. He argues that the administration is not doing enough to address the crisis and that their actions are putting American lives at risk.

  • How does Ben Ferguson explain the changing stance of Democratic leaders on immigration?

    Ferguson argues that the Democratic Party's changing stance on immigration is driven by a desire to gain ultimate power over the people. He suggests that they are importing communists and socialists to create a voting bloc that will support their agenda.

  • What is the situation in rural Colorado regarding gangs taking over apartment complexes?

    Gangs are taking over apartment complexes in rural Colorado, threatening residents and property managers, and operating with impunity. They are breaking into vacant apartments, changing the locks, and renting them out to people they control. They are also demanding a cut of the rent from property managers, threatening violence if they refuse.

  • How are sanctuary cities contributing to the problem of gang violence?

    Sanctuary cities have policies that limit cooperation with federal immigration enforcement, making it difficult to deport illegal immigrants, including those involved in criminal activity. This creates an environment where gangs can operate with impunity, knowing that they are unlikely to face consequences for their actions.

  • Why is the media downplaying the Trump assassination attempt while exaggerating the Georgia school shooting?

    The media is deliberately downplaying the Trump assassination attempt because they are afraid it will help Trump politically. They are exaggerating the Georgia school shooting to push their political agenda, which includes gun control.

  • What is the main takeaway from Ben Ferguson's show?

    The main takeaway from Ben Ferguson's show is that the media is no longer a reliable source of information. They are now propagandists for the left, and they are willing to lie and distort the truth to push their political agenda. It is important to be critical of the media and to seek out information from multiple sources.

Show Notes

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, WREC radio host Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark. Former VP Dick Cheney has endorsed Kamala Harris and says Donald Trump is a threat that can never be trusted with power again. Cheney is still mad about Liz Cheney losing her spot in Congress and her relevancy because of Trump and has joined the never-Trumpers and fake Republicans like Adam Kinzinger. If you care about our country, you don’t put a Marxist in office. Also, when Trump won in 2016 the political elites and the establishment hated him because he disrupted their world. There was a line or a pecking order in politics and they waited their turn. Trump disrupted the establishment and the Republican party by using his fame and notoriety to jump the line and become president. The Obamas, the Clintons, the Cheneys, etc were furious. Later, the open border under the Biden-Harris administration, combined with anti-police policies and mentality, has led to gangs taking over entire cities in America like Aurora, CO. The communist Marxist Democrats have put us all in danger and now American citizens are hostage to cartels.

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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/6/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/6/24

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