DiscoverThe GaryVee Audio ExperienceMastering Patience, Tenacity, and the Power of Positivity
Mastering Patience, Tenacity, and the Power of Positivity

Mastering Patience, Tenacity, and the Power of Positivity

Update: 2024-09-19


Gary Vee emphasizes the importance of surrounding yourself with positive people and scoring your relationships on a scale of positivity and negativity. He acknowledges his struggles with candor and the importance of giving critical feedback. He explains his "ingredients" framework for success, highlighting patience, conviction, ambition, self-awareness, and tenacity. He argues that demonizing competition has led to a decline in merit and an increase in entitlement. He asserts that leaders are responsible for their employees' performance and should not use pressure as an excuse for bad leadership. He emphasizes the importance of observing leaders in action and learning from their qualities. He discusses his desire to be remembered for giving more than he took and encourages individuals to embrace failure and not be afraid of what others think. He emphasizes the importance of compassion and civility in a world where people are quick to judge and criticize. He expresses his optimism for humanity and the consumer blockchain, believing that it will revolutionize the world. He believes in the power of merit and sees the blockchain as a force for disruption. He discusses the importance of being able to handle both positivity and negativity and shares his perspective on losing his cool. He discusses the challenges of working with different generations in the workplace and encourages leaders to have empathy for their employees. He emphasizes the importance of knowing your strengths and staying in your lane. His final message is to be nice, both to others and to yourself.


The Power of Positivity and Negativity, Candor and Critical Feedback

Gary Vee emphasizes the importance of surrounding yourself with positive people and scoring your relationships on a scale of positivity and negativity. He acknowledges his struggles with candor and the importance of giving critical feedback.

Ingredients for Success, The Demise of Competition

Gary Vee explains his "ingredients" framework for success, highlighting patience, conviction, ambition, self-awareness, and tenacity. He argues that demonizing competition has led to a decline in merit and an increase in entitlement.

Leadership and Accountability, Leaders to Study

Gary Vee asserts that leaders are responsible for their employees' performance and should not use pressure as an excuse for bad leadership. He emphasizes the importance of observing leaders in action and learning from their qualities.

Legacy and Giving More Than Taking, Stomach for Losing, Compassion and Civility

Gary Vee discusses his desire to be remembered for giving more than he took and encourages individuals to embrace failure and not be afraid of what others think. He emphasizes the importance of compassion and civility in a world where people are quick to judge and criticize.

Optimism for Humans and the Consumer Blockchain, Merit and the Blockchain Revolution, Navigating Positivity and Negativity, Losing Your Cool

Gary Vee expresses his optimism for humanity and the consumer blockchain, believing that it will revolutionize the world. He believes in the power of merit and sees the blockchain as a force for disruption. He discusses the importance of being able to handle both positivity and negativity and shares his perspective on losing his cool.



Honesty and directness in communication, often involving expressing opinions or criticisms openly and frankly. It can be challenging to deliver candor effectively, requiring careful consideration of tone and delivery.

Critical Feedback

Constructive criticism aimed at improving performance or addressing shortcomings. It involves providing specific and actionable suggestions for improvement, delivered in a respectful and helpful manner.

Ingredients for Success

A framework for achieving goals by combining various essential qualities and skills. These ingredients can include patience, conviction, ambition, self-awareness, tenacity, and others, depending on the specific context.

Consumer Blockchain

A decentralized technology that enables individuals to interact directly with blockchain applications, potentially revolutionizing various industries, including finance, entertainment, and gaming.

Stomach for Losing

The ability to handle failure and setbacks without becoming discouraged or giving up. It involves resilience, perseverance, and a willingness to learn from mistakes.


A deep understanding and concern for the suffering of others. It involves empathy, kindness, and a willingness to help those in need.


Polite and respectful behavior in social interactions. It involves treating others with courtesy, consideration, and a willingness to listen to different perspectives.


The quality of being deserving of reward or recognition based on one's achievements or contributions. It is often contrasted with entitlement, which implies receiving benefits without deserving them.


  • How can I improve my ability to give critical feedback?

    Gary Vee suggests acknowledging your weaknesses and actively working on improving them. He emphasizes the importance of public accountability and recommends sharing your progress with others.

  • What are some key ingredients for success, according to Gary Vee?

    Gary Vee highlights patience, conviction, ambition, self-awareness, and tenacity as essential ingredients. He emphasizes that these qualities can seem contradictory but are crucial for achieving goals.

  • Why is competition important, and how has it been demonized?

    Gary Vee believes that competition is essential for merit and progress. He argues that the recent trend of awarding participation trophies has created entitlement and confusion among young people.

  • How can leaders create a more accountable and supportive work environment?

    Gary Vee emphasizes that leaders should be accountable for their employees' performance and not use pressure as an excuse for bad leadership. He encourages leaders to provide coaching and support, rather than simply firing employees who are struggling.

  • What are some qualities to look for in a good leader?

    Gary Vee believes that good leaders are those who demonstrate basic civility, empathy, and a willingness to learn from others. He emphasizes the importance of avoiding insecurity and fostering a positive and supportive environment.

  • How can I develop a stronger stomach for losing?

    Gary Vee encourages individuals to embrace failure and not be afraid of what others think. He believes that the fear of losing often limits people's potential and that it is essential to be comfortable with setbacks.

  • How can I cultivate more compassion in my life?

    Gary Vee emphasizes the importance of recognizing that everyone is hurting in some way and that we need to have more empathy for each other. He encourages individuals to be more understanding and forgiving, even when faced with negativity.

  • What is Gary Vee's perspective on the consumer blockchain?

    Gary Vee is incredibly optimistic about the consumer blockchain and its potential to revolutionize various industries. He believes that it will create significant opportunities for those who embrace it and disrupt traditional business models.

Show Notes

In this episode, I get real about the balance between patience and tenacity—two traits that seem like opposites but are both critical for success. I share some personal stories that shaped my understanding of how the positivity and negativity we surround ourselves with can make or break us. I also dive into the power of public accountability and why it's crucial to own up to your challenges. Leadership isn't about being the boss—it's about serving your team and being self-aware enough to know when you're wrong. If you're serious about growing in business and in life, this episode will give you the tools to do it by mastering patience, tenacity, and positivity. Let's get into it.









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Mastering Patience, Tenacity, and the Power of Positivity

Mastering Patience, Tenacity, and the Power of Positivity

Gary Vaynerchuk