DiscoverThe Matt Walsh ShowMatt Walsh Ranks The Top 5 Most OVERRATED Films
Matt Walsh Ranks The Top 5 Most OVERRATED Films

Matt Walsh Ranks The Top 5 Most OVERRATED Films

Update: 2024-08-31


This podcast delves into the concept of overrated films, dissecting five popular movies: Shawshank Redemption, Toy Story, The Dark Knight, Marvel movies, and Star Wars. The speaker argues that these films are not as good as their reputations suggest, pointing out flaws in their plots, characters, and overall execution. For Shawshank Redemption, the speaker criticizes the simplistic characters and the sanitized portrayal of prison life. Toy Story is deemed overrated due to the portrayal of Sid as a villain for his creative exploration of toys, while Andy's unhealthy attachment to his toys is overlooked. The Dark Knight is criticized for plot holes, particularly regarding the Joker's actions and Two-Face's portrayal as a criminal genius. The speaker argues that all Marvel movies are "cinematic slop," lacking depth and originality due to their increasing length, redundancy, and the introduction of multiple universes. Finally, Star Wars is deemed the most overrated film, with its popularity attributed to nostalgia rather than its actual quality. The speaker criticizes the acting, script, and portrayal of Darth Vader, suggesting the film's reputation is inflated.


Overrated Films: A Critical Look

This episode explores the concept of overrated films, presenting a list of five movies that the speaker believes are not as good as their reputations suggest. The list includes Shawshank Redemption, Toy Story, The Dark Knight, Marvel movies, and Star Wars.

Toy Story: A Critical Look at Sid

The speaker argues that Toy Story is overrated, particularly due to the portrayal of Sid, the villain. They question the logic of portraying Sid as evil for taking apart and reassembling toys, suggesting that Andy's unhealthy attachment to his toys is more problematic.

The Dark Knight: Plot Holes and Overblown Praise

The speaker criticizes The Dark Knight for its plot holes and argues that it's overrated. They highlight inconsistencies in the Joker's actions, particularly his ability to wire a hospital with explosives unnoticed, and question the portrayal of Two-Face as a criminal genius.

The Overrated Marvel Cinematic Universe

The speaker argues that all Marvel movies are overrated, claiming they are "cinematic slop" and lack depth. They criticize the increasing length and redundancy of the films, the lack of stakes due to multiple universes, and the overall laziness of the writing.


Overrated Film

A film that is widely praised and considered a masterpiece but is, in the speaker's opinion, not as good as its reputation suggests. The film may have flaws, inconsistencies, or simply not live up to the hype.

Cinematic Slop

A derogatory term used to describe films that are considered poorly made, lacking in quality, and lacking in artistic merit. The speaker uses this term to describe Marvel movies, suggesting they are formulaic and lack depth.


A sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, often associated with a romanticized view of past experiences. The speaker suggests that the popularity of Star Wars is largely due to nostalgia, as people remember it fondly from their childhood.

Plot Hole

A gap or inconsistency in the plot of a story, often a result of poor planning or execution. The speaker points out several plot holes in The Dark Knight, particularly regarding the Joker's actions and the portrayal of Two-Face.


The importance or significance of the outcome of a story or event. The speaker argues that Marvel movies lack stakes due to the introduction of multiple universes, making the consequences of events less meaningful.

Unhealthy Fixation

An obsessive or excessive attachment to something, often to the detriment of other aspects of life. The speaker uses this term to describe Andy's relationship with his toys in Toy Story, suggesting it is unhealthy and unrealistic.


  • What are the speaker's main criteria for determining a film as overrated?

    The speaker believes a film is overrated if its reputation exceeds its actual quality. They look for flaws, inconsistencies, and a lack of originality in the film's plot, characters, and overall execution.

  • Why does the speaker believe Shawshank Redemption is overrated?

    The speaker argues that Shawshank Redemption is overly sentimental and predictable, with characters that are archetypal and lack depth. They also criticize the film's sanitized portrayal of prison life, suggesting it doesn't accurately reflect the realities of incarceration.

  • What is the speaker's main criticism of Toy Story?

    The speaker believes that Sid, the villain in Toy Story, is unfairly portrayed as evil for taking apart and reassembling toys. They argue that Andy's unhealthy attachment to his toys is more problematic and that Sid's actions are simply a form of creative expression.

  • What are the speaker's main criticisms of The Dark Knight?

    The speaker points out several plot holes in The Dark Knight, including the Joker's ability to wire a hospital with explosives unnoticed and the inconsistencies in Two-Face's portrayal as a criminal genius. They also argue that the film's reputation is largely due to Heath Ledger's performance and that it's not a great film overall.

  • Why does the speaker believe Marvel movies are overrated?

    The speaker criticizes Marvel movies for their increasing length, redundancy, and lack of stakes due to the introduction of multiple universes. They also argue that the writing is lazy and that the films lack depth and originality.

  • What is the speaker's main criticism of Star Wars?

    The speaker believes that Star Wars is a decent but not exceptional film, and that its popularity is largely due to nostalgia. They criticize the acting, script, and portrayal of Darth Vader, suggesting that the film's reputation is inflated and that it doesn't warrant the extensive franchise that followed.

Show Notes

This is the definitive list of the most overrated films of all time, no arguments please.


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Matt Walsh Ranks The Top 5 Most OVERRATED Films

Matt Walsh Ranks The Top 5 Most OVERRATED Films

The Matt Walsh Show