May Day May Day – Welcome To Machine – The NYC ElectroAcoustic Improvisation Summit
For the first day of May there’s a new Words On New Music podcast out! In this episode Jim and Paul talk about the concluding night of the Second Annual NYC Electroacoustic Improvisation Summit including samples of the artists who performed as well as commentary about similar work going on the West Coast. The NYC event took place this past February. The concert series featured music by artists focused on the integration of music improvisation and real-time interactive computer systems.
Listen at Words On New Music – May 2017 – 72:04
Artists’ music included in this cast (info from the website)…
Thomas Ciufo and Curtis Bahn, Sonic Constructions (hybird acoustic/electronic instruments)
Nick Demopoulos, Archeon Eon (“Smomid” and “Pyramidi” invented electronic instruments)
Adam James Wilson, Skronkbot (fretless electric guitar and automatic improvisation system)
Doug Van Nort, Solo Improvisation with GREIS (tablet controller and GREIS improvisation system)
Jeff Kaiser, ZEITNOT (Bb trumpet, quartertone trumpet, flugelhorn, interactive audio software)