DiscoverWorkLife with Adam GrantMellody Hobson on taking tough feedback (re-release)
Mellody Hobson on taking tough feedback (re-release)

Mellody Hobson on taking tough feedback (re-release)

Update: 2024-07-094


Melody Hobson, a leader known for her trailblazing achievements and work at Ariel Investments, the first black-owned mutual fund in the US, discusses her approach to receiving feedback. She emphasizes the importance of treating feedback as a gift, being open to it from anyone, and recognizing patterns in repetitive criticism. Hobson shares a powerful anecdote about receiving feedback from Bill Bradley, who told her she could be a "ball hog" and dominate conversations, silencing others. She explains how she learned to use this feedback to her advantage, engaging with people by asking them questions about themselves. Hobson also discusses the importance of being unapologetically black and a woman, and how she navigates environments dominated by white men. She believes in the power of being kind but not soft, strong but not tough, and unafraid of being different. Hobson shares her vision for a future where everyone believes they can be or do anything, regardless of their background, and emphasizes the need for accountability, incentives, and measurement to achieve this goal. She encourages listeners to invite people into their lives who are different from them and to be open-minded and understanding when encountering difficult questions or awkward exchanges. Hobson concludes by emphasizing the importance of speaking up against injustice and not being silent in the face of conflict, drawing inspiration from Rosa Parks and the collective power of everyday people.



This Chapter introduces the podcast "Rethinking" and its host, Adam Grant, an organizational psychologist. It highlights the episode's focus on feedback and features Melody Hobson, a leader known for her trailblazing achievements and work at Ariel Investments, the first black-owned mutual fund in the US.

Melody Hobson's Journey

This Chapter delves into Melody Hobson's personal journey, highlighting her upbringing in a financially insecure environment and her subsequent drive for financial security. She discusses her experiences at Princeton and her aspiration for a stable life, emphasizing the role of her upbringing in shaping her values and ambitions.

Feedback as a Gift

This Chapter explores Melody Hobson's perspective on receiving feedback. She shares valuable insights from her coach at Ariel, emphasizing that feedback is a gift, not a right, and should be received from anyone, regardless of personal feelings. Hobson recounts a significant experience with Bill Bradley, who provided her with critical feedback, and how she learned to process and benefit from it.

Change and Pain

This Chapter delves into the concept of change and its connection to pain. Melody Hobson shares a quote from Nancy Peretzman, who said, "People don't change unless they're in pain." Hobson reflects on her own experiences and provides examples of how pain can be a catalyst for significant change, citing the pandemic as a recent example.

Navigating a Male-Dominated World

This Chapter explores Melody Hobson's experiences as a black woman in a male-dominated world. She discusses the importance of being kind but not soft, strong but not tough, and unapologetically black and a woman. Hobson shares a powerful anecdote about being unafraid of being different and using her unique identity to her advantage.

Building Anti-Racist Systems

This Chapter focuses on Melody Hobson's vision for building anti-racist workplaces, universities, and other systems. She emphasizes the importance of believing that everyone can be or do anything, regardless of their background, and outlines practical steps to achieve this goal, including accountability, incentives, and measurement.


Melody Hobson

Melody Hobson is the president and co-CEO of Ariel Investments, the first black-owned mutual fund in the US. She is a prominent figure in the investment world and is known for her trailblazing achievements and her commitment to diversity and inclusion. Hobson is also the spouse of George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars.


Feedback is information given to a person about their performance, behavior, or work. It can be positive or negative, constructive or critical. Effective feedback is specific, timely, and actionable. It helps individuals to improve their performance and grow in their roles.

Ariel Investments

Ariel Investments is the first black-owned mutual fund in the US. It was founded in 1970 by John W. Rogers Jr. and is known for its commitment to diversity and inclusion. Ariel Investments has a long history of success and is considered a leader in the investment industry.


Anti-racism is the active opposition to racism. It involves challenging racist beliefs and practices and working to create a more equitable and just society. Anti-racist workplaces, universities, and other systems are those that actively work to dismantle racism and create a more inclusive environment for all.

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion are essential components of a thriving workplace, university, or society. Diversity refers to the presence of people from different backgrounds, identities, and perspectives. Inclusion refers to creating an environment where everyone feels welcome, respected, and valued.


Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity. It is a key quality for leaders and individuals who face challenges and setbacks. Resilience involves developing coping mechanisms, maintaining a positive outlook, and learning from mistakes.


Jedi are fictional characters in the Star Wars universe. They are skilled warriors who use the Force, a mystical energy field, to perform extraordinary feats. The concept of Jedi is often used metaphorically to represent individuals who are wise, compassionate, and committed to justice.

Bill Bradley

Bill Bradley is a former US Senator and Hall of Fame basketball player. He is known for his intelligence, integrity, and commitment to public service. Bradley is also a respected mentor and has provided guidance to many individuals, including Melody Hobson.

George Lucas

George Lucas is the creator of the Star Wars franchise. He is a renowned filmmaker and entrepreneur. Lucas is also the spouse of Melody Hobson.

Rooney Rule

The Rooney Rule is a policy in the National Football League (NFL) that requires teams to interview at least one minority candidate for head coach and general manager positions. The rule was named after Dan Rooney, the former owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, who was a strong advocate for diversity in the NFL.


  • How does Melody Hobson approach receiving feedback, and what are some key takeaways from her perspective?

    Melody Hobson believes in treating feedback as a gift, being open to it from anyone, and recognizing patterns in repetitive criticism. She emphasizes the importance of separating the delivery of feedback from its content, focusing on the truth within the message rather than the manner in which it's presented. Hobson's experience with Bill Bradley's feedback highlights the value of processing criticism and using it to improve oneself.

  • What are some of the challenges Melody Hobson has faced as a black woman in a male-dominated world, and how has she navigated these environments?

    Hobson has often been the only black woman in the room, facing implicit biases and stereotypes. She has learned to be kind but not soft, strong but not tough, and unapologetically black and a woman. She believes in owning her identity and using it to her advantage, making sure people remember her and know who she is. Hobson's approach emphasizes authenticity and resilience in the face of adversity.

  • What is Melody Hobson's vision for building anti-racist workplaces, universities, and other systems, and what practical steps can be taken to achieve this goal?

    Hobson envisions a future where everyone believes they can be or do anything, regardless of their background. She emphasizes the need for accountability, incentives, and measurement to achieve this goal. This includes setting targets for diversity and inclusion, measuring progress across different levels of an organization, and creating an environment where people from diverse backgrounds feel welcome and valued.

  • How does Melody Hobson balance her direct and sometimes critical feedback style with the need to foster a supportive and inclusive environment?

    Hobson acknowledges that her directness can be challenging for some people, especially those who are less resilient. She emphasizes the importance of building resilience in individuals, particularly in leadership roles, and being clear about her expectations. Hobson also recognizes the importance of self-awareness and admitting her own imperfections, setting an example for her team and creating a safe space for open communication.

  • What is Melody Hobson's perspective on the role of pain in personal and professional growth, and how does she apply this concept to her own leadership style?

    Hobson believes that people often don't change until they experience pain. She cites examples like smokers quitting after getting cancer and the pandemic forcing people to adapt. Hobson emphasizes the importance of letting go of the past and embracing change, even when it's difficult. She also highlights the importance of investing in others' success, even if it means promoting them out of the organization.

  • How does Melody Hobson approach giving feedback to others, and what are some key principles she follows?

    Hobson believes in giving honest feedback without being brutal. She emphasizes that feedback is often a matter of perspective and that it's important to be clear about one's own opinion. She also believes in picking her spots, focusing on mission-critical issues and avoiding unnecessary criticism. Hobson's approach emphasizes authenticity, respect, and a genuine desire to help others grow.

  • What are some of the key takeaways from Melody Hobson's conversation about navigating a male-dominated world and building a more inclusive society?

    Hobson's insights highlight the importance of being unapologetically yourself, embracing your unique identity, and using it to your advantage. She emphasizes the need for accountability, incentives, and measurement to achieve greater diversity and inclusion. Hobson also encourages listeners to be open-minded, understanding, and willing to speak up against injustice, recognizing the collective power of everyday people.

  • How does Melody Hobson's approach to leadership differ from traditional models, and what are some of the benefits of her style?

    Hobson's leadership style is characterized by authenticity, directness, and a commitment to fostering resilience and growth in her team. She believes in giving honest feedback, even when it's difficult, and in investing in the success of others. Hobson's approach emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, vulnerability, and a genuine desire to create a more equitable and just society.

  • What are some of the key lessons that listeners can take away from Melody Hobson's conversation about feedback, leadership, and building a more inclusive world?

    Listeners can learn the importance of receiving feedback as a gift, being open to criticism, and using it to improve themselves. They can also gain insights into the challenges of navigating a male-dominated world and the importance of being unapologetically themselves. Hobson's conversation emphasizes the need for accountability, incentives, and measurement to achieve greater diversity and inclusion, and the power of speaking up against injustice.

Show Notes

Criticism rarely comes wrapped in a shiny gift box, tied with a bow. As a trailblazing leader, one of Mellody Hobson’s gifts is finding the diamond in the rough. She and Adam unpack how to look for the grain of truth in any critique, when to discount feedback, and what it takes to be honest without being brutal.

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Mellody Hobson on taking tough feedback (re-release)

Mellody Hobson on taking tough feedback (re-release)