DiscoverMicDropMarketsMicDropMarkets Spaces #28: Let's Talk Agriculture
MicDropMarkets Spaces #28: Let's Talk Agriculture

MicDropMarkets Spaces #28: Let's Talk Agriculture

Update: 2024-07-13


Host: Tracy Shuchart for MicDropMarkets

Guests: Andrey Sizov, Angie Setzer, Garrett Toay

Andrey Sizov

 Andrey is head of SovEcon think tank and editor of the Sizov Report on Black Sea grain. For 27 years they have been forecasting crops and exports, assessing stocks and consumption and looking at other key price drivers. They help their clients to trade better and avoid costly mistakes by providing analysis of the important and volatile Black Sea region. If you are trading grains and especially wheat you might want to check their service with a free trial at Sizov Report

Angie Setzer

Angie Setzer has over 18 years of experience in the cash grain industry. She focuses on bridging the gap between farmers and end users, leveraging her knowledge from both sides. In 2021, she founded Consus, where she assists farmers in turning their bushels into cash. Additionally, she provides consultancy services to agribusinesses and industry professionals around the world. Angie is renowned as a market analyst and has appeared on various media platforms, including Bloomberg Television, BBC News, Fox Business, Market to Market, and Bloomberg's "Oddlots."

 Garret Toay

 Is with AgTraderTalk is a full service Introducing Broker of R.J. O’Brien.  They handle commercial and farmer accounts across the Midwest.  In addition, to commentary and research.

Garrett has been in the commercial grain industry since 2001. The owner of Toay Commodity Futures Group since 2004, Garrett handles commercial accounts across the corn belt. He has been a contributor to Bloomberg, the Iowa Farmer Today and Barchart’s Grain Professional newsletter. He also used to report market news for AM-640 WOI out of Ames, IA. He has also been quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle. A 2000 graduate of Iowa State University, Garrett has presented for conferences from New York to Brazil.

Disclaimer: This material is presented solely for informational and entertainment purposes and is not to be construed as a recommendation, solicitation, or an offer to buy or sell / long or short any securities, commodities, or any related financial instruments. Please contact a licensed professional before making any investment or trading decisions









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MicDropMarkets Spaces #28: Let's Talk Agriculture

MicDropMarkets Spaces #28: Let's Talk Agriculture

Tracy Shuchart