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Mimic & My Arachne

Mimic & My Arachne

Update: 2024-05-301


This podcast episode explores the unsettling story of a man who becomes increasingly isolated in his apartment due to his agoraphobia. He relies heavily on online services and a concierge for his needs, even refusing to leave for work. His therapist, Dr. Finn, attempts to help him overcome his fear by sending him a mysterious package containing a creature called a 'mimic'. The mimic, disguised as a pillow, attacks the man, leaving him with a bleeding arm and a terrifying realization of the creature's presence. The episode then shifts to a separate story about a young man named Aloney who undergoes a spider-themed gene splicing procedure. The procedure grants her spider-like abilities, including enhanced senses and a heightened sensitivity to touch. However, the transformation leads to unexpected consequences, causing a rift between her and her boyfriend. The episode concludes with the man's daughter revealing that she has also undergone a similar gene splicing procedure, leaving him with a chilling sense of unease.


Agoraphobic Isolation

This Chapter introduces a man who has become completely isolated in his apartment due to his agoraphobia. He relies on online services and a concierge for his needs, even refusing to leave for work. He has convinced his boss that he has developed a germ phobia and agoraphobia, allowing him to work remotely. He has created a system where deliveries are left on a table outside his door, and he only interacts with the maintenance crew when absolutely necessary. He maintains a strict routine, dressing in professional attire even though he works from home, and he has given his boss a virtual tour of his workspace to ensure he doesn't have to return to the office.

The Mimic

This Chapter reveals that the man's therapist, Dr. Finn, has sent him a mysterious package containing a creature called a 'mimic'. The mimic, disguised as a pillow, attacks the man, leaving him with a bleeding arm. The man is horrified by the creature's presence and the realization that Dr. Finn may have sent him something dangerous. He is left to decide whether to confront the creature or flee his apartment.

Aloney's Transformation

This Chapter tells the story of a young woman named Aloney who undergoes a spider-themed gene splicing procedure. The procedure grants her spider-like abilities, including enhanced senses and a heightened sensitivity to touch. However, the transformation leads to unexpected consequences, causing a rift between her and her boyfriend. The procedure is described as a risky and unusual practice, and the artist who performs it is portrayed as a mysterious and potentially dangerous figure.

A Chilling Revelation

This Chapter reveals that the man's daughter has also undergone a similar gene splicing procedure, leaving him with a chilling sense of unease. He is shocked and disturbed by the revelation, and the episode ends with a sense of dread and uncertainty.



Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by intense fear and avoidance of situations where escape might be difficult or help unavailable. These situations can include public transportation, open spaces, enclosed spaces, crowds, or standing in line. People with agoraphobia may fear having a panic attack or feeling trapped and helpless in these situations.

Gene Splicing

Gene splicing is a genetic engineering technique used to combine genetic material from different sources. It involves cutting and pasting DNA sequences from different organisms, creating new combinations of genes. This technique has applications in various fields, including medicine, agriculture, and research.


In this context, a mimic is a fictional creature that can take on the shape of small objects. It disguises itself as something a person is prone to touching and then drains their energy. The mimic's ability to change shape and drain energy makes it a dangerous and unsettling creature.


Spiders are eight-legged arthropods that belong to the order Araneae. They are known for their ability to spin webs, which they use to catch prey. Spiders have a diverse range of appearances and behaviors, and some species are venomous.


Creepypasta is a genre of horror fiction that is typically shared online. Creepypasta stories often feature disturbing or unsettling themes, and they are often told from a first-person perspective. The term 'creepypasta' is a combination of the words 'creepy' and 'copypasta', which refers to the practice of copying and pasting text online.

Urban Legend

An urban legend is a story that is widely circulated but is often false or exaggerated. Urban legends typically feature supernatural or taboo themes, and they are often told as if they are true events. They can be used to warn people about dangers or to entertain.


A podcast is a series of digital audio files that are distributed over the internet. Podcasts can cover a wide range of topics, including news, entertainment, education, and more. They are often downloaded and listened to on mobile devices or computers.

Dr. Finn

Dr. Finn is the therapist of the man who suffers from agoraphobia. He is portrayed as a dedicated and resourceful therapist who is determined to help his patient overcome his fear. However, his methods are unconventional and potentially dangerous, as he sends his patient a mysterious package containing a creature called a 'mimic'.


Aloney is a young woman who undergoes a spider-themed gene splicing procedure. She is described as a brave and adventurous person who is willing to take risks. However, the procedure has unexpected consequences, causing a rift between her and her boyfriend.


Creepypod is the name of the podcast that features the stories in this transcript. It is a podcast dedicated to sharing creepypastas and urban legends. The podcast encourages listeners to submit their own stories for consideration.


  • What is agoraphobia and how does it affect the man in the story?

    Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by intense fear and avoidance of situations where escape might be difficult or help unavailable. The man in the story has become completely isolated in his apartment due to his agoraphobia. He relies on online services and a concierge for his needs, even refusing to leave for work. He has convinced his boss that he has developed a germ phobia and agoraphobia, allowing him to work remotely.

  • What is a mimic and how does it affect the man in the story?

    A mimic is a fictional creature that can take on the shape of small objects. It disguises itself as something a person is prone to touching and then drains their energy. The mimic, disguised as a pillow, attacks the man, leaving him with a bleeding arm. The man is horrified by the creature's presence and the realization that Dr. Finn may have sent him something dangerous.

  • What is gene splicing and how does it affect Aloney in the story?

    Gene splicing is a genetic engineering technique used to combine genetic material from different sources. It involves cutting and pasting DNA sequences from different organisms, creating new combinations of genes. Aloney undergoes a spider-themed gene splicing procedure, which grants her spider-like abilities, including enhanced senses and a heightened sensitivity to touch. However, the transformation leads to unexpected consequences, causing a rift between her and her boyfriend.

  • What is the significance of the spider in Aloney's story?

    The spider is a symbol of Aloney's transformation and the unexpected consequences that come with it. The spider's ability to spin webs and catch prey represents Aloney's newfound power and her heightened senses. However, the spider's venomous nature also represents the potential danger and unpredictability of her transformation.

  • What is the relationship between the man's agoraphobia and the mimic?

    The mimic is a direct result of the man's agoraphobia. Dr. Finn, his therapist, sends him the mimic in an attempt to motivate him to leave his apartment. The mimic represents the fear and danger that the man associates with the outside world. The creature's presence forces the man to confront his fear and make a decision about his future.

  • What is the significance of the spider-themed gene splicing procedure in Aloney's story?

    The spider-themed gene splicing procedure represents Aloney's desire for change and her willingness to take risks. However, the procedure also represents the potential for unintended consequences and the dangers of tampering with nature. The procedure's unusual nature and the mysterious artist who performs it highlight the potential for both good and evil in genetic engineering.

  • What is the connection between the man's story and Aloney's story?

    Both stories explore the themes of transformation, fear, and the consequences of pushing boundaries. The man's agoraphobia and his encounter with the mimic represent his fear of the outside world and his struggle to overcome it. Aloney's gene splicing procedure represents her desire for change and her willingness to take risks, but it also leads to unexpected consequences. The two stories are connected by the shared theme of the unknown and the potential for both good and evil in the pursuit of change.

  • What is the overall message of the podcast episode?

    The podcast episode explores the complexities of fear, transformation, and the consequences of pushing boundaries. It suggests that fear can be a powerful force that can isolate us from the world, but it also suggests that change can be both liberating and dangerous. The episode leaves the listener with a sense of unease and uncertainty, prompting them to consider the potential consequences of their own choices and the importance of facing their fears.

  • What is the significance of the ending of the podcast episode?

    The ending of the podcast episode leaves the listener with a sense of dread and uncertainty. The revelation that the man's daughter has also undergone a similar gene splicing procedure suggests that the cycle of fear and transformation may continue. The episode ends with a sense of unease, prompting the listener to consider the potential consequences of their own choices and the importance of facing their fears.

  • What is the purpose of the podcast 'Creepypod'?

    Creepypod is a podcast dedicated to sharing creepypastas and urban legends. The podcast encourages listeners to submit their own stories for consideration. The podcast aims to entertain and frighten listeners with unsettling and disturbing stories.

Show Notes



Written by: No One of Consequence and Narrated by: Owen McCuen


My Arachne


Written by: Wailana Kalama and Narrated by: Cole Burkhardt


Content warning: SPIDERS!


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Title music by: Alex Aldea

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Mimic & My Arachne

Mimic & My Arachne

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