DiscoverYUTORAH: R' Dr. Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff -- Recent ShiurimMir Yeshiva - Its Many Prominent Rabbis Up To and Including American Born R' Nosson Tzvi Finkel. Their Unique Characteristics and Policies. Interaction Not Competition With Other Yeshivot. The Large Size of MY Student Body. R' Nosson Kamenetsky.
Mir Yeshiva - Its Many Prominent Rabbis Up To and Including American Born R' Nosson Tzvi Finkel. Their Unique Characteristics and Policies. Interaction Not Competition With Other Yeshivot. The Large Size of MY Student Body. R' Nosson Kamenetsky.

Mir Yeshiva - Its Many Prominent Rabbis Up To and Including American Born R' Nosson Tzvi Finkel. Their Unique Characteristics and Policies. Interaction Not Competition With Other Yeshivot. The Large Size of MY Student Body. R' Nosson Kamenetsky.

Update: 2024-12-09


Mir Yeshiva - Its Many Prominent Rabbis Up To and Including American Born R' Nosson Tzvi Finkel. Their Unique Characteristics and Policies. Interaction Not Competition With Other Yeshivot. The Large Size of MY Student Body. R' Nosson Kamenetsky. - Dec 9, 2024 - Dr. Joseph Schwartz and JDC. R' Asher Arieli is now dominant in Mir Yeshiva (MY). El Al pilot who is חרדיה. R' Moshe Dembitzer of Lakewood. The boxes of R' Eliya Baruch Kamai, pharmacist. Characteristics of those who wrote memoirs. R' Eliezer Yehuda Finkel supported Brisk by sending students to R' Velvel. The students he sent who later became prominent. Manuscripts of R' Chaim Soloveitchik. R' Yerucham Gorelick's interaction with R' Yitzchak Hutner. R' Eliezer Yehuda (R' Leizer Yudel) Finkel paid students who gave him chidushim. The very young student from Kletsk Yeshiva was accepted to MY. R' Yaakov Dovid Wilovsky, רידב"ז. R' Isser Zalman Meltzer. The debate of the Rav's two grandfathers. The lengthy process of publishing R' Chaim's chidushim on Rambam. The American born R' Nosson Tzvi Finkel. His upbringing. He becomes Rosh Yeshiva of MY, Jerusalem. How MY is comparable to Lakewood. Is having 1,000s of students good or bad? R' Noson Kamenetsky: White-Black vs. White-White. His not yet published book. Benefit of studying in many different yeshivot as did R' Leizer Yudel Finkel. MY policy of being multifaceted, of not having only one concept.
In Channel
Responsa - December 22

Responsa - December 22


Responsa - December 15

Responsa - December 15










Sleep Timer


End of Episode

5 Minutes

10 Minutes

15 Minutes

30 Minutes

45 Minutes

60 Minutes

120 Minutes

Mir Yeshiva - Its Many Prominent Rabbis Up To and Including American Born R' Nosson Tzvi Finkel. Their Unique Characteristics and Policies. Interaction Not Competition With Other Yeshivot. The Large Size of MY Student Body. R' Nosson Kamenetsky.

Mir Yeshiva - Its Many Prominent Rabbis Up To and Including American Born R' Nosson Tzvi Finkel. Their Unique Characteristics and Policies. Interaction Not Competition With Other Yeshivot. The Large Size of MY Student Body. R' Nosson Kamenetsky.

Rakeffet-Rothkoff, Rabbi Dr. Aaron