DiscoverMonday Morning PodcastMonday Morning Podcast 8-26-24
Monday Morning Podcast 8-26-24

Monday Morning Podcast 8-26-24

Update: 2024-08-262


Bill Burr starts the podcast by greeting the listeners and introducing the episode. He then describes his Sunday activities, including taking his family to breakfast and his annoyance with his wife's electric car's constant beeping. He recounts a road rage incident involving a motorcyclist who nearly hit his car and criticizes the lack of courtesy and awareness from motorcyclists and cyclists. Bill discusses the recent construction of bike lanes in Los Angeles and his observation that they are rarely used. He criticizes the city's decision to reduce road lanes, leading to increased traffic congestion. Bill talks about his recent stand-up comedy performances and his struggles with staying consistent. He shares his observations about narcissists and their tendency to "love bomb" new people after exhausting their previous relationships. Bill recounts his experiences at Six Flags, including a time when he and his wife got stuck on a roller coaster. He also shares a story about a hike he took with his wife, where he felt unprepared and anxious about encountering bears. A listener writes in about their new downstairs neighbors who have installed a Ring camera that records them entering and leaving their apartment. Bill offers advice on how to handle the situation, suggesting a humorous approach or simply moving. Bill describes his recent comedy set at the Comedy Store and his encounter with a woman in the audience who disliked his jokes. He reflects on his past tendency to engage in confrontations but ultimately chose to ignore her negativity. A listener writes in about his experience dating taller women and his observation that they tend to be more "together" than shorter women. Bill agrees with the observation and compares it to the difference between larger dog breeds and ankle-biting small dogs. A listener from Germany writes in about the increasing prevalence of climate protests and his concern about protesters' tactics, particularly gluing themselves to streets and runways. Bill agrees that these tactics are ineffective and counterproductive. A listener recommends a documentary about Ronnie James Dio, "Dio: Dreamers Never Die." Bill expresses his admiration for Dio and his drumming style. He also reflects on the evolution of rock music and the influence of jazz on early rock stars. Bill shares his sadness about the end of summer and his kids going back to school. He reminisces about his own school experiences, including a particularly challenging third-grade teacher who separated him and his friends. Bill describes his recent father-son bonding experiences, including a trip to a drum shop with his son and a jam session in his home studio. He expresses his hope that his kids will develop a passion for music and find their own musical communities. Bill apologizes for a previous tweet about the Red Sox bullpen and acknowledges that he was mistaken about their performance. He expresses his excitement for the upcoming baseball playoffs and his love for October baseball. Bill mentions that the podcast will be edited to remove any pauses or interruptions. He also recounts a recent comedy set where he failed to deliver a joke properly and was criticized by a woman in the audience. Bill continues to rant about the headshake of disapproval from motorcyclists and cyclists. He also shares a story about a giant wrench he used to fix a car door that wouldn't close properly. Bill reads advertising messages for Lands End, Helix Sleep, and Bill continues to discuss the listener's problem with their intrusive neighbors and their Ring camera. He suggests embracing the situation and creating a humorous spectacle to distract the neighbors. Bill continues to discuss the listener's observation about tall women and their tendency to be more "together." He shares a story about a tall man who didn't want to marry a tall woman because he didn't want to have giant kids. A listener writes in about a woman he was dating who faked a pregnancy and then later revealed that she was actually pregnant with her ex's baby. Bill advises the listener to move on and consider himself lucky to have escaped the situation. A listener from Germany writes in about climate protests and his concern about protesters' tactics, particularly gluing themselves to streets and runways. Bill agrees that these tactics are ineffective and counterproductive. Bill discusses the Ronnie James Dio documentary "Dio: Dreamers Never Die" and his admiration for Dio's drumming style. He also reflects on the influence of jazz on early rock stars and the evolution of rock music. Bill discusses his recent rediscovery of grunge music and his appreciation for its longevity. He reflects on the music of the 1980s and his difficulty in separating his nostalgia for the era from the actual quality of the music. Bill wraps up the podcast by thanking the listeners and wishing them a good week.


Monday Morning Podcast Intro and Sunday Funday

Bill Burr starts the podcast by greeting the listeners and introducing the episode. He then describes his Sunday activities, including taking his family to breakfast and his annoyance with his wife's electric car's constant beeping.

Motorcycle Rage, Bicycle Etiquette, and Traffic Congestion

Bill recounts a road rage incident involving a motorcyclist who nearly hit his car and criticizes the lack of courtesy and awareness from motorcyclists and cyclists. Bill discusses the recent construction of bike lanes in Los Angeles and his observation that they are rarely used. He criticizes the city's decision to reduce road lanes, leading to increased traffic congestion.

Stand-Up Comedy, Narcissists, and Six Flags Mishaps

Bill talks about his recent stand-up comedy performances and his struggles with staying consistent. He shares his observations about narcissists and their tendency to "love bomb" new people after exhausting their previous relationships. Bill recounts his experiences at Six Flags, including a time when he and his wife got stuck on a roller coaster. He also shares a story about a hike he took with his wife, where he felt unprepared and anxious about encountering bears.

Intrusive Neighbors, Ring Cameras, and Comedy Store Set

A listener writes in about their new downstairs neighbors who have installed a Ring camera that records them entering and leaving their apartment. Bill offers advice on how to handle the situation, suggesting a humorous approach or simply moving. Bill describes his recent comedy set at the Comedy Store and his encounter with a woman in the audience who disliked his jokes. He reflects on his past tendency to engage in confrontations but ultimately chose to ignore her negativity.

Tall Women, Ankle Biters, and Climate Protests

A listener writes in about his experience dating taller women and his observation that they tend to be more "together" than shorter women. Bill agrees with the observation and compares it to the difference between larger dog breeds and ankle-biting small dogs. A listener from Germany writes in about the increasing prevalence of climate protests and his concern about protesters' tactics, particularly gluing themselves to streets and runways. Bill agrees that these tactics are ineffective and counterproductive.

Ronnie James Dio Documentary, Evolution of Rock Music, and Back to School Blues

A listener recommends a documentary about Ronnie James Dio, "Dio: Dreamers Never Die." Bill expresses his admiration for Dio and his drumming style. He also reflects on the evolution of rock music and the influence of jazz on early rock stars. Bill shares his sadness about the end of summer and his kids going back to school. He reminisces about his own school experiences, including a particularly challenging third-grade teacher who separated him and his friends.

Father-Son Bonding, Musical Dreams, and Red Sox Bullpen

Bill describes his recent father-son bonding experiences, including a trip to a drum shop with his son and a jam session in his home studio. He expresses his hope that his kids will develop a passion for music and find their own musical communities. Bill apologizes for a previous tweet about the Red Sox bullpen and acknowledges that he was mistaken about their performance. He expresses his excitement for the upcoming baseball playoffs and his love for October baseball.

The Magic of Editing, Failed Jokes, and Headshake of Disapproval

Bill mentions that the podcast will be edited to remove any pauses or interruptions. He also recounts a recent comedy set where he failed to deliver a joke properly and was criticized by a woman in the audience. Bill continues to rant about the headshake of disapproval from motorcyclists and cyclists. He also shares a story about a giant wrench he used to fix a car door that wouldn't close properly.

Advertising Reads and Intrusive Neighbors (Part 2)

Bill reads advertising messages for Lands End, Helix Sleep, and Bill continues to discuss the listener's problem with their intrusive neighbors and their Ring camera. He suggests embracing the situation and creating a humorous spectacle to distract the neighbors.

Tall Women and Ankle Biters (Part 2), Pregnancy Fake-Out, and Climate Protests (Part 2)

Bill continues to discuss the listener's observation about tall women and their tendency to be more "together." He shares a story about a tall man who didn't want to marry a tall woman because he didn't want to have giant kids. A listener writes in about a woman he was dating who faked a pregnancy and then later revealed that she was actually pregnant with her ex's baby. Bill advises the listener to move on and consider himself lucky to have escaped the situation. A listener from Germany writes in about climate protests and his concern about protesters' tactics, particularly gluing themselves to streets and runways. Bill agrees that these tactics are ineffective and counterproductive.

Ronnie James Dio Documentary and the Influence of Jazz, Grunge and the Eighties, and Podcast Outro

Bill discusses the Ronnie James Dio documentary "Dio: Dreamers Never Die" and his admiration for Dio's drumming style. He also reflects on the influence of jazz on early rock stars and the evolution of rock music. Bill discusses his recent rediscovery of grunge music and his appreciation for its longevity. He reflects on the music of the 1980s and his difficulty in separating his nostalgia for the era from the actual quality of the music. Bill wraps up the podcast by thanking the listeners and wishing them a good week.


Love Bombing

A tactic used by narcissists to charm and manipulate new targets by showering them with excessive attention, affection, and compliments.

Climate Protests

Public demonstrations and actions aimed at raising awareness and demanding action on climate change, often involving disruptive tactics to gain attention.

Heavy Metal

A genre of rock music characterized by its loud, distorted sound, aggressive vocals, and often dark and complex lyrical themes.


A genre of rock music that emerged in the early 1990s, characterized by its raw, distorted sound, introspective lyrics, and often anti-establishment themes.

Motorcycle Rage

A form of road rage specifically directed at motorcyclists, often stemming from perceived reckless driving or lack of courtesy.

Bicycle Etiquette

The unwritten rules and expectations for cyclists when sharing the road with other vehicles, including respecting traffic laws, signaling intentions, and being aware of their surroundings.


  • What are some ways to deal with intrusive neighbors who have installed a Ring camera that records you entering and leaving your apartment?

    Bill suggests embracing the situation and creating a humorous spectacle to distract the neighbors, or simply moving. He also advises against engaging in confrontations, as it may only escalate the situation.

  • What is "love bombing" and how is it used by narcissists?

    Love bombing is a tactic used by narcissists to charm and manipulate new targets by showering them with excessive attention, affection, and compliments. They do this to gain control and exploit their victims.

  • What are some of the ineffective tactics used by climate protesters that Bill criticizes?

    Bill criticizes protesters who glue themselves to streets and runways, arguing that these tactics are disruptive and counterproductive. He believes that more effective methods include peaceful protests, providing information, and engaging with politicians.

  • What is Bill's opinion on the evolution of rock music and the influence of jazz?

    Bill believes that many early rock stars had a jazz background, which contributed to their musical skills and creativity. He also acknowledges the impact of the internet and social media on the way music is consumed and shared.

  • What is Bill's experience with grunge music and his perspective on the 1980s?

    Bill initially dismissed grunge music but has recently come to appreciate its quality. He finds it difficult to separate his nostalgia for the 1980s from the actual quality of the music from that era, acknowledging that there were both good and bad bands.

  • What is Bill's opinion on the headshake of disapproval from motorcyclists and cyclists?

    Bill finds the headshake of disapproval from motorcyclists and cyclists to be incredibly annoying and disrespectful. He believes it is a sign of arrogance and a lack of awareness.

Show Notes

Bill rambles about bear spray, ring camera surveillance, and glued up protesters.

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Monday Morning Podcast 8-26-24

Monday Morning Podcast 8-26-24

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