DiscoverAtlantic Gospel Chapel MessagesNed Brown 02-11-2024 // The Jesus I'll Never Know; Revelation 19
Ned Brown 02-11-2024 // The Jesus I'll Never Know; Revelation 19

Ned Brown 02-11-2024 // The Jesus I'll Never Know; Revelation 19

Update: 2024-03-02


For the believer in Jesus Christ, our focus is on knowing Jesus.  In Revelation 19, following the destruction of Babylon in chapter 18, heaven swells with praise for the Lord and His righteous judgments.  We then are brought into the marriage supper of the Lamb, where the bride of Christ, the church, is arrayed in fine linen; thus giving us a splendid view of our future glory with the Bridegroom, our Savior, Jesus Christ.

However, the marriage supper of the Lamb is followed by the image of Jesus on a white horse, His white robes dipped in blood.  Here, Jesus is the conquering king who judges and makes war.  The blood on His robe is the blood of His enemies; while the "armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, follow Him on white horses." (Revelation 19:14 , NKJV).

Here in Revelation 19, we are presented with a different picture of Jesus, one which the world does not like.  For here, we see Jesus as judge, executing righteous judgment on a sinful and rebellious world.  But for those who have placed their trust in Jesus Christ, this is a Jesus we will never know.  For we know that our sin has already been judged through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary.

Thank you for listening to today's lesson.  If you are a believer listening to today's teaching, we pray you will be encouraged through the Word of God.  If you do not know the Lord Jesus as Savior, it is our fervent prayer that you consider the warnings contained in today's teaching, and know there is a way to escape the coming judgment of a holy, righteous and just God.  For this same God is also one of mercy and grace, forgiving sin through the death of His Son.

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Ned Brown 02-11-2024 // The Jesus I'll Never Know; Revelation 19

Ned Brown 02-11-2024 // The Jesus I'll Never Know; Revelation 19

Atlantic Gospel Chapel