DiscoverThe Gentle Parenting ShowNewborn Expert Series: Revisiting "Bridge the Gap Between Traditional and Holistic Pediatric Care with Dr. Elisa Song"
Newborn Expert Series: Revisiting "Bridge the Gap Between Traditional and Holistic Pediatric Care with Dr. Elisa Song"

Newborn Expert Series: Revisiting "Bridge the Gap Between Traditional and Holistic Pediatric Care with Dr. Elisa Song"

Update: 2023-02-21


Over the course of the next 10 podcast episodes we will be revisiting some of our favorite podcast episodes on newborns in honor of those that have contributed to Kim's upcoming book on newborn sleep launching March 21st. Its available for pre-order here


We are so excited for today’s episode of the Gentle Parenting Show with Dr. Elisa Song, MD. Dr. Song is an integrative pediatrician, pediatric functional medicine expert, and mother. She’s helped 1000s of kids get to the root causes of their health concerns and has helped parents understand how to help their children thrive - body, mind, and spirit - by integrating conventional pediatrics with functional medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and essential oils. 


Kim and Dr. Song talk about medication, holistic methods, and the most important things to do to care for the whole family’s health. They discuss: 

  • Holistic gut health for newborns 

  • How to handle antibiotics for newborns 

  • Reflux causes and holistic remedies 

  • What probiotics to use for gut health 


Our favorite quotes are “there is a time and place for everything. We want to make the best of all worlds and take that evidence-based approach.” and “despite our best efforts, babies will sometimes still need medicine, and I  never want any mom to feel like that’s a failure on her part. It is what it is, we do our best, and medications are still needed.”


Connect with Dr. Song

Read her blog posts and shop her supplements on her website. Connect for daily tips on Instagram and Facebook

Apple podcast description 491 characters 

Today’s Gentle Parenting Show guest is Dr. Elisa Song, MD. Dr. Song is an integrative pediatrician, pediatric functional medicine expert, and mother. Kim and Dr. Song talk about medication, holistic methods, and the most important things to do to care for the whole family’s health. 


Our favorite quote: “there is a time and place for everything. We want to make the best of all worlds and take that evidence-based approach.”


Connect with Dr. Song

Connect to her website, Instagram and Facebook.


In Channel








Sleep Timer


End of Episode

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120 Minutes

Newborn Expert Series: Revisiting "Bridge the Gap Between Traditional and Holistic Pediatric Care with Dr. Elisa Song"

Newborn Expert Series: Revisiting "Bridge the Gap Between Traditional and Holistic Pediatric Care with Dr. Elisa Song"

Kim West