Nordic Nutrition Recommendations go green
On today's show, we are going to dig into the first Nordic-wide attempt to scientifically define diets that are good for us and the environment. I talk to experts about the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations, or the NNR for short. This is a massive collaborative project across the eight Nordic and Baltic countries to produce scientific advice for national authorities on both nutrient recommendations and dietary guidelines. The NNR was just updated, and for the first time in its 40-year history environmental sustainability is a factor when recommending what we should eat. Learn more about the how the recommendations were developed and the controversies surrounding the recommendations.
Joining me on the episode:
-Rune Blomhoff, professor at the medical faculty of the University of Oslo, Norway and the head of the NNR 2023 Committee.
-Lene Frost Andersen, professor and Head of Department of the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway.
-Bob van Oort, senior researcher at CICERO, Center for International Climate Research, in Oslo, Norway.
-Elin Röös, senior lecturer at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden.
Read the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2023 here.
Credits for photos used in the cover art:
Photo of Rune Blomhoff, source: University of Oslo
Photo of Lene Frost Andersen, source: University of Oslo
Photo of Bob van Oort source: CICERO
Photo of Elin Röös, source: Jenny Svennås-Gillner, SLU
Music in this podcast provided by ChezGroove/Pond 5