DiscoverThe Do List Podcast | KQED ArtsOn the Air: Cy and Marc’s Do List Picks for Feb. 9, 2018
On the Air: Cy and Marc’s Do List Picks for Feb. 9, 2018

On the Air: Cy and Marc’s Do List Picks for Feb. 9, 2018

Update: 2018-02-08


Marc Bamuthi Joseph is back as co-host on The Do List this week. He’s the chief of program and pedagogy at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, and also a dancer, poet, and opera librettist. We talk about the San Jose Jazz Winter Fest, some classic plays at Ubuntu, SF Playhouse and the Aurora, and a special Black Panther double bill. You can feel the show just lift off when Marc talks about why art matters. Take a listen.

Feb. 15-28: San Jose Jazz Winter Fest lights up San Jose.

Feb. 11: Jon Santos explores the sacred roots of Latin jazz at a Sunday concert in Oakland.

Feb. 13-24: The San Francisco Ballet showcases Justin Peck’s new take on Aaron Copland’s Rodeo.

Jan. 23-March 10: The post-war play Born Yesterday, about corruption in Washington, feels especially relevant today.

Feb. 2-25: A Streetcar Named Desire made for the streets of Oakland.

Jan. 26-March 4: GB Shaw’s first play is an indictment of capitalism and a moral tale about moral principles bowing to love.

Feb. 20-21: Shabazz Palaces bring their blend of Afrofuturism and hip-hop to San Jose and Noise Pop.

Feb. 20: A literary double bill pairs Ta-Nehisi Coates and the new film Black Panther at the Grand Lake Theater.

Feb. 14: Sonya Renee Taylor reads from her new book The Body is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love.

Feb. 21: Tony Kushner and Sarah Vowell talk about American and Hollywood history, Lincoln, and assassinations at Cal Performances.

<figure id="attachment_13823952" class="wp-caption aligncenter" style="max-width: 800px">Marc Bamuthi Joseph and Cy Musiker in the studio at KQED<figcaption class="wp-caption-text">Marc Bamuthi Joseph and Cy Musiker in the studio at KQED. (Photo: Nastia Voynovskaya/KQED)</figcaption></figure>

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On the Air: Cy and Marc’s Do List Picks for Feb. 9, 2018

On the Air: Cy and Marc’s Do List Picks for Feb. 9, 2018