OneWorks Andrew Paulson, renaissance man on Episode 247
Outdoorsman and Renaissance man, Andrew Paulson can do anything – if he’s interested. In the last fifteen years, we’ve watched Andrew build anything he set his mind to. The stories are fun. Be sure to listen on your favorite podcast app.
4:16 – this is why I always fought the educational institution, I had enough of it when I was a kid
10:08 – I was taught to earn my allowance, I think that was great. You work for it, that has taken me far.
20:03 – I didn’t realize a nail gun at the time was a thousand bucks, it was grand theft, adolescent charge.
36:50 – “I’m sorry, you didn’t get the rock climbing wall attendant job, we’re going to put everybody under you and make you the lead!”
46:15 – If I had the skillset to build it – why not? Why not capitalize on that?
51:19 – On the water, whether I’m catching fish or not, that’s my decompress, where my brain slows down, where the noise shuts down.
1:11:53 – I meet Dustin and Becca Webster, it’s about this time, I realize I’m in way over my head. Four minutes after the National Anthem and I’m on my lid.
1:18:58 – “Hey, we’re going to need help with recovery, we’ve got a car in a tree!”
Special thanks to 4low Magazine and Maxxis Tires for support and sponsorship of this podcast.
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