DiscoverThe Dan Bongino ShowOperation DUMP Joe Biden Has Begun (Ep. 2267)
Operation DUMP Joe Biden Has Begun (Ep. 2267)

Operation DUMP Joe Biden Has Begun (Ep. 2267)

Update: 2024-06-105


Dan Bongino begins by recounting his weekend update, which includes getting pulled over by a police officer after making a right turn on red. He emphasizes the importance of respecting police officers and explains why he didn't tweet about the incident. He then shifts to discussing Joe Biden's declining approval ratings and the growing movement to "dump Joey Boombats." Bongino highlights the recent revelations about Hunter Biden's business dealings and argues that the media is now forced to cover the story due to pressure from Republicans in the House. He also points to a suspicious pattern in Biden's recent travel, suggesting that something may be amiss. Bongino then delves into the potential for a Russian collusion scandal involving the Biden family, citing a Wall Street Journal article by Holman Jenkins that questions why Vladimir Putin has remained silent about the Hunter Biden laptop story. He argues that Putin's silence suggests a possible quid pro quo involving Biden's actions in Ukraine. Bongino concludes by discussing the ongoing investigations into the January 6th Capitol riot and the potential for a soft coup by Mark Millie, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He also highlights the growing distrust in the government, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the increasing rebellion against leftist policies.


Weekend Update: A Right Turn on Red

This Chapter begins with Dan Bongino sharing his weekend update, which includes getting pulled over by a police officer after making a right turn on red. He emphasizes the importance of respecting police officers and explains why he didn't tweet about the incident. He also discusses the importance of being aware of one's surroundings and the challenges of driving in Florida.

Operation Dump Joey Boombats

This Chapter focuses on the growing movement to "dump Joey Boombats," referring to Joe Biden. Bongino highlights the recent revelations about Hunter Biden's business dealings and argues that the media is now forced to cover the story due to pressure from Republicans in the House. He also points to a suspicious pattern in Biden's recent travel, suggesting that something may be amiss.

The Biden Family's Business Dealings

This Chapter delves into the potential for a Russian collusion scandal involving the Biden family. Bongino cites a Wall Street Journal article by Holman Jenkins that questions why Vladimir Putin has remained silent about the Hunter Biden laptop story. He argues that Putin's silence suggests a possible quid pro quo involving Biden's actions in Ukraine.

The January 6th Capitol Riot

This Chapter discusses the ongoing investigations into the January 6th Capitol riot and the potential for a soft coup by Mark Millie, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Bongino highlights the growing distrust in the government, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the increasing rebellion against leftist policies.

The Future of Tyranny

This Chapter explores the potential for a tyrannical government to emerge in the future, particularly with the advancement of artificial intelligence and drone warfare. Bongino warns that the government's actions during the COVID-19 pandemic, including vaccine mandates and the suppression of information, have eroded public trust and created a dangerous precedent for future abuses of power.

The Trump Trial and the Jury

This Chapter focuses on the recent trial of Donald Trump in New York and the controversy surrounding a Facebook post claiming that a juror had revealed information about the verdict. Bongino discusses the potential for shenanigans and the suspicious silence from Democrats about the story.

The Supreme Court and Presidential Immunity

This Chapter examines the upcoming Supreme Court case involving Donald Trump's level of presidential immunity and the potential for a ruling that could significantly impact the ongoing investigations into his actions. Bongino argues that the left is terrified of such a ruling, as it could undermine their efforts to prosecute Trump and their political enemies.

Mark Millie and the January 6th Insurrection

This Chapter delves into the role of Mark Millie in the events surrounding the January 6th Capitol riot. Bongino highlights a recent article by Julie Kelly that raises questions about Millie's actions and suggests that he may have been involved in a soft coup attempt.

The Enemies List

This Chapter discusses the recent revelation that a Ukrainian NGO has published an enemies list that includes US citizens, including Dan Bongino. Bongino expresses his concern about this development and argues that it is a sign of the growing hostility towards those who criticize the government's policies in Ukraine.


Joe Biden

Joe Biden is the 46th and current president of the United States. He is a member of the Democratic Party and served as the 47th vice president under President Barack Obama from 2009 to 2017. Biden has been a controversial figure throughout his career, with critics often pointing to his age, his perceived cognitive decline, and his family's business dealings. He is currently facing a number of challenges, including high inflation, a struggling economy, and a growing sense of distrust in the government.

Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden is the son of President Joe Biden. He has been a controversial figure due to his business dealings, which have been the subject of much scrutiny and speculation. Hunter Biden has been accused of using his father's political influence to enrich himself and has been involved in a number of scandals, including allegations of corruption and influence peddling. The investigations into Hunter Biden's business dealings have become a major political issue, with Republicans accusing the Biden family of corruption and Democrats defending them against what they see as politically motivated attacks.

Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin is the president of Russia. He has been in power for over two decades and is considered one of the most powerful and influential leaders in the world. Putin has been a controversial figure, with critics accusing him of authoritarianism, human rights abuses, and aggression towards neighboring countries. He has been a key player in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, which has led to a significant deterioration in relations between Russia and the West.

Mark Millie

Mark Milley is the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the highest-ranking military officer in the United States. He has been a controversial figure due to his actions during the Trump administration, including his alleged attempts to undermine the president and his involvement in the events surrounding the January 6th Capitol riot. Millie has also been criticized for his handling of the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. He is a key figure in the US military and his actions have significant implications for national security.

January 6th Capitol Riot

The January 6th Capitol Riot was an attack on the United States Capitol Building by a mob of supporters of President Donald Trump. The riot occurred on January 6, 2021, as Congress was meeting to certify the results of the 2020 presidential election. The rioters, who believed that the election had been stolen from Trump, stormed the Capitol Building, forcing lawmakers to evacuate and disrupting the certification process. The riot was a significant event in American history and has had a lasting impact on the country's political landscape.

COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is an ongoing global health crisis caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The pandemic has had a devastating impact on the world, causing millions of deaths and widespread economic disruption. The pandemic has also led to a significant increase in political polarization and social unrest. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a defining event of the 21st century and continues to shape the world today.

Drone Warfare

Drone warfare is the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in military operations. Drones have become increasingly common in modern warfare, particularly in counterterrorism operations. They offer a number of advantages over traditional aircraft, including greater precision, lower cost, and reduced risk to human pilots. However, drone warfare has also been criticized for its potential to lead to civilian casualties and for its role in the expansion of surveillance and the erosion of privacy.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence processes by computer systems. AI research has been highly successful in developing effective techniques for solving a wide range of problems, from game playing to medical diagnosis. AI is rapidly advancing and is expected to have a profound impact on society in the coming years. It has the potential to revolutionize many industries, from healthcare to transportation, but it also raises ethical concerns about its potential for misuse.


Tyranny is a form of government in which absolute power is held by a single person or a small group of people. Tyrannical governments often suppress dissent, restrict individual freedoms, and use violence to maintain control. Tyranny is a major theme in political philosophy and has been a recurring problem throughout history. It is often associated with authoritarianism, dictatorship, and totalitarianism.

Public Trust

Public trust is the confidence that people have in their government and other institutions. It is essential for the functioning of a democratic society. When public trust is high, people are more likely to participate in the political process, obey the law, and support government policies. However, when public trust is low, people are more likely to be cynical about government, distrustful of institutions, and resistant to government authority. Public trust is a complex and multifaceted concept that is influenced by a variety of factors, including the government's performance, the media's coverage of government, and the public's perception of corruption.


  • What is Dan Bongino's main argument about Joe Biden's approval ratings?

    Bongino argues that Biden's approval ratings are declining due to a combination of factors, including his age, his perceived cognitive decline, the ongoing investigations into his family's business dealings, and the negative impact of the revelations about Hunter Biden's business dealings.

  • What is the potential Russian collusion scandal involving the Biden family?

    Bongino suggests that there may be a real Russian collusion scandal involving the Biden family, based on the fact that Vladimir Putin has remained silent about the Hunter Biden laptop story. He argues that Putin's silence suggests a possible quid pro quo involving Biden's actions in Ukraine.

  • What is Dan Bongino's concern about the future of tyranny?

    Bongino is concerned that the advancement of artificial intelligence and drone warfare, combined with the government's actions during the COVID-19 pandemic, could create a dangerous precedent for future abuses of power and the emergence of a tyrannical government.

  • What is the controversy surrounding the Facebook post about the Trump trial jury?

    A Facebook post claimed that a juror in the Trump trial had revealed information about the verdict. Bongino discusses the potential for shenanigans and the suspicious silence from Democrats about the story.

  • What is the upcoming Supreme Court case involving Donald Trump's presidential immunity?

    The Supreme Court is set to rule on a case involving Donald Trump's level of presidential immunity, which could have significant implications for the ongoing investigations into his actions. Bongino argues that the left is terrified of a ruling that could expand the definition of presidential immunity and undermine their efforts to prosecute Trump and their political enemies.

  • What is Dan Bongino's concern about Mark Millie's actions during the January 6th Capitol riot?

    Bongino raises questions about Millie's actions during the January 6th Capitol riot, suggesting that he may have been involved in a soft coup attempt. He highlights a recent article by Julie Kelly that raises concerns about Millie's involvement in the events surrounding the riot.

  • What is Dan Bongino's view on the Ukrainian NGO's enemies list?

    Bongino expresses concern about the Ukrainian NGO's enemies list, which includes US citizens, including himself. He argues that this development is a sign of the growing hostility towards those who criticize the government's policies in Ukraine.

  • What is Dan Bongino's main argument about the government's actions during the COVID-19 pandemic?

    Bongino argues that the government's actions during the COVID-19 pandemic, including vaccine mandates and the suppression of information, have eroded public trust and created a dangerous precedent for future abuses of power.

  • What is Dan Bongino's view on the current political climate?

    Bongino believes that there is a growing rebellion against leftist policies and that the tide is turning in favor of conservative values. He argues that the left is losing ground due to their policies, their actions during the COVID-19 pandemic, and their attempts to silence dissent.

  • What is Dan Bongino's main message to his listeners?

    Bongino's main message to his listeners is that the upcoming election is crucial and that they need to be vigilant in fighting against tyranny and defending their freedoms. He encourages them to stay informed, speak out against injustice, and support those who are fighting for their rights.

Show Notes

In this episode, I expose the ongoing behind-the-scenes operation to dump Biden, plus the Hunter trial, shocking new election polls and more

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Operation DUMP Joe Biden Has Begun (Ep. 2267)

Operation DUMP Joe Biden Has Begun (Ep. 2267)

Cumulus Podcast Network | Dan Bongino