DiscoverIntrinsic Drive®Organic Chemistry with Dr. Maitland Jones
Organic Chemistry with Dr. Maitland Jones

Organic Chemistry with Dr. Maitland Jones

Update: 2024-04-24


Maitland Jones Jr. wanted to be tennis player. At thirteen he attempted to enlist his parents into chauffeuring him around the east coast junior tennis circuit, to which they replied, “get a job kid.” That summer Maitland’s first job was bottle washer and gofer for chemistry giants Laurence H. Knox and William von Eggers Doering, at their Hickrill Chemical Research laboratory in Katonah New York. 


Complex chemistry equations that were once meaningless scribbles on the laboratory blackboard began to make sense over the next five to six years. Maitland enrolled at Yale to study chemistry, following his formative mentors Knox and Doering, where he journeyed deeper into his craft during a postdoctoral year with his famous teachers and followed with a second year at the University of Wisconsin under the guidance of Dr. Jerry Berson. 


Over the span of 43 years Maitland collaborated with undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral and visiting fellows to write 225 published papers and books while at “Jones Alley,” the Princeton Lab where they explored and discovered reactive intermediates including carbenes, quantum molecular reactions, carboranes, and heterocycles—with a focus on “how electrons talked to each other.” 



During his teaching career Maitland experimented with the elimination of large lecture “talking head” style teaching, breaking students into small groups, providing an environment of problem solving, and fostering scientific discovery through the exploration and distillation of disparate information.


Professor Jones is the author of five books including, Organic Chemistry, (2014) published by W.W Norton, now in its fifth edition-- the prominent textbook taught to students across the globe. Today Maitland is following a parallel passion sparked during a performance by jazz innovator, the incomparable-- Thelonious Monk, at the NYC’s Five Spot jazz club in 1957. Maitland is a regular in New York’s jazz scene, and hosts Jazz Nights featuring evenings of great music at his home in New Jersey.  He co-produced Monk’s Dreams: The Complete Compositions of Thelonious Sphere Monk, available on both compact disc and digital download. It’s our extreme pleasure to welcome Dr. Maitland “Mait” Jones Jr. to this episode of Intrinsic Drive®.

Intrinsic Drive ®  is produced by Ellen Strickler and Phil Wharton and Andrew Hollingworth  is sound editor and engineer.

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Organic Chemistry with Dr. Maitland Jones

Organic Chemistry with Dr. Maitland Jones

Phil Wharton - Wharton Health