PN2: Rob Walch – Improve Your iTunes Ranking, SEO, and Drive Traffic to Your Podcast
Rob Walch is the host of Today in iOS, The Feed: Libsyn and Podcast 411. He is the VP of Podcasters Relations at Libsyn and the author of the book "Tricks of the Podcasting Masters.
During the show, you'll learn how to improve iTunes Search Optimation, SEO, and how to drive traffic to your podcast. Find out ways to properly use ID3 tags and the truth about RSS feeds. Listen to the end for Rob's biggest SEO ninja trick.
PN2 Show Notes:
Rob Walch’s Links:
The Feed: The Official Libsyn Podcast
Podcast 101: Creating and Hosting an Audio Podcast
094 It's iTunes Podcasts, Banners and Sponsorship
The Art of SEO - Mastering Search Engine Optimization
Rob Walch’s Podcasting Gear:
My Podcast Gear:
Time Stamps:
00:18 - Living in New York
01:24 - Why Rob Walch started podcasting
02:50 - How to start a podcast
04:12 - Libsyn, Blubrry, and Podbean
05:57 - ID3 tagging your audio
07:23 - Optimizing RSS feeds
08:10 - Duplicating content
09:43 - iTunes Search Optimization
13:06 - Marketing outside of iTunes
15:14 - Personalized podcast app
17:28 - Transcribing your podcast
19:35 - Driving traffic to your podcast
21:26 - Biggest SEO tip
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