DiscoverYou're Wrong AboutPhones Are Good, Actually with Taylor Lorenz
Phones Are Good, Actually with Taylor Lorenz

Phones Are Good, Actually with Taylor Lorenz

Update: 2024-06-2511


This episode of "You're Wrong About" delves into the current moral panic surrounding technology and social media, particularly the anxieties about children's access to phones and the internet. The episode features an interview with Taylor Lorenz, a technology journalist who has extensively covered the internet and its impact on society. Lorenz argues that the anxieties about technology are often misplaced and rooted in a desire for control rather than genuine concern for children's well-being. She traces the history of moral panics surrounding new technologies, from the anxieties about landlines in the past to the current anxieties about social media. Lorenz highlights the role of right-wing special interest groups in fueling these anxieties and pushing for legislation that restricts children's access to the internet. She also emphasizes the importance of recognizing the positive aspects of technology, such as its ability to connect people and provide access to information. The episode concludes with a call for a more nuanced understanding of technology and its impact on society, urging listeners to resist easy answers and focus on addressing the underlying systemic problems that contribute to anxieties about technology.



This Chapter introduces the topic of the episode, which is the moral panic surrounding technology and social media, particularly the anxieties about children's access to phones and the internet. The episode features an interview with Taylor Lorenz, a technology journalist who has extensively covered the internet and its impact on society.

The Rise of Moral Panics

This Chapter explores the history of moral panics surrounding new technologies, from the anxieties about landlines in the past to the current anxieties about social media. Taylor Lorenz argues that these anxieties are often misplaced and rooted in a desire for control rather than genuine concern for children's well-being.

The Role of Right-Wing Groups

This Chapter highlights the role of right-wing special interest groups in fueling these anxieties and pushing for legislation that restricts children's access to the internet. Taylor Lorenz discusses how these groups often use fear-mongering tactics to advance their own agendas.

The Importance of Nuance

This Chapter emphasizes the importance of recognizing the positive aspects of technology, such as its ability to connect people and provide access to information. Taylor Lorenz argues that we need to have a more nuanced understanding of technology and its impact on society.

Resisting Easy Answers

This Chapter urges listeners to resist easy answers and focus on addressing the underlying systemic problems that contribute to anxieties about technology. Taylor Lorenz suggests that instead of blaming technology, we should focus on building a better internet and fostering healthy relationships with technology.


This Chapter concludes the episode with a call for a more nuanced understanding of technology and its impact on society. Taylor Lorenz encourages listeners to engage with technology in a healthy way and to resist the temptation to blame technology for all of society's problems.


Moral Panic

A widespread fear or anxiety about a perceived threat to social order, often fueled by exaggerated or distorted information. Moral panics often target marginalized groups or new technologies, and they can lead to discriminatory policies and social unrest.


The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. Technology has had a profound impact on society, transforming the way we live, work, and communicate. It encompasses a wide range of tools, machines, and systems, from simple tools to complex computers and networks.

Social Media

Online platforms that allow users to create and share content, connect with others, and participate in online communities. Social media has become an integral part of modern life, influencing everything from politics to culture to commerce. It encompasses a wide range of platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

Children's Access to Technology

The extent to which children are able to use and interact with technology, including computers, smartphones, tablets, and the internet. This is a complex issue with both potential benefits and risks, and it is the subject of ongoing debate and discussion.

Right-Wing Special Interest Groups

Organizations that advocate for conservative political views and policies, often with a focus on issues such as social values, economic freedom, and national security. These groups can exert significant influence on public policy, and they are often involved in campaigns to promote or oppose specific legislation.


A coordinated online harassment campaign that targeted women in the video game industry in 2014. The campaign was characterized by online threats, doxing, and other forms of abuse, and it highlighted the problem of online harassment and the need for better protections for women in the tech industry.


A social media platform that allows users to create and share short videos. TikTok has become incredibly popular, especially among young people, and it has been the subject of controversy due to concerns about its content, its impact on mental health, and its potential for misuse.

The Anxious Generation

A book by Jonathan Haidt that argues that the current generation of young people is suffering from a mental health crisis due to their excessive use of technology. The book has been criticized for its lack of scientific evidence and its reliance on anecdotal evidence and generalizations.

Mental Health Crisis

A widespread increase in mental health problems, such as anxiety, depression, and suicide. This is a serious issue that affects people of all ages, and it is often linked to factors such as stress, trauma, and social isolation.

Algorithmic Feeds

The systems used by social media platforms to determine the order in which content is displayed to users. These algorithms are designed to personalize the user experience, but they can also lead to filter bubbles and echo chambers, which can limit exposure to diverse perspectives and information.


  • What is the main argument of this episode of "You're Wrong About"?

    The main argument of this episode is that the current moral panic surrounding technology and social media, particularly the anxieties about children's access to phones and the internet, are often misplaced and rooted in a desire for control rather than genuine concern for children's well-being.

  • How does Taylor Lorenz trace the history of moral panics surrounding new technologies?

    Taylor Lorenz traces the history of moral panics surrounding new technologies by highlighting the anxieties about landlines in the past and comparing them to the current anxieties about social media. She argues that these anxieties are often based on fear of the unknown and a desire to maintain control over social change.

  • What role do right-wing special interest groups play in fueling these anxieties?

    Right-wing special interest groups often use fear-mongering tactics to advance their own agendas, pushing for legislation that restricts children's access to the internet. They often frame these anxieties as a way to protect children from harmful content or influences, but their real motives may be more about controlling information and limiting dissent.

  • What are some of the positive aspects of technology that are often overlooked in these moral panics?

    Technology can connect people, provide access to information, and foster creativity. It can also be a source of comfort and support, especially for marginalized groups who may face challenges in accessing offline communities.

  • What are some of the underlying systemic problems that contribute to anxieties about technology?

    Underlying systemic problems such as economic inequality, political polarization, and social isolation can contribute to anxieties about technology. These problems create a sense of powerlessness and uncertainty, which can make people more susceptible to fear-mongering and scapegoating.

  • What are some ways to resist easy answers and focus on addressing these underlying problems?

    We can resist easy answers by engaging in critical thinking, challenging assumptions, and seeking out diverse perspectives. We can also focus on addressing the underlying systemic problems by advocating for policies that promote social justice, economic equality, and access to education and healthcare.

  • What is the role of the media in perpetuating moral panics?

    The media can play a significant role in perpetuating moral panics by sensationalizing stories, amplifying fear, and promoting simplistic narratives. This can lead to a distorted understanding of complex issues and can contribute to the spread of misinformation and prejudice.

  • What are some of the potential harms of restricting children's access to technology?

    Restricting children's access to technology can limit their opportunities for learning, creativity, and social connection. It can also create a digital divide, exacerbating existing inequalities and limiting access to information and resources.

  • What are some of the key takeaways from this episode?

    This episode highlights the importance of critical thinking, challenging assumptions, and seeking out diverse perspectives when it comes to technology. It also emphasizes the need to address the underlying systemic problems that contribute to anxieties about technology, rather than simply blaming technology itself.

Show Notes

Comments (4)


There's a lot of good discussion in this podcast, but I agree that it sidesteps the main causes for anti-phone concern: mental illness statistics over time and the attention economy. I don't think social media use can be evaluated without discussing those things.

Aug 28th


As the parent of a preteen/teen who tried to commit suicide due to social media messaging, etc…yeah….im immediately disappointed with this episode. Do either of you have kids? The uptick in mental health issues is kids is HUGE.

Aug 3rd

Ford Prefect

this was not a good episode, did you guys do any research at all?

Jun 26th

S. E. Wigget

Wow--I never heard of this Momo conspiracy before. Momo is the name of my new cat.😹

Jun 26th








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Phones Are Good, Actually with Taylor Lorenz

Phones Are Good, Actually with Taylor Lorenz

Sarah Marshall