Podcast 39: Ceri Edwards
Podcast 39: Ceri Edwards
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Back in Manorbier for Westival 2019, and a year on from the infamous ‘Whine Curve’ pod, this time Ceri Edwards joins stalwarts of the show, the two Craig’s.
Coming straight out a sunny beer garden at the Castle Inn, we talk all things Ceri in this one, from barge life to crafting handpans this man is a box of surprises!
Drawing on Ceri’s experience as a carer for his brother, the main focus of the show is the condition of Autism, it wouldn’t of course be a TOL episode without a few excursions into topics such as deep fake’s impact on celebrity culture, simulation theory and the Aztecs.
Hope you like what you hear, as ever feel free to get in touch with your feedback, we’re all ears as ever here at Bankwood Bear!
Podcast Stork – https://www.npr.org/2019/02/01/690656459/one-head-two-brains-how-the-brains-hemispheres-shape-the-world-we-see?t=1580045436473