DiscoverUPSC Podcast : The IAS Companion ( for UPSC aspirants )Polity EP 1 Important acts passed during the Company Rule in India | UPSC podcast | Laxmikanth
Polity EP 1 Important acts passed during the Company Rule in India | UPSC podcast | Laxmikanth

Polity EP 1 Important acts passed during the Company Rule in India | UPSC podcast | Laxmikanth

Update: 2023-07-10


In this episode of Polity, we explore the influential acts passed during the British rule in India, specifically focusing on seven important acts enacted during the Company Rule from 1773 to 1858. Beginning with the Act Regulating Act of 1773, which laid the foundation for central administration in India, we discover how it transformed the Governor of Bengal into the Governor-General, established the Supreme Court of Calcutta, and prohibited the company's servants from engaging in private trade. Moving forward, we encounter the Act of Settlement of 1781, which safeguarded the Governor-General and council from the Supreme Court's jurisdiction and empowered them to frame regulations for provincial courts.

In 1784, Pitt's India Act brought about a system of Double Government, with the Court of Directors overseeing commercial affairs and the Board of Control managing political affairs, signifying a shift in British government control. The Charter Act of 1793 extended the company's trade monopoly in India, clarified the Crown's sovereignty, and granted more powers to the Governor-General, including authority over the governors of Madras and Bombay. Furthermore, it introduced revenue courts, known as Maal Adalats.

The Charter Act of 1813 abolished the company's trade monopoly (except for tea and trade with China), allowed Christian missionaries in India, and authorized local governments to levy taxes. The Charter Act of 1833 designated the Governor-General of Bengal as the Governor-General of India, consolidating civil and military powers. It transformed the company into an administrative body, reducing its political influence. Finally, the Charter Act of 1853 separated the legislative and executive functions, established the Indian Legislative Council, introduced an open competition system for Indian Civil Services, and provided for local representation.

These seven acts were instrumental in shaping India's political and constitutional landscape. They established administrative structures, defined the powers of the Governor-General, laid the groundwork for British government control, and introduced crucial reforms. By understanding these acts, we gain valuable insights into India's historical journey towards independence and its subsequent political development.

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Polity EP 1 Important acts passed during the Company Rule in India | UPSC podcast | Laxmikanth

Polity EP 1 Important acts passed during the Company Rule in India | UPSC podcast | Laxmikanth

IAS Companion