DiscoverDhammagiri Buddhist PodcastsPower of Symbols | Tiratana | Taking Refuge in Triple Gem | Ajahn Dhammasiha
Power of Symbols | Tiratana | Taking Refuge in Triple Gem | Ajahn Dhammasiha

Power of Symbols | Tiratana | Taking Refuge in Triple Gem | Ajahn Dhammasiha

Update: 2024-02-20


One of the most eagerly anticipated fashion events of 2024 is going to take place during our Magha Puja Event at Dhammagiri 😉:

We're launching our free distribution Dhammagiri T-Shirt!

Ajahn Dhammasiha gives a little sneak preview of the shirt, and talks about the meaning of the Tiratana symbol that's printed on it.

The top of the symbol represents the Triple Gem of Buddha, Dhamma & Sangha.

Below that (the little triangular structures sticking out to the sides) is a 'Vajira', the Thunderbolt, a mythological weapon of Indra. It symbolizes the power of wisdom capable of destroying defilements like a flash of lightning.

Below that is an 8-petelled lotus. The lotus represents purity, the ability to raise our heart above the pollution of worldly attachements, and become beautiful, fragrant and pure.

The writing in Pali (language of the Buddha) says:

"Buddhaṃ, Dhammaṃ, Sanghaṃ Saraṇaṃ Gacchāmi!"

"I take refuge in the Buddha, Dhamma & Sangha!"

This short, simple statement is nevertheless very powerful. If we truly commit to the Triple Gem, we're also committing to:

  • Kindness, Generosity and Compassion

  • Virtue, in particular keeping the 5 Precepts

  • Calmness, Tranquility & Meditation

  • Awareness, Mindfulness, Wisdom, Insight, Knowledge, Understanding

Our Podcast is also available on our own Dhammagiri Website, no need for any special app, just listen in any browser:


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Power of Symbols | Tiratana | Taking Refuge in Triple Gem | Ajahn Dhammasiha

Power of Symbols | Tiratana | Taking Refuge in Triple Gem | Ajahn Dhammasiha

Dhammagiri Forest Hermitage