Preview: Episode 3 - The Haunting at the Moani Hotel - Part 1
The next time you stay at a hotel room in Hawaii, or anywhere else for that matter, especially if it’s an older hotel, you might want to consider that someone may have died in that very bed you’re sleeping in. Especially if it was a celebrity. Why do celebrities keep dying in hotels anyways? If I was a celebrity, I'd stay at an Airbnb instead. With the cleaning fees they charge, I would not want to die in an Airbnb. I might just maim myself a little. Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah, people die in hotel rooms all the time, whether by accident or on purpose, and sometimes, no matter how hard they try to clean up the remains, something may get left behind. Such was the case with Episode 3 of Paranormal Investigations Hawaii, The Haunting at the Moani Hotel.