Protect, Restore, and Empower with Haejin Shim Fujimura
Haejin Shim Fujimura describes her college years as rebellious. While searching for her life purpose she received a calling to raise funds and attend World Vision’s® 30 Hour Famine retreat. Haejin witnessed horrific images from the civil war in Sierra Leone, which left fifty thousand dead over eleven years. She wanted to help those terrorized, vulnerable and left behind. After college Haejin pursued her calling to become an advocate for the abused, enslaved, and those born into human trafficking.
Throughout law school Haejin’s intense, focused, and unwavering personality gave her the resolve to intern with the International Justice Mission. Haejin shared her lowest moment after she was betrayed, stolen from, and assaulted; this soon to be generational steward of justice was completely shattered. She then embarked on a journey of healing and forgiveness.
During Haejin’s first trip to India, she met children born into brothels, now she had the experience as a legal justice advocate to help. In 2018 Haejin with partners Nelli Kim, and Briana Johnson founded Embers International, to protect, restore, and empower victims of injustice with the goal of ending intergenerational exploitation, and prevent human trafficking.
Haejin started her law firm Shim and Associates in 2012, with the intension of leveraging the law to mend broken relationships, uphold core values, and provide a space for attorneys to express their true gifts, and be supported with a work, rest, life balance. I hope you enjoy this inspirational message from this fearless advocate fighting for human justice. We are thrilled and honored to welcome Haejin to this episode of Intrinsic Drive ® .
Ms. Shim has extensive experience litigating various civil lawsuits in both federal and state courts. She has represented e-commerce, software, manufacturing, insurance, real estate, hotel, restaurant, franchise, art management, design, beauty, automobile, and transportation companies, nonprofit organizations, and individuals in matters involving commercial litigation, breach of contract, partnership dispute, directors’ and officers’ liability, breach of duty, personal injury, subrogation, business formation, governance, and trademark. Her clients range from start-ups to publicly traded companies to nonprofit organizations.
Ms. Shim is actively involved in the legal industry and the local community. She has served on the Board of Directors of Embers International, Restore NYC, Goldenwood, Open Hands Legal Services, Inc., The Father's Heart Ministries, and Center for Public Justice. Ms. Shim is a frequent speaker at various community and legal organizations to encourage the youth and to promote professionalism.
Notably, Ms. Shim was a keynote speaker and lecturer of U.S. nonprofit law at the 2015 International Charity Conference, hosted by South Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare, National Council of NPOs Korea, and the National Assembly Forum on Advanced Culture of Philanthropy. Ms. Shim holds a B.A, from Barnard College at Columbia University, and J.D from the Brooklyn Law School.
Intrinsic Drive ® is produced by Ellen Strickler and Phil Wharton and Andrew Hollingworth is sound editor and engineer.